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.She screamed as she climaxed time and time again.He pistoned his cock in and out, over and over.Heheard Lord Rollan laugh, urging Orion on.It seemed to last forever, the room spinning around him, with him and thewoman at the core.More laughter filled his hearing, echoing loudly.Laughter and music and the smell of sex and mead, and sweet adlevyne.He inhaled deeply, filled his lungs with the heady smoke as he fucked the woman beneath him.He looked up into Rollan's eyes.The noble's face was split by a huge grin.The pipe rested between his thick lips as henodded his approval."That's the way, Birdwalker.Show her what a birdman can do for her."His climax surged, speeding through him, pulsing all around him and he cried out as he pumped his seed into thewrithing woman beneath him.He remembered little of what occurred after that.Someone stuck a pipe between his lips and he sucked in the sweet,heady smoke.The room spun faster.What seemed like hoards of women descended upon him after that.Women whotouched and kissed him, stroked his wings and his cock, fucked him, used him.And he was unable to stop any of it.AndRollan's voice egging them all on."You're mine now, Birdwalker.All mine." So similar to the words his own lord had spoken so many months ago.But there was a bitter crudeness to the words of this man.file://I:\Téléchargements\Adrianna Dane - Captivity.html14/01/2009CaptivityPage 65 sur 74The next thing Orion remembered even remotely clearly was an arm wrapped around Gill's shoulder as Rollan's servantdragged Orion up the steps to the main part of the house.He squinted and looked out a window to see the first wisps ofdawn just beginning to lighten the sky.A long time later, Gill flopped the drugged birdman onto Orion's bed.Orion tried to focus as Gill held something up infront of him.It was a small amber vial.He shook Orion's shoulder."Look at me, Birdwalker.This is important."Orion slitted his eyes open just enough to see what Gill was holding in his hand."Yes, all right." The words came out slurred."This is what you'll use in the morning when Serratin's tray is delivered.You understand?"Orion nodded.His head felt like someone had taken an ax to it, and he winced."Talk to me.Tell me you understand what this is for.""All right.I-I understand.Put it in Master's food."Gill smiled."That's right.You put it in his food.Then we'll take care of the rest." Gill put the vial into the palm of Orion's hand and closed his fingers around it."Pleasant dreams, Birdwalker."And then Orion was alone.It was quiet in the room, the first quiet he'd had in hours.His body ached, his eyes and throat burned.He didn't want to think about what had taken place in the last few hours.It all blurred together in his mind.His hand wrapped around the small vial.By the stars, what had he done?file://I:\Téléchargements\Adrianna Dane - Captivity.html14/01/2009CaptivityPage 66 sur 74Chapter 16: What Price Loyalty?Two hours later Orion leaned back against the door of his room, heart pounding, head splitting.Leaving his room hadbeen a huge risk, but he'd done what he must to try to protect his master.Now if only it was enough.At least at that hour of the morning no one had seen him slinking along the halls unescorted."Orion!"Orion stiffened at the sound of Lord Serratin's voice.Quickly, he threw off the cloak he had borrowed from Master'scloset and then hurried into Lord Serratin's room.The master was just rising from the bed."Where have you been? I've been calling you for ten minutes." He turned away from Orion."Never mind.It's going to be a long, difficult session today.I must be in top form.See to my breakfast.I don't have a lot of time this morning."Orion helped the master with his robe.A knock on the door signaled the arrival of Serratin's breakfast.The guard whostood outside the door, who also acted as tester, sampled the food on the tray.He nodded and the tray was brought intoSerratin's room by a house servant and set on the table.Orion's heart pounded as he looked down at the tray.This was when Orion was supposed to add the drug.Because healone was the slave whom Master trusted--even with his life.Which is why Rollan needed him.Orion felt for the vial nestled into the pocket of his pants.It would stay there.But what he did need to do was find a way into the conference session.Today it was crucial he attend Serratin--at all times.If anyone made an attempt on Serratin's life, he wanted to be there.He had to protect his master.He turned to the closet and laid out Serratin's clothing for the day.The master came back into the room after his shower.Orion looked at the fine, proud man he served.Whateverhappened, Orion could not betray him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]