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.As usual, there were many flowers in the Valley, but who eats carnations or calla lilies?The rumors spread: merchants were hoarding what little food there was.Into Mexico City marched General Obregon, whose first act was to make the shopkeepers sweep the city streets, to put them to shame.He emptied their shops and reopened communications so supplies could flow into the famished capital.This was all rumor.Just to be on the safe side, Doña Leticia.slept with a dagger under her pillow.Photographic images of the Revolution appeared in the newspapers and magazines Don Fernando consumed by the cartload: the dictator Porfirio Díaz was an ancient man with a square face, Indian cheek bones, white mustache, and a chest covered with medals saying farewell to the cowntry (as he pronounced it) from the German steamship Ipiranga, sailing from Veracruz; Madero was a tiny man, bald, with black beard and mustache, dreamy eyes astonished by his triumph in bringing down the tyrant; those eyes announced his own sacrifice at the hands of the sinister General Victoriano Huerta, an executioner with a head like a skull, black sunglasses, and a mouth like that of a serpent, with no lips; Venustiano Carranza was an old man with a white heard and blue sunglasses, whose vocation was to be the national paterhe; Obregon was a brilliant young general with blue eyes and haughty mustache, whose arm was shot off during the battle of Celaya; Emiliano Zapata was a man of silence and mystery, as if a ghost manifesting himself for only a short time: Laura became fascinated with the enormous, ardent eyes of this gentleman, whom newspapers referred to as “Attila of the South,” in the same way they called Pancho Villa “Centaur of the North.” Laura had never seen a single photo of Pancho Villa in which he wasn’t smiling, showing his white teeth like corn kernels and his little slits of eyes that made him look like an astute Chinese.Above all, Laura remembered being under the mattress and the scattered shots in the streets below, now that she was staring at herself in the mirror, so straight and tall, “such a cutie pie,” as her mother said, making ready to go to her first formal dance.“Are you sure I should go, Mama?”“Laura, for God’s sake, what can you be thinking about?”“About Papa.”“Don’t worry about him.You know I’ll be taking care of him.”It began with the slightest of pains in his knee, to which Don Fernando paid no special attention.Leticia rubbed on some Sloane’s Liniment when the pain extended the length of his leg to his waist, but soon her husband complained that he was having difficulty walking and that his arms were numb.One morning he fell to the floor trying to get out of bed, and the doctors had no difficulty in diagnosing a diplegia that would affect his legs first and more intensely than his arms.“Can it be cured?”The doctors shook their heads.“How long will it last?”“It may last the rest of your life, Don Fernando.”“What about my brain?”“No effect.You’re fine.You’ll need help moving, that’s all.”This was why the family was thankful the house was on only one level, and María de la O offered to travel to Xalapa and be her brother-in-law’s nurse, to take care of him, to push him to the bank in a wheelchair.“Your grandfather’s well taken care of in Catemaco by your Aunts Hilda and Virginia.We talked it over and agreed that I’d come to help your mama.”“What does Papa always say in English? It never rains but it pours or something like that? In other words, the thunderstorm is upon us, Auntie.”“Go on, Laura.Just one thing.Don’t try to defend me if someone mistreats me.You’ll just make trouble for yourself.The important thing is to take care of your father and let my sister Leticia tend to the house.”“Why are you doing this?”“I owe your father as much as I owe your grandmother, who had me come live with all of you.One day I’ll tell you about it.”The double care that fell on the house, added to their mourning for Santiago, did not terrify Doña Leticia.She simply became thinner and more active.But her hair began to turn gray and the lines of her beautiful Rhenish profile slowly but surely covered with extremely fine wrinkles, like the cobwebs that covered sickly coffee bushes.“You have to go to the ball.Don’t even think about it.Nothing is going to happen to your father or to me.”“Swear that if something happens you’ll send someone for me.”“For heaven’s sake, child.San Cayetano is forty minutes away from here.Besides, it isn’t as if you were all alone and helpless.Elizabeth and her mama will be with you.Remember, no one can say anything about you … if something were to happen, I’d send Zampaya with the landau.”Elizabeth looked divine, so blond and beautifully shaped as she was at the age of sixteen, although she was shorter and plumper than Laura [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]