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.”“That would be wonderful.I really appreciate the offer,” Stuart said.“Hey, I’ve got a vested interest in keeping my best client happy,” Lyle said, grinning.“I’m more than happy with you as my agent,” Stuart assured him.“I feel the same way having you as my client,” Lyle said.“The offer still stands.”“If it comes to that, we’ll talk.” He didn’t want to look too far ahead at this point.* * *Madison finally got Dottie and Carrie to go play with the other children, though they seemed more than content to hang around her.While certainly flattered, she didn’t want to take up all their time.Even though she enjoyed being with Stuart’s well-behaved kids.“They’re so cute.”Madison turned and saw Sandy Creighton approaching with two tall glasses of lemonade.“Yes, they are,” Madison said, watching her look at the girls at play.“Thought you might like something cold to drink,” Sandy said, handing her a glass.“Thank you.” Madison smiled at the short, pretty red-haired woman in her early forties.Sandy glanced toward the grill.“Looks like Lyle and Stuart are doing their usual shoptalk.Guess they just can’t get away from it in their business.”“From what I understand, they have a pretty successful collaboration going,” Madison said.“They do.But there’s a time for everything.”“Very true.” Madison tasted the lemonade.“I’m so happy that Stuart found someone to be with,” Sandy said, brushing strands of hair from her face.“In spite of all his success, something has been missing since he’s been on his own.”“I’m happy that he’s come into my life,” Madison said.“Stuart’s such a gentleman, and he makes his kids his top priority.You don’t find that in many men these days.”“I know,” Sandy said.“Lyle’s like that, too.”“I’m starting to feel strongly about Stuart,” Madison admitted.“I understand, though, that the children come first and his career is very important to him, too, as it should be.”“Hey, there’s plenty of room in his life for you as well,” Sandy said.“And my guess is that he understands that and will see to it that you get the respect and appreciation deserved.”Madison blushed.“I’m sure you’re right.” She had seen nothing to suggest otherwise.Stuart, along with his girls, was rapidly becoming an integral part of her life, and she wouldn’t trade it for anything.“Right about what?” She heard Stuart’s voice.Madison turned and saw him over her shoulder.“Just girl talk,” Sandy said, winking at her.“See you later.”Madison smiled as she walked away and turned to Stuart.“Having fun?”“Yes, with you here.” He glanced toward Sandy who had joined her husband.“Looks like you’ve got a new friend.”“I believe I do,” Madison said.She gazed into his eyes and, on the spur of the moment, decided to kiss him.Stuart tasted her lips.“Mmm.What did I do to deserve that?”She batted her lashes.“Do I need to count the reasons?”A grin lifted his cheeks.“No, but I think I need to count the ways I’m lucky after finding you to make my life complete.”“That definitely works both ways,” she said.Stuart took the initiative this time to kiss her, not caring if anyone was watching.* * *That night, after the girls were asleep, Stuart and Madison made love in his bed.They both tried to keep the noise of intimacy down to a minimum while still expressing their desire for one another.Stuart was wedged deeply inside Madison, and she quietly inhaled as her orgasm came just moments before Stuart climaxed.Their spent bodies clung to each other, trembling as the mutual gratification brought them to the mountain’s peak and down to the waning moments of sexual ecstasy.As she lay on top of him, Madison heard the soft words in her ear she had been waiting for: “I’m in love with you, darling.”She lifted up and looked at his face.“I love you, too.”“Really?” Stuart’s hands rested on her buttocks as his heart skipped a beat.“Yes, really,” she told him.“You make it very easy to love you—and your incredible daughters.”“The same is equally true about loving you,” he said.“I’m pretty sure Carrie and Dottie feel the same way.”Madison’s pulse raced at the thought and her heart filled with joy.She put her face down to Stuart’s and began to kiss him passionately, as fresh desire surged through her.Chapter 17On Saturday, Madison stood along the crowded parade route with Stuart and the girls watching the Grand Floral Parade, the crown jewel of Portland’s annual Rose Festival.It was exciting for Madison to experience her first parade in the city, especially when she saw the joy it brought to Dottie and Carrie as they celebrated their eighth birthday.They watched as giant floats and local dignitaries passed by, groups sang a cappella and showed off their dance moves, and equestrian performers and marching bands delighted the throngs of onlookers.“This is wonderful,” Madison told Stuart while they held hands.“It’s a nice way to promote the city and the many things we have to offer,” he said proudly.“The girls are certainly transfixed by the parade every year.”“I’ll bet.” She gazed at them happily as they giggled and pointed at things.Looking back at their father, Madison asked, “Have you ever participated, since you’re somewhat of a local celebrity?”He smiled.“As a matter of fact, last year I was part of the parade.I actually sat in a convertible with the mayor.”“Look at you,” she said, laughing.“Is the mayor a personal friend of yours?”“Not really,” he said.“We both just happened to cross paths at one point and one thing led to another.The truth is I’m much more at home watching the festivities with my girls, and my new girl.”Madison colored.“Well, your new girl wouldn’t want to be anywhere else or with anyone else.”Stuart grinned and gave her a kiss.He wanted her to know just how important she had become in his life [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]