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.That’s a nice offer.” Drew grew quiet.“I’d feel uncomfortable.”“Please.It’s just a small reception next Friday night.I hoped you could stop by for a few minutes.For me? My parents really want to meet you.”“Jordan, you’ve done the work.I just helped you to understand and organize.You’ve rewarded me enough with your grades.And just being you.Besides, I haven’t been injured in some time.”Jordan frowned.“I’m so sorry.”“Jordan, it was an accident.”“I’m realistic about my abilities.I’ve been told too many times that I’m not as smart as my older brother.I really want my parents to meet my best friend.” Jordan took Drew’s hand and pulled it against her chest.*Drew could feel Jordan’s heart racing beneath her hand as well as the curve of a full, soft breast.She had drawn a line that she could not and would not cross.This was not helping.She knew her own heartbeat was increasing.“Jordan, thank you, but I really can’t.”Jordan squeezed Drew’s hand.“It would be even more awkward if you didn’t come.Please.My parents want to meet you.”I doubt they would feel that way if they knew I was gay.If I don’t pull my hand away from her breast, she may soon find a reason to not speak to me anymore.She leaned away and patted Jordan’s knee.“They’ve been very generous.Let me think about it.” She needed to physically move away.Her emotions were in turmoil.Jordan’s hand and breast felt too good.Jordan squeezed Drew’s hand briefly and then awkwardly tried to get up out of her lawn chair.The chair tilted.Drew tried to prevent the fall, but her own lawn chair tilted.Jordan’s weight shifted and she landed on Drew.Drew’s reflexes were not fast enough to balance herself, much less Jordan and the glass of tea.The iced tea slipped out of her hand and fell against the chair, breaking into large shards.The chair finally toppled over with Jordan landing firmly planted on her chest.The wind knocked out of her, Drew wanted to stay on the ground if not for the sharp pain in her calf.Security immediately rushed to assure Jordan was unharmed.Jordan was turning red, sitting on top of Drew.She allowed them to help her.Drew was taking deep breaths, convinced that her chest was shattered.Once she was breathing easily, she checked her leg.“I’m fine,” Drew said.She saw the red line of blood streaming down her leg.I knew I shouldn’t have worn shorts.“Just get me something clean to wrap around my leg.”Mark was quickly by her side.“Is there a doctor in the house?”“Smart, you turkey.Now help me up.” With Mark’s help, she was able to get up and limp out to their car, Jordan following close by.“I’m so sorry.” Tears joined her apology.“You must think I intentionally do this.Let me go with you.I’m so sorry.“Mark helped Drew into her Explorer.“I’ll be fine.You still have guests.Besides, you’re looking a little pale.I think you need to sit down.” She hugged Jordan and promised to call later.That’s one way to pull my emotions back into check.She kept the cloth firmly planted on her leg.“I saw you holding hands with Jordan.Are you sure she’s straight?” Mark slid into the driver’s seat and started the car.“Would you be the First Girlfriend? Hmmm.Is that how this happened?” He pointed to the injured leg wrapped in a bloodstained cloth.“I guess I would give new meaning to First Lady.Maybe it would be First Dyke.I can’t believe I fell on that damn piece of glass.Shit, I’m glad I won’t be doing much more tutoring.I’ll look like a zipper.” And I can avoid any more episodes like today.*The remainder of the week, Drew struggled with Jordan’s invitation.“I can’t go,” she told Mark.“Why?”“First, it’s the First Family.Second, I’d feel very uncomfortable.I’m not into these political social affairs.Third, the invitation indicates it’s dress up, and all I have are jeans.”“Sweetie, we don’t have to stay long.Besides, I’ll have you looking good enough to eat.”“I don’t even want to think about that.I’d probably look like a tossed salad.”Mark spent most of the week coordinating their clothing and forcing Drew to buy something other than jeans.He dragged her to several stores before he finally found the perfect outfit.“I’ve never tried on this many clothes.Ever! No wonder I wear jeans.Do people really do this? I’m not going to be able to afford to eat for a month.”“Yes, only not everybody is as easy to fit as you.And trust me, we haven’t spent that much.”“Remind me to never get dressed for something more formal.”“Honey, you look gorgeous.That pale yellow silk shirt emphasizes your tan and the highlights in your dark hair.” Mark’s comments about her were discomfiting.“And with a body like yours, you should wear more form-fitting clothes.Those tuxedo trousers, that fitted shirt, and this gold necklace.Honey, if I weren’t already in love, I would fall in love with you.”The entire drive over Mark was relentless.“Enough.This must be what cattle feel like at auction with the auctioneer hyping their physical attributes.”“But I’m not going to buy you and eat you.”Drew groaned.Only the flow of people walking up the drive kept her from retreating.She hated the new shoes, even if they were called boots.“There’s more leather in my roping gloves than in these things,” she said, pointing to her feet.“And this shirt feels funny.It doesn’t have snaps.The pants—”“Quit complaining.You look hot.”“Yeah, right.Like a prized steer.Don’t blame me if I start mooing.Maybe my stitches will set off the metal detector.I thought this was supposed to be a small gathering.Looks like there are more people here than most towns in Wyoming.”Mark rolled his eyes and just kept them moving forward.Security was heavy, and media was not allowed to get close to the ballroom.“You probably have more metal in your whole body than in your leg.Now come on.I want to meet the president and I don’t care how many people are here.David wants all the details.Besides, I’ve never been in this hotel.”They were escorted into a large well-lit room.Drew couldn’t ever remember seeing so many well-dressed people.Men in tuxedoes and dark business suits.Women in various dress, some in evening dress.She definitely felt out of place.The First Family was nowhere in sight.She reached for a drink.“I didn’t think you drank.Come on, we better get you something to eat.” Mark led her to the food table and stuffed food down her, prohibiting her from accepting another drink until she had eaten.“You’d think you were meeting your prospective in-laws.”She discreetly stepped on his foot.“I assure you, I would be their last candidate.I’m not sure which would be more objectionable: being gay or being a Hamilton.”“What a dilemma!” Mark said.“The dilemma, my friend, is how you are going to get home when I leave here in five minutes in my car.I’m like a cow in the hen house.”“Don’t you mean a fox?”“No, a cow.Definitely stands out and would have trouble even fitting in the hen house.Are you leaving with me?”“But the president isn’t here yet.”Drew jabbed Mark in the ribs.“Ow.I bruise easily.”Drew heard the talking die down.She turned and saw a mass of Secret Service agents entering followed by the President and the First Lady.Drew actually expected “Hail to the Chief” to be playing.Behind them were the governor and his wife, and the president of the university and his wife [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]