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.My stomach was twisting and butterflies were fluttering around in my belly.This was Gage's moment.I had to relax, for him.Let him enjoy this.Grabbing his hand I said, "Love you.I'm so proud of you."Gage smiled down at me.'Love you too, babe."".New York Jets select Gage Tucker, quarterback.Ohio State University."The room erupted in cheers as a camera was thrust in our faces and Gage leaned over to kiss me.And hard.And good.On camera, where everyone in America, ok maybe not everyone but all those who were watching, could see.Gage turned from me to hug his mom who was in tears, his dad, Dylan, my parents, Tyler and Sadie, then Jinx.He went to hug Trent but their bromance won out and Trent kissed him, a loud slobbery smack on the cheek.Trent and Gage shared a brief man-hug before he came back to me one more time and lifted me, actually lifted my chubby butt from the chair and twirled me around.I had never seen Gage so happy.I couldn't help but giggle as all those around us cheered.Standing me back on my feet I leaned up and kissed him again before he made his way to the stage.He walked past some guy who handed him a Jets hat then continued on to his spot center stage.He took the jersey and held it in front of him for picture after picture.Finally we all made our way onto the stage.I made sure to stay tucked behind Dylan until I was next to Gage and grabbed for his jersey, pulling it in front of my belly.We posed for more pictures, they seemed endless.Finally after the madness ensued I ducked behind Dylan again as we made our way off the stage and back to our seats to watch Tyler, Trent, and Jinx.After a few other picks Jinx was called for the Green Bay Packers and Trent went to the New Orleans Saints.I was sad to see them go so far away from where I would be, but I was happy they would be doing what they loved.I was still hugging Trent as he sat down after his pick when he leaned into my ear whispering, "Thank you J.No matter what your special to me and I love you.I'm so glad you’re here tonight, I wouldn't want anyone else.Even if you’re not my date just having you by my side is enough."I leaned back to see Trent was being serious and I said, "Trent, you are extremely special to me.I don't know what I would have done these past few years without you.I have some awesome memories thanks to you." I kissed his cheek and leaned into him again saying, "Love you."My voice trailed off as I heard another name being announced, "The San Diego Chargers pick Larkin Nayler, wide receiver.Ohio State University."My head slowly turned as I saw Larkin's face flashing on the large screen.Trent had heard too and had his hand on my shoulder."J, you need to breathe.Just breathe."I struggled a breath before I saw Larkin grabbing his brunette babe's head and kissing her or should I say molesting her face.Did they forget they were on national television? I couldn't pry my eyes from the screen and soon Jinx was pulling Larkin away to hug him.I'm not sure what Jinx said to Larkin but when Jinx pulled back Larkin's face paled.Before it was noticeable to most he had his smile back in place and was walking down the aisle to the stage.I wanted to leave but I didn't want to miss Tyler’s moment."J, babe.You need to calm down, your starting to sweat," Trent's voice brought me back to reality."Hm? Sorry, Trent.I um, I need a minute, ok?"I laid my head on the table and took a few deep breaths before looking up.I found Gage, Trent, Tyler, and Sadie all staring at me.I smiled and shrugged.Tthey knew what this was doing to me, seeing Larkin’s dreams come true, watching him suck face with some beautiful brunette who no doubt would make Larkin a lucky man tonight.Just being in the same room as Larkin hurt, but I was too late.There was nothing I could do.Gage leaned down in front of me."Babe, we can leave.Tyler understands.""No, we are not going anywhere.I want to be here for Ty, I'm proud of him and I don't want to miss his moment."Gage wrapped his arms around me."Jenna, look at me," Gage demanded.I brought my eyes to meet his."Jenna, I love you and I wish I could take this hurt away but I can't.I know what he means to you and I know you will probably always love him but just know that I'm here.I will always be here no matter what."I placed my hands on the sides of his face and said, "Gage, thank you.So much.I love you and I wouldn't want life any other way than you standing beside me."Gage kissed the tip of my nose and I leaned up with a smile on my face that quickly faded when I glanced towards the stage and saw Larkin staring at me.I wasn't sure what to do, so naturally I panicked and clambered to my feet and tried to make a getaway [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]