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.Sawdust covered the floor, and through the opened door could be seen trees and a clear blue sky.The tranquillity was shattered by a terrified scream.A man in a dark cape, wearing a tall black hat, was dragging a young girl into the mill.He glanced around to make certain that the room was empty, then twirled his long moustaches.His suit bespoke wealth, as did his frilled shirt and highly polished black leather shoes.The girl, on the other hand, was clad in a long gingham dress, her blonde hair done in long curls.She screamed a second time, and whatever else might be amiss, there was certainly nothing wrong with her lungs.‘If you’ll not be mine, you’ll be no one’s!’ the man cried, throwing her down on to the table that held the huge circular saw.The girl struggled, but he was too strong for her to break free.Laughing, he used a convenient stack of ropes to lash her to the plank on the table.‘Scream all you like,’ he sneered.‘There’s no one within ten miles of this spot!’ She took him at his word, screaming with renewed vigour as he started up the saw.He then dashed back, and gripped the plank to which she was firmly bound, and began to push it slowly towards the spinning blade, laughing demonically all the while.Steven and Sara acted at once as they saw this happening.Steven hit the switch to open the doors, and both of them sprang out of the TARDIS.The man glanced around, startled, as Steven ran across to him.Steven drew back his arm and punched the leering villain full in the face.Sara jumped at the switch and turned off the saw, then moved to help free the trapped girl.The Doctor, slower on his feet, was just closing the TARDISdoors behind him as he emerged.To the astonishment of Steven and Sara, the girl sat up, the ropes falling free.She looked anything but happy to be rescued.‘You’ve ruined everything!’ she pouted.As the travellers looked at one another in puzzlement, a voice from behind them screamed: ‘CUT!’Slowly, Sara, Steven and the Doctor turned around.Instead of the wall of the sawmill, they could see a large open space.Cameras, lights and other instruments stood about.Most were manned by people with decidedly unfriendly expressions on their faces.The darkest glower came from the man who leaped out of the seat marked ‘director’.He was dressed in jodhpurs, and carried a swagger stick under one arm.A monocle dangled on its golden cord, having fallen from his right eye when he yelled.In his right hand he held a megaphone, which he hauled to his mouth.‘Cut! Cut! CUT!’ he added, for the benefit of anyone who’d missed his earlier bellow.The director strode on to the set, followed by a half-dozen men, all paying careful attention to him.He swung to face one, and practically rammed the megaphone into the poor unfortunate’s ear before yelling: ‘How did those bums get in here? It must be sabotage! Everyone wants Steinberger PGreen’s latest film to be a failure! It’s de Mille again, I bet! Get the studio police! Get those bums outta here! You hear me?’There was no way that they could miss hearing this, and the six men promptly turned to look at the Doctor and his companions.A couple of the technicians gathered about the lights and cameras shot off, presumably after the requested studio police.The others began to move forward on to the set.Sara sized up the situation quickly.They could not return to the TARDIS, for the men here would be on them before they could get the door open.There seemed to be a doorway out of this place that the two running men had taken, and that looked like their best chance! ‘Follow me!’ she snapped at the Doctor and Steven, and then hurled herself against the oncoming men.They were rather taken aback by this, not expecting to be attacked, and especially not by a woman.Sara’s unarmed combat demolished three of the technicians before the others had a chance to react.Those that did react generally did so by beating a hasty retreat.‘Grab her!’ Steinberger P Green yelled into his megaphone.‘Start the cameras rolling! Get this on film, you idiots!’Steven ploughed after Sara, adding a few punches of his own to the resulting mêlée.The Doctor shook his head in disgust, and was left with little option but to follow his young, impetuous companions [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]