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.More time with his boyfriend was great.More time with his Dom….Yeah, it was going to be a long night.Seventeen“KADE,” JAKE grumbled, tugging on his shoulder again.Kade was still sore from the previous night, but it was a good kind of sore.He just wished Jake would stop aggravating the mostly healed welts.Sir had given him five strikes of the cane before taking him fast and hard, and then held him all night as he slept.He’d sucked and licked Sir until he came that morning before breakfast.Jake snapped, “Seriously, Kade.” Pulling himself out of the happy memories, he paid attention better as Jake continued to speak.“I said I’d help you get ready for this gala thing you’re going to, but I can’t if you won’t be still.”Kade apologized.“Sorry, I… I’m just really nervous.” He looked down at his stupid sleeve again, irritated he couldn’t get the cuff link in right—of course, it might help if he’d been more mindful of what he was doing.“Stop that.” Jake swatted Kade’s hand away and fixed it for him.“There, that looks better.” He paused, looking around Kade’s bedroom before picking up Kade’s jacket and holding it out for Kade to slip on.“Now we just need to get this on you, and you’ll be all set.”“Thank you.This shouldn’t be so nerve-wracking.I mean, I was going already, it’s just that Deacon’s taking me instead and….”“And you want to look good and make him happy, but you’re scared.” Jake leaned down and hugged Kade, careful not to mess up the tuxedo.“What I don’t get is why you think he won’t be happy.You said you had a great time when he took you shopping a couple of weeks ago.You know, when he got you that trinket on your wrist.” Jake pulled Kade’s sleeve up to look at the bracelet again.“Seriously, that’s a cool way to put a cuff on you but have it not stand out to your patients and friends not in the life.”“It was, and I love it.But I also remember how irritated Gary would get the few times I took him to things like this.He wanted to go to the big events I attended, but he hated that I couldn’t do certain things as fast as he wanted or that I took longer to get ready and then get out and into my chair to finally go in.And that doesn’t even get into how he would act about things like me not being able to dance.” The sigh that slipped out annoyed him almost as much as the issue.“You do know Deacon isn’t Gary, right? I mean, the man I met?” Jake shook his head and frowned.“He doesn’t need you to get into rich events like tonight.He doesn’t have to settle for someone if he’s not interested.And your chair? I think the problem is you didn’t have the right people around you enough.It’s an accessory, not the fundamental definition of who you are.”Kade rolled his eyes at how Jake described things.“Seriously, you just compared my chair to jewelry or a scarf or something?” He wasn’t sure whether Jake was nuts or delusional, but whatever he was, Kade didn’t believe he had a clue about how things worked for someone in a chair.“You know you’re crazy, right?”Jake laughed and nodded.“Oh, I know.Sam tells me all the time, but in this case, I’m also right.I don’t mean your chair isn’t important for you to get around, but that it isn’t who you are.I know this.Deacon knows it too.Now, let’s finish getting you ready and off to the ball, princess.”He swatted Jake on the hip as he danced away and laughed.“Not a princess, brat.” Kade slipped on his tuxedo jacket, and then sat back.Once he had everything just right—Jake fidgeting with Kade’s tie, again—Jake walked with him to the living room to wait for Deacon.Kade had offered to drive, but Deacon insisted he would have a car brought around instead.“Truly,” Kade said as Jake gathered his things to leave.“Thanks for everything.I did hear what you said earlier, and I know at least part is true, but I still don’t know what he sees in me.I’m just happy for whatever it is, as I want this to work out.”“You sound like I did when I first got with Sam.There was so much shit going on in my life at the time, I had a lot of trouble trusting in him.I’m just glad he’s a stubborn ass and wouldn’t let me run very far.I have a feeling your Sir is like Sam in this case.” Jake peeked out the window and grinned.“Now, smile.The car’s here, and Deacon’s on his way up the walk.Damn, that man is fine.”“Hey, no drooling over my boyfriend,” Kade groused, but failed to manage the scowl he attempted.“Oh, puh-lese.I’ve got a hot man waiting for me at home.Still, though, no harm in admiring, right?” Jake winked.The knock on the door interrupted Kade’s retort, and when Jake opened it, Kade lost the ability to speak for a moment.Deacon looked amazing in his polished gray tuxedo with a teal Euro vest and tie.“Hello, Jake.Kade,” he said, as he looked Kade over, then nodded.“H-hello.”“You look wonderful.” Deacon gently pressed his lips to Kade’s.“Ready to go?”“Yeah, um, I have everything.” Kade turned to Jake again and beamed.“And thanks so much for the help.”“Have fun, guys.” Jake left then, and moments later Deacon stood beside the limo as Kade transferred himself inside.The driver took his chair, and then Deacon slid in beside Kade.“You didn’t have to go to all this trouble.”Deacon draped one arm over Kade’s shoulder, pulling him against his side, and squeezed lightly.“I never drink and drive, and I want us to be able to have champagne or wine if we choose.Also, you deserve the best, and I have every intention of making sure you get it.”Deciding not to argue, Kade leaned back and enjoyed the ride.The Children’s Hospital wasn’t all that far, and it was a nice clear evening.He hoped the gala wasn’t too boring.He had a clown nose in his pocket to put on once they arrived—the invitation said black tie, but also mentioned adding something silly and child-like to the attire [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]