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.0 (and) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)cross-selling/up-selling in public sector (i), (ii)online-to-offline innovation (i)Great Barrier Reef campaign (i), (ii)The Great Reset (i)groupthink as barrier to innovation (i)Gruen, N (i), (ii)Guinard, D (i), (ii)Gutenberg-esque innovation (i)healthcare and health management (i)innovations in (i) see also Australiainnovators speak (i) see also Andraka, J; Bloom, A; Chopra, G; Schafran, D and Wallace, GHeiferman, S (i), (ii)Heinlein, R (i), (ii)Hemmatnia, E (i), (ii)WillPowered Foundation (i)World With No Borders (i)Hope is Not a Strategy (i)Hsieh, T (i), (ii)and Las Vegas’ Downtown Project (i)Hunome (i) see also Jaurola, DHunt, T (and) (i), (ii), (iii)co-working (i)e-commerce (i)IBM (i)T J Watson Research Center (i) see also Ferruci, DThe Icarus Deception (i), (ii) see also Godin, SIdeafarms (i), (ii) see also Malhotra, SIDEAS Investment Committee (i), (ii) see also Anthony, SIDreamofSpace.com (i), (ii) see also Metcalfe, RImmersive Media (i)India (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)and the Move India Foundation (i), (ii)InformationArchitected.com (i), (ii) see also Keldsen, DInnosight (i), (ii) see also Anthony, Sinnovating education see educationinnovationas alchemy (i) see also Robicquet, J-Sas collaborative, cross-disciplinary solutions (i)core (i)government investment in (i)guiding principles for (i)as political (i)quote on (i)stifling – tall poppy syndrome (i)Innovation for Underdogs (i)Innovation Leadership Board LLC (i), (ii) see also Carleton, TInnovation Management Institute (i), (ii) see also Loren, J KInsight Labs (i), (ii) see also Leitner, JInstitute for the Future (i), (ii) see also Loren, J Kintellectual property (IP) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)Intellectual Ventures (i), (ii) see also Myhrvoid, NThe Internet of Things (i), (ii)internet users and political meetings (Pew Institute report on) (i)intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs, differences between (i)iPhone (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) see also mobile telephonycompostable (i)meltable (i)Ismail, S (i), (ii)Italy (i), (ii), (iii)Jack Parker Corporation (i), (ii) see also Glick, AJacobson, R (on) (i), (ii), (iii)Atelier Tomorrow (i), (ii)Blue Growth (i)exporting Scandinavian concepts (i)Nordic Clearinghouse for Service Innovation (i)Jaggannathan, S (i), (ii)Jaurola, D (i), (ii)Jenkinson, L (i), (ii)Jennings, P (i)Jepsen, M L (i), (ii)Jobs, S (i)Johnson & Johnson (i), (ii)Kaplan, D (i), (ii)Katherine Bomkamp International (i)Keldsen, D (i)Kerridge, T (i), (ii)keyword imagination exercises (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi), (xii), (xiii), (xiv), (xv), (xvi), (xvii), (xviii), (xix), (xx), (xxi), (xxii), (xxiii), (xxiv), (xxv), (xxvi), (xxvii), (xxviii), (xxix), (xxx)KidsTeachingKids.org (i)KimmiC (i), (ii) see also McDonald, MKiva [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]