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.The four removed their snow boots and goggles as they entered and explored inside.Terri removed her heavy jacket and hung it on a coat stand before indicating to Chad to do the same.Penny lost no time pulling Bobby toward her bedroom, leaving her alone with Chad.“Can I get you something to drink?” Terri asked as she walked toward the kitchen.“No, I don’t think we will stay too long.““Really.” Terri motioned toward Penny’s bedroom, as she imagined clothes were being stripped off as she talked.Chad laughed.“Well, we will see.”Terri joined him.“Well, how do you like the place?”“It’s larger than our condo, but we’re able to ski in and ski out from ours.I do like this large fireplace.We might have to build a big fire in it one night.”“You’re more than welcome to build one.I think it would be great.” Terri snuggled closer as the cool air in the condo made her shiver.Terri gave him every indication she was receptive to any advances, but knew he had reservations.She reached for his hand and gave him a small squeeze.With his free hand, he reached for the small lamp on the side table and clicked it off.The hallway light leading to the bedrooms provided the only remaining light.The resulting mood increased her desire to push past her own doubts.He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it.He held her hand as if it were delicate and would break if he moved too fast.He lowered her hand to where it rested on his leg before releasing it and raised his arm to place over her head and to pull her tighter to him.Her bulky sweater made her uncomfortable.“Please let me take this off.It’s getting hot in here,” she lied as the cool breeze whipped across her head.Nevertheless, she leaned forward and removed the heavy sweater.She smiled as he did the same.A thin turtleneck shell provided her a much easier mobility.He wore a thermal sweat.He had to be hot in it.As she settled back into his arms, she became immediately aware of his body, so nice, so buff.The word buff stuck in her thoughts as she waited on him to make a move.With her hand on his leg again, she gently massaged.It worked as he shifted his weight, turning in her direction.He raised a hand to cup her chin as his eyes focused on her face, gently exploring one feature after another.His breath registered in warm waves as he remained content to hover within inches of her lips.She waited long enough as she closed the gap and her lips melted into his.Hidden memories reemerged of previous nights.She sucked on his upper lip as his hand slid along her face and caressed her neck before drifting lower to find the edge of her shell.She returned to a full kiss, opening her mouth wider to allow him to explore her mouth with his tongue.It felt rigid and smooth, much the way she imagined his cock to be.A small spasm worked along her spine.She arched her back, hoping for some relief.His finger worked under her shell and explored lower as her nipples tingled.She never remembered a guy this young being so slow, so patient with her.Most guys wanted to jump her bones and leave as soon as they finished, which wasn’t long at all.Her fingers slid along his leg, finding their way to his cock.As expected, he already had a hard-on.With his heavy pants on, she couldn’t wrap around him, but knew he had to enjoy her pressure on it.She rubbed her fingers up and down along the area where his cock was.Her memory of waking up with her hand around it the last time they were together replayed in her mind.She felt sure they had made love the first time, but she still could not vividly recall the details.This time would be different.His fingers reached the top of her bra and inched around, looking for an easy way under.She wasn’t going to stop him, and she was going to break.He could apply more pressure.She definitely added more pressure to his cock.She bit softly on his tongue and moaned.His finger worked under and teased her nipple.She groaned louder.She raised her hand to explore for a belt.Everything appeared too complicated.He would have to help her if he wanted her to feel him flesh on flesh.She tried again, hoping to find a zipper.Yes, she smiled and sucked on his tongue as she found it.His hand managed to cup her breast as her heart fluttered.She worked on the zipper.She wanted to hold his cock.She wanted him.And, she hated to admit, she needed him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]