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.“Adam honey,”“So you finally decided to ask, huh?”“What do you mean?”“Marjorie we’ve been together a long time, I know when something’s on your mind.”Marjorie kisses him.“Smarty-pants, I do want to ask you something.”“Well ask me.” Adam says.She does and Adam leans back and considers.“I was waiting until he got older, he just turned nineteen.”“What difference does his age make? He’s getting married and he’s going to be a father.”Adam downs the last of his coffee, while mulling over Marjorie’s words.“I’ll tell you, I’ve been real impressed with how hard he’s working.He’s been so responsible and he wouldn’t even take any money, hell, maybe he won’t want it.”“I know Lindsay would.”“You’ve grown to love her, haven’t you hon?”“She’s such a sweet girl Adam and she loves Jason to death.At least think about it, please?”“It would be a hell of a nice thing.And Angie won’t need it; it looks like Dave’s considering taking that job offer in Europe.”“I’ve already asked Angie and she said it’d be fine by her.”Adam looks down while tapping his fingers against his knees.When his fingers come to rest, he speaks.“Okay, let’s do it, it’s his time now.We’ll work out the money later.”“Oh Adam they’ll be so happy.I’ll call Joyce Parker and tell her.I’ll need her help.”“You’ll need her help for what?”“Getting it ready silly,” She tells him, and grabs the phone.* * *On Hills Road, Jason turns right down a nearly hidden driveway, after rounding a row of hedges the Stern estate comes into view.The imposing brick mansion appears shaded despite the bright sunlight of a crisp fall day.This time, ignoring the stone planters, Jason instead rings the doorbell.Charlotte, luxuriating in her scented bath, smiles and presses a button.“Yes, who is it?”The soft voice comes from somewhere out of the ether as far as Jason can tell.“It’s Jason Reynolds, Mrs.Stern; we need to see each other.”Indeed we do.“I’m upstairs, the third door on your left.”Charlotte buzzes him in.Jason enters and is instantly warmed by the heat circulating throughout the quiet house.He goes up the staircase slowly, tensed for any bat-wielding attackers, but no one else is at home it seems.As he approaches the second floor hallway, he smells the faint scent of lilacs.“Mrs.Stern?”“I’m in here Jason, the third door on your left, come in and close the door.”Jason enters Charlotte’s bedroom.At the foot of the bed is a hope chest, on top of it sits a stack of neatly folded clothes.Beyond the bed is an open door, through which light pours out, there also comes the soft sounds of lapping water.“Come in Jason, I won’t bite.” Says the silky voice, from beyond the doorway,Jason goes through the door and is face to face with Charlotte Stern.But this is no Charlotte Stern he’s ever seen before.The few times he’s met her, her hair was always in a severe bun.This Charlotte Stern has long tresses of fire red hair framing a face that, until now, Jason would have said was aloof, but now looks gentle, and without a doubt, beautiful.And there’s something else showing in that face, it’s desire, this Charlotte Stern is full of lust.Jason locks eyes with Charlotte, while attempting to ignore her ample breasts, which jut enticingly above the lilac scented suds.“I’m here to settle this problem between us Mrs.Stern.”Charlotte smiles up at him from where she stands in the deep end of the tub.“You’re here because I want you here, now if you’d like to make nice reach behind you and get a towel.”As Jason turns to grab a towel, Charlotte walks to the shallow end and rises up and out of the tub, to stand there naked, dripping wet.Despite himself, Jason is genuinely aroused.Charlotte is a beautiful woman.Also, due to Lindsay’s pregnancy, Jason hasn’t made love to her in weeks.He passes the towel and watches as Charlotte slowly and provocatively dries herself.Charlotte drops the towel and approaches Jason, then, reaching up, she puts her arms around his neck, placing her lips only inches from his.“We can end this feud right now.Make love to me Jason.Lindsay doesn’t have to know anything about this.I know you want me.I can see it in your eyes.Make love to me, and afterward, I’ll phone Mr.Callen and tell him to pay you.No one else has to know, only us.”Jason looks into Charlotte’s blue eyes, as he feels the heat of her naked body pressed against him.He reaches down and sweeps her off her feet and into his arms.“Mrs.Stern…” Jason says, his voice is husky,“Charlotte, Jason call me Charlotte.” She says softly.“Charlotte, you’re still dirty lady, take another bath.”Jason tosses her through the air and back into the tub.Water geysers in all directions as Charlotte sinks to the bottom [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]