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.She didn’t have the cash to be able to pay them to protect her.Tristan’s fingers stopped massaging her muscles since they had loosened up, but instead of moving away he stroked a hand over her head and down her messy hair.Then he lifted her and the chair she was sitting in away from the table, bent down, pushed an arm beneath her knees and the other around her shoulders, and lifted her up, and she gasped in surprise.“What are you doing?” she asked in an almost breathless whisper and cursed at how dreamy her voice had sounded.Her throat was a little sore, and she hadn’t meant to sound like she was trying to entice him, but that’s what it had sounded like to her.She just hoped it didn’t sound like that to him.He smiled down at her and winked before he took her seat and lowered her onto his lap.“Just getting comfortable, baby.Trent, pass over her glass of juice.You have a sore throat don’t you, Sab?”“Yeah.Thanks,” she said to Trent as he passed the glass to her.Sabrina picked it up and sipped a couple of times before placing it back on the table.“Who is coming after you, Sabrina, and why?” Trick asked, and from the look on his face he wasn’t about to let her put off answering any longer.Sabrina decided the least she could do was to tell them why she was running.They had been so kind to her, and giving them information was the right thing to do.If the man or men after her found her, at least they would know what they were up against.“I was Personal Assistant to Harvey Noble of Integrated Computers and Software.” She paused to lick her lips and take another sip of her juice.“I accidentally opened an e-mail of his instead of forwarding it to his in-box like I had been requested to do.The information I read in that e-mail scared the hell out of me, and I was pretty sure Harvey hadn’t seen me open his mail, but I couldn’t be sure.He was walking past my desk when I’d read that mail, but when I looked up he didn’t seem to be taking any notice of me.I marked that e-mail as unread and then forwarded it to him.I was lucky because it was time to knock off so I shut down my computer and left.”She took another deep breath and released it slowly, trying to circumvent the trembles that started in her belly.Tristan’s arm wrapped around her waist and hugged her tight as if he were trying to offer her comfort and the strength to continue.She appreciated that because it had been so long since she’d felt another human being hugging her.The warmth from his body permeated hers, and she shifted slightly before continuing.“I had to go back to the office a couple of hours later when I realized I’d left my cell phone in the desk drawer.I felt a little lost without it and didn’t want to wait until the next morning before having it in my possession again.“I didn’t think anyone would be there since it was after office hours, but when I saw the light on in Harvey’s office I quietly moved toward the door.He was on the phone to someone and when I realized what he was saying I knew he’d seen me open and read that e-mail.”Trent reached over and took her hand in his.She hadn’t even noticed that her hands were fisted until he straightened her fingers out and laced their fingers together.She squeezed his hand like a lifeline when things felt so out of her control.“What was he saying, Sabrina?” Trick asked.Sabrina told them about the threats she overheard, and how she had destroyed her cell phone and run away with only the cash she could withdraw from the ATM.“I went back to my car, drove to a secondhand car sales lot, sold it for cash, and hopped on the next bus out of Fort Collins.”“Did you plan your route?” Trent asked.Sab shook her head.“I didn’t care where I was going, just that it was away from my hometown.I purchased a couple of changes of clothes along the way and was lucky enough to be able to shower at the bus stations each day before getting on the next bus.“I should have asked the drivers or the ticket sellers where the buses were going, but it didn’t seem to matter.That was until I arrived here and found out there wasn’t another bus for a week [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]