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.She also couldn't help but wonder how good a kisser Wyatt was.Probably better now that Allyssa had broken him in."You're no fun," Allyssa said."That's too bad.My boy's head might explode if you keep it up."This time neither Mandy nor Allyssa could keep their laughter quiet."Really now, ladies!" Ms.Sanchez whisper-shouted, bringing out embarrassed apologies from both of them.Kareem and Wyatt had their math books out and were getting a start on their homework, both chuckling into their hands at how mortified she and Allyssa were for being reprimanded, though she had no doubt they'd be the same way if the tables were turned.Mandy put her tickets into her purse, while Allyssa took out her Economics text.She leaned over to Mandy and whispered, "If I have a chance, I'll hop on the con's website and make a list of things you should check out.But if I can't, there's no worries.These two will know what to show you.""Yeah," Kareem said in a mock whisper."These two know what's up."WYATTAs Wyatt and Kareem walked across campus on nutrition break, Alex came up to them.Neither Mandy nor Luci were around, which was unusual.More often than not, they'd see the three of them, and Luci and Kareem would peel off to spend break together.But not today.What was this about?"What's up, buddies?" Alex gave them each a fist bump."Dudes, congrats on getting a couple of hotties.Didn't think you guys had it in you."He and Kareem gave each other a look, but didn't say anything."It's cool you guys are taking Mandy to that comic book thing.Gets her out of my hair for the weekend.You know what I mean? You will soon enough, I assure you." He laughed and slapped them each on the shoulder."Anyway, I don't get her fascination with all the geek stuff, but if she wants a silly little hobby, who am I to say no?""Heh, yeah," Kareem said.If it had been anyone but Alex, Kareem would have had a lot more than that to say about that comment."Now," Alex said, "I expect you guys to look out for her.I've heard how handsy some nerds are at these things.I trust you two, but not any of the other geeks." He gave a little shrug of his shoulders."Of course, I'd hate to have to tell the Pigs you let me down.But that's not going to happen, so we have nothing to worry about, right?""No," Wyatt forced out."Excellent.I knew I could count on you guys." He pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to them.It was a $20 bill, which Kareem took."Pick something geeky out for her, something she'll like.Tell her it's from me.Maybe put a spin on that I researched it and told you what to buy.Cool?""Yeah, we can do that," Kareem said.He gave them one of his winning smiles.It impressed Wyatt.He knew it was fake, but it looked genuine."You're my buds.See you." He patted their shoulders again and walked away.They watched him go, and then headed off, careful to make sure everyone was out of earshot before they talked."Wow, that was something," Kareem said."Mandy was right.He has changed.""Yeah, he's always been respectful towards us in the past, but there was no respect there.""All passive-aggression," Wyatt said."We better do everything he says, though.I don't doubt for a second he really would send the Pigs after us." They happened to be passing the senior quad and looked over to the far side to see a couple of underclassmen being harassed by the Pigs, their only crime likely walking near the monsters."I never want to be caught too close to them.""You and me both.Should be easy enough, though.Find some sort of $20 gift and tell her Alex picked it out.And we let her handle anyone who gets grabby.She can probably kick the crap out of most people in attendance anyway.""Good plan." He looked up ahead and saw Allyssa by the math building.He actually wished she could go instead of Mandy this weekend, a feeling he never thought he'd have.Kareem always told him Allyssa was perfect for him, but his Mandy-blinders never allowed him to see it.Now he did, and he couldn't be happier.CHAPTER THIRTEENMANDYMandy practically skipped from the locker room towards the parking lot to meet Wyatt and Kareem.That had been the longest day of school she could remember, but it was over now.Next stop, the comic-con! It had actually started that morning, but all of their parents had nixed the idea of them skipping school to attend since it would be going on until late that night, not to mention all weekend.She expected Alex to pitch a fit when she told him she wouldn't be at the game tonight, but he was very understanding.He gave her a big hug and kiss, both of which she savored, and told her to have a "geektastic time." The twinkle in his eyes proved he was only teasing, and really hoped she'd have fun.It was the closest to her old Alex as she'd seen in a long time, and that thrilled her more than the hug and kiss.They still needed to have that serious talk she'd been putting off for far too long, but if he was going to act like this, maybe it would turn out better than she hoped."Nice shirt," a boy she didn't recognize, probably a freshman or sophomore, said as she passed him."Thanks." It was one of her Mister Incognito t-shirts, with her absolute favorite silly saying from the show, "Don't paradox me, bro," and the show's logo underneath.She'd never worn it, or any of her other Mister Incognito shirts, to school before, and she couldn't believe the number of positive reactions it garnered.She'd definitely have to wear others sometime.She got to the parking lot at the same time as Wyatt and Kareem.Wyatt wore a blue Doctor Who t-shirt with a small drawing of the TARDIS and the saying, "Wibbly-wobbly timey-whimey." She loved it! So far, she'd finished the ninth doctor's season, and was currently in the middle of Ten's season with Rose Tyler.Kareem wore a dark green shirt with an outline of a knight and the single word, "Nee," underneath, all in yellow.She noticed in fifth period it also said, "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," on the back.Thanks to Mr.Yong showing that movie a couple of weeks ago, she actually knew what the shirt was referencing without the help.Wyatt saw her and gave a big smile and wave.When she got closer, Kareem said, "Very cool.We figured we'd have to wait a few minutes.""I asked Ms.Phelps if I could sit out of running today.First time in four years, so she let me with no questions asked.I even finished most of my math homework.""Nice," both guys said with the same appreciative tone.She couldn't help but smile at that.They got to Kareem's dark blue Toyota Corolla, which had seen better days.From what she understood, it had been his brother's first car, and it had been old then.But it ran, which was all that could be asked [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]