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.The place was jumping at noon on a Tuesday but Daisy led them to an empty two-top next to the front window.Thankfully it was on the opposite side of the counter and stools where Lloyd and his creepy buddies often ate their lunches.White blinds were pulled closed to shield diners from the bright midday sunshine, and a centerpiece of fake daisies gave each booth a fresh spring look.Their orders were taken by a cute waitress with a name tag that identified her as Trisha, who promised to return as quickly as possible with their food and drinks.Cassie settled back in the booth and looked at Nicolette expectantly.“So, tell me what this lunch out is really about.”A nervous laughter escaped Nicolette.“Can’t I just take my best friend out to lunch without an ulterior motive?”“Yes, but you have a son you’ve been afraid to let out of your sight.You’ve been on pins and needles waiting to hear from Dillon about the investigation into Samuel.This just doesn’t seem like the time you’d invite me out for a leisurely lunch, unless you have an ulterior motive.”The conversation halted as Trisha returned with their glasses of iced tea.“Okay, you’re right,” Nicolette confessed once Trisha had left their table.“I do have an ulterior motive.”“You want out of the store,” Cassie said.“I knew when you found out about the inheritance from Joseph you’d want out.It was never really your thing to begin with.”“That’s part of it,” Nicolette agreed.“I certainly don’t expect you to buy me out or anything like that.I’ll just sign the appropriate paperwork to dissolve the partnership and leave all assets with you.”Once again the conversation was interrupted as Trisha returned with their meals.“A cobb salad for the blonde and a burger and fries for the brunette,” she said as she placed each plate before them.“Is there anything else I can get for either of you?”“I think we’re good, thanks,” Cassie replied.She forked a bite of her salad and once again focused on Nicolette.“What are you going to do?”“Go back to school and get my teaching degree.Being a teacher was all I really wanted to do before I met Samuel.I’m reaching for the dreams I’d once set for myself.”“Then I can’t be mad at you.You know I love you and just want you to be happy.So, does this mean now that you have the means I’m also losing my roommates?”Nicolette smiled.“You know that Sammy and I living with you was never supposed to be forever.It’s time we find our own place and let you have your apartment back to yourself.”Cassie took a bite of her salad and then chased it with a gulp of iced tea.“I can’t say I’m really surprised, although I’ll miss having the little monkey underfoot.”Nicolette drew a deep breath.“That’s not all I have to tell you.”Cassie leaned back in the booth, her eyes narrowed slightly as she gazed at Nicolette.“What else could there be?”“I’m not going back to New York City.”Cassie stared at her as if she’d suddenly spoken a foreign language.“What are you talking about?” She set her fork down as if her appetite had fled.“Of course you’re going back to New York with me.That’s your home.That’s where you belong.” Her eyes narrowed once again.“Does this have something to do with Lucas?”A small burst of sad laughter released from Nicolette.“I wish it had something to do with Lucas.I told him last night I was in love with him.”Cassie’s eyes widened.“And what did he say?”“That he was sorry I felt that way about him.He’s told me from the beginning that he has no interest in relationships or building a family.I just couldn’t help allowing my emotions to get involved with him.”“Honestly, I would have sworn that he was in love with you.When he looks at you it’s with the eyes of a man in love.When the three of you are together you look like a family.I was already worried about the feelings growing between the two of you.Are you sure he isn’t in love with you?”“I think he has desire for me.I know he cares about what happens to me and Sammy, but none of that matters now.He intends to live his life alone and there’s no place in it for us.” Tears pressed against her eyelids and rose up the back of her throat.She swallowed hard against them, refusing to allow herself to cry another tear for Lucas Taylor.“Then I don’t understand.Why aren’t you coming back to the city with me?”“I’ve realized over the last couple of weeks that this is where I really belong, that Bitterroot is where I want to live and raise my son.”“I would think with the way you feel about Lucas this would be the last place you’d want to live.” Cassie picked up her fork again.“Even though he said he doesn’t love you, he’s obviously got you under a spell.” She took another bite of her salad, and Nicolette knew Cassie wasn’t really taking her seriously.“If I’m under a spell, then it’s been cast by Bitterroot and Oklahoma,” Nicolette protested.“After weeks of smelling the air, of seeing a canvas of stars at night, I can’t imagine going back to the city.I feel it in my heart, in my very soul, that this is where Sammy and I belong.I truly believe both of us will thrive in this small town and find true happiness here with or without Lucas.”Cassie looked at her in dismay.“Now, how can I argue with you when you talk like that? It would be totally selfish of me to want anything for you and Sammy except your true happiness.”“There are planes and trains that go to and from here and New York.It’s not like we’d be saying goodbye forever.”“So what exactly do you intend to do? Buy some ranch and learn how to muck out stalls?”Nicolette laughed.“I don’t see me going quite that big, but I would like to find a nice ranch house on a bit of property where Sammy could have a horse if he wanted one.”“Does he know your plans?” Cassie asked.Nicolette shook her head and picked up a French fry.“I haven’t told him yet.I needed to be a hundred percent sure of my decision before sharing it with him.”“He’s going to be over the moon and I’ll be back in New York crying in my martinis every night.”Nicolette laughed.“You don’t even drink martinis.”“But if I did I’d cry and miss you terribly.”“You’ll be so busy reinventing the store you won’t have time to miss me.”For the next few minutes they ate in a comfortable silence.The conversation had gone far better than Nicolette had ever imagined.She should have known that ultimately Cassie was a good friend who would want only Nicolette’s happiness, no matter where that happiness occurred.“So, when are you planning this next phase of your future?” Cassie asked and pushed her nearly empty salad plate to the side.“I’d like to stay at your ranch until hopefully we solve the mystery of who is behind the attacks on Sammy, but my plan is to start looking at property in the next couple of days.I figure it will take me a while to find my dream property.”“Nothing new from Dillon?”“No, nothing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]