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.The work turns the cramped space into a furnace.Pelham has been kitted out in a kind of makeshift, iron clad outfit, without the iron, which doesn‟t help.The shirt is too rough, the breeches too tight and the boots too hard.The Doctor, meanwhile, gets to keep his mad professor‟s outfit, down to that stupid scarf.Pelham can feel the buffeting of this mad atmosphere.The metal plates of the hull buckle and twist with the violence of the storm.Mr Redfearn, it turns out, is a small, pale, rather rakish-looking man in his early forties.His main distinguishing feature, if Pelham is forced to allocate one, would be his brightly coloured, expensively tailored waistcoat, which he wears beneath a smart grey jacket.That, and the black wide-brimmed hat which he raises to the boarding party.„Mr Hopkins.Gen‟lemen,‟ he states formally, in an accent that has to originate from the Presley colonies.„Ah trust y‟all have a reason for disturbing mah three-card stud? Ah was in possession of a peach-like hand capable of stunning mah opponent into foregoing the game.‟„Your opponent?‟ asks Pelham, stunned by such an inappropriate figure.Mr Redfearn places a hand on his waistcoated chest.„Mahself.Worthy adversaries are so rarely to be found in this day and age.‟Mr Redfearn sees her with his hawkish eyes and smiles.He bows.„Ms Pelham.Delighted t‟make yoh acquaintance.Mr Niles Redfearn at your service.‟Hopkins, like the rest of his boarding party, is buckling armour and weapons all over himself.He holsters his pistol.„Mr Redfearn, your task will be to oversee this man.‟ he indicates a bemused-looking Doctor, „and Pelham.‟„Why, that is not a task, that is a signal pleasure.Ma‟am.‟„Never leave their sides.Not even for a moment.‟ Hopkins loads his shotgun and snaps its breech closed.„Nothing must get between Neville and myself, and I don‟t want those two running around causing trouble.‟The Doctor snorts.„And what do you do, Mr Redfearn, that makes you so special?‟White teeth gleaming in an ever-so-friendly smile, Mr Redfearn stretches.His jacket opens to reveal the two bandoliers draped around his shoulders, and the two holstered pearl-grip pistols strapped to them.„Ah win,‟ he replies.Hopkins looks the Doctor up and down.„Mr Redfearn is a phenomenally accurate pistol marksman.His reactions have been genetically augmented.An “amusement” for the now defunct Elite.He has never missed a shot.Much to their eventual regret.‟The waistcoat closed, Mr Redfearn looks small and insignificant again.„That‟s not quite true, suh.There was that time when ah was two yeahs old.‟The Doctor nods impatiently.„Yes, yes.Can we get on with this?‟Mr Redfearn raises an eyebrow.Pelham presumes that if you‟re an expert marksman, you don‟t like being interrupted.„Ah look forward to furthering our acquaintance, Doctor,‟ he says politely, and stares.„Enough,‟ Hopkins barks.He looks around at the assembled company.Apart from himself, Mr Redfearn, the Doctor and herself, there are eight men including the tall figure of Lieutenant Carlin.To Pelham, this does not seem nearly enough.Hopkins tightens the straps on his helmet.„Keep your eyes open, men.Anyone we meet is to be considered an enemy and executed on the spot.The only exception is Neville himself.He is mine.Any man taking any action against him will be shot.Do I make myself clear?‟The company nods.Hopkins slams a gauntleted fist on to the shoulder of one of the welders.The poor man winces.„Nearly done,‟ he manages through the pain.The artisan team step away.Outside, Pelham hears the storm redouble its attack on the ship.Sledgehammers are produced and the already sweating drones start to bash and pound at the smooth metal roof of the palace.It‟s tougher than this, Pelham prays, no way could these people hammer and weld through its skin.Just as the first hole appears.Well done, Miranda, good to see the old luck holding out.The airlock is a hell of echoes and metallic clamouring.The artisans kick and smash their way through to widen the hole.At last a huge plate is worked loose and it drops down, into total blackness beneath.Seconds later, too many seconds, Pelham hears it hit the floor inside.„Ladders,‟ Hopkins orders.Seconds later, the ropes drop.„After me.‟ Hopkins slings his shotgun over his shoulder and commences his descent.„Let battle commence,‟ says Mr Redfearn as Pelham realises it‟s her turn.Hopkins can feel adrenaline pumping him up.As he hits the floor, the lights come on.Immediately, he unsheaths his shotgun and swings round.This must be done efficiently.For a second, he is on his own [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]