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.”I smile, knowing the surprise I have waiting for him.“That’s not what I mean.” He cocks an eyebrow at me and I kiss the bridge of his nose.“I mean I missed you.Ryan.My Ryan.Physically you’re here, but mentally?” I tap his forehead with my fingers.“You’ve been somewhere else.”“I’m sorry.”“It’s okay.I just wish I could do something to help with whatever it is that has you all in a tizzy.”“I’m not in a tizzy.”I blink up at him.“If you say so.”“Tizzies are for girls.I’m a manly man,” he says and holds his arms up.I grab onto his bicep, and he flexes at my touch.I shake my head and laugh.A suspicious grin passes across his face.He leans in and kisses me, then pulls back with all he has, dunking us both into the water.I don’t know how long we stay in the water, but by the time we make it back to shore, my fingers and toes are a pruney mess.Kaylee, Nate, and Brett are nowhere to be seen, which means Kaylee followed through with our plan and got them to go with her into town for ice cream and shopping.Nick slept the morning away and hasn’t been around all afternoon.I’d bet my nail polish collection he’s off with some girl.Now I just have to get Ryan back to the house and pray that he doesn’t shut me out again.He reaches down and grabs my towel wrapping it around me, and rubbing his hands up and down my arms.“Ready to head back to the house?” I ask, trying to conceal the excitement surging through me.There was no way he was going to be able to turn my surprise down.“It looks like everyone else went back.Why don’t we stay here for a little while longer? I’m enjoying it being just the two us.”I couldn’t bear to watch the hopeful look on his face dissolve, so I lift on tiptoes and kiss his cheek.“Sounds perfect.”If Kaylee sticks to the plan, her and the guys will be gone for at least a few hours.What was a few more minutes at the beach? Lately every second I spend with Ryan, my Ryan, seems like a fleeting moment.Even though I have our night planned out at the house, I’m perfectly content sitting in between his legs, his arms wrapped around me as he trails kisses down the length of my neck.“Have you talked to your Mom today?” he asks.I nod against his shoulder and moan when he nibbles at my earlobe.“How’s she doing?”“Good.”“Do you believe her?”I look up into his eyes.Though, it was a thought in the back of my mind it still rears its ugly head from time to time.“I want to.” I shrug.“I know.” He kisses my forehead and squeezes me tighter.“She’s been doing so good, but she did relapse in the beginning.”“You know I’m not your mom’s biggest fan, but that was one time.The withdrawal symptoms she had, I don’t know if I could really blame her either.”Most people wouldn’t have defended her.Justified her turning back to the bottle,.especially if they knew all she had put me through.But that’s why I love Ryan so much.He doesn’t say what I want to hear.He says what I need to hear.“I’ve blamed her for so much already,” I say and snuggle my head into the crook of his neck.“And she deserved that blame.She didn’t exactly make it easy for you.”“No, she didn’t.” I peek up at him and rest my hand on his cheek urging his eyes to mine.“She made things absolute shit, but I survived.You know why.” I dragged my finger down his jaw and back up.He kissed my nose.“Why?”“Because you always said the right thing and knew when words wouldn’t fix it.Then you would just hold me.Let me cry.No matter how much snot I got all over your shirt, you never let me go.”“Your boobs were pressed against me, so of course I wasn’t letting go,” he says and I tweak his nipple.A squeal slips from his mouth, and we both laugh.That’s the other thing about Ry.When things get heavy, he always manages to bring back the light.“You are so going to get it,” he says and tosses me under him.My back against the sand, the sound of the waves crashing behind us and Ryan hovering mere inches above me, I momentarily forget we are on a public beach.I wrap my hand around his neck and erase the distance between us.His lips sync with mine the instant they touch and every nerve ending in my body comes to life.I arch into him, and his hand finds my hip, swallowing it in his grasp.His fingers massage into me, squeezing tight and pulling me close.“Get a room!”It takes a moment for my mind to register, but once it does I can feel the blush spreading up my chest into my cheeks.I cover my eyes and bury myself into Ryan’s chest.A laugh rumbles up his stomach, and my head bounces against him.“How embarrassing!” I say, but I doubt he hears me over his laughing fit.“Keep laughing.” I go to roll away and he pulls me against him.“I’m going to need a minute to cool down.”“There’s iced tea at the house,” I say and he shakes his head.“I don’t mean temperature wise [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]