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.He wantedthe challenge of a full-blown Irish beauty.He wanted her contentious and delightful,imperious and playful.He wanted her carefree and reckless, bold and beautiful.Andthen he would seduce her.Gloriously!Emerald sat patiently upon a coil of cable as the Sulphur docked at the stonejetty and the ship's anchor was lowered through the hawse-hole.Sean approachedEmerald and again held out a black-gloved hand."Come.Castle Lies awaits you."She placed her hand in his and allowed him to escort her from the ship.He ledher up the causeway, beneath the gatehouse tower, and across the wide green lawnsto the entrance of the magnificent Georgian mansion known as Greystones.In the entrance hall Kate Kennedy, Greystones's housekeeper, sketched themaster a curtsy."Welcome home, my lord."Without taking his eyes from the female at his side, Sean said, "This isEmerald FitzGerald, Kate." His mouth curved."She has come to live with us."Emerald tried to withdraw her hand in embarrassment, but Sean would notallow it.Instead he threaded his fingers through hers possessively and squeezed togive her courage.He was gratified when Emerald curled her hand in his and lifted herhead with an inner pride."She shall have the bedchamber that adjoins mine." He took his eyes fromEmerald only long enough to wink at Kate."Purely for the view, you understand."His mouth curved even deeper.He moved toward the grand staircase and Emeraldhad no choice but to ascend with him.The room was primrose yellow, giving the illusion of sunshine.Leadedcasement windows from floor to ceiling overlooked the fragrant garden and thewoods behind.Rising beyond all were verdant, rolling hills that led to toweringpurple mountains.With Kate trotting behind, Sean led Emerald through the connecting door intohis own bedchamber."And if you get tired of your view, you must come in here."He swept her over to his own windows, which overlooked the wild sea with all itsdiffering moods.He watched her face, seeing her in diminutive detail.He never seemed to take his eyes from her, and it made Emerald aware ofherself.She stood taller and had the urge to toss her disheveled curls about.Withpink-tinted cheeks she extricated her hand from Sean's and walked back into theprimrose chamber.For the first time she noticed there were mirrors everywhere—along the walls, beside the bed, above the dressing table.Her reflection showed herplainly how colorless and unremarkable she looked in the prim English dress.Shelowered her eyes as she was accustomed to do.Sean was again towering at her side.She looked up at him and blurted, "I'veno other clothes!" Her face went scarlet as she realized how that must sound toKate.Sean laughed aloud."And no doubt you are offering up thanks that you haveno others like the ones you're wearing.At Castle Lies we have cloth smuggled infrom all over the world.Tomorrow you can take your pick.We have silks, velvets,laces in every hue and shade; some you've never yet dreamed of.""I can't let you clothe me," she announced primly.He shrugged."Then you'll have to run about naked, for I intend to burn those—unless, of course, you'd like the pleasure of burning them yourself?""Oh, I would!" Emerald spoke spontaneously.Sean smiled at her with total approval."Then naked it is.""For shame, my lord! Keeping the lass in perpetual blush for yer own wickedamusement," Kate scolded.Sean rolled his eyes and winked at Emerald."I am beset by women.I must beout of my mind to go out and steal one.""You stole her?" Kate gasped.Sean's eyes lingered on Emerald's lips, dipped to her breasts, then lifted to hergreen eyes."I simply couldn't resist," he said, disappearing into his own clumberand shutting the door.To cover her confusion Emerald moved to the long casement windows, sawthe wisps of opal vapor rolling through, and gently closed them."Where's themistress?" she asked timidly.Kathleen O'Toole was most conspicuous by herabsence."In her grave, God rest her soul.I'll be back in a whisker to plenish yerchamber, ma'am." Kate disappeared through the other door.When she was alone, Emerald felt her legs tremble and knew she must sitdown before she collapsed.She sank down on the soft, wide bed, her thoughts intotal disarray.Her emotions warred against each other as if she were two completelydifferent people: one Emma, the other Emerald.Whatever are his intentions? Emma asked.You know very well what his intentions are! Emerald answered.I know no such thing, Emma said primly.He wants you to run about naked! Emerald declared.She got no further withher argument.The thought made her go weak all over.Her mind took wing, flying back to the halcyon days on the Island ofAnglesey, where they had lain on the sun-drenched sand together.She had beencompletely infatuated with the beautiful Irish youth.He had stolen her heart andnever given it back.She realized with a jolt that she found him twice as attractivenow with his lithe hard body, his dark sculpted face, and pewter gaze that piercedher to the core, melting her very bones.You are as wickedly wanton as your mother! Emma accused.Perhaps I am, Emerald said dreamily.She ran her hand over the brocade bedcover, richly embroidered with a greenvine.Tiny flowers grew along its stems, cunning insects sat on its leaves, andsongbirds perched in its branches.She thought of all the time and all the love it hadtaken someone to embroider it.She moved to the tall windows to watch the deep shadows gather in the trees.In her childhood she had been enraptured by tales of enchanted forests.Her heartjolted against her ribs as she heard a noise at the door and saw it slowly open.He'scome!But it was only Kate Kennedy, her arms filled with sheets and towels."The bed is already made up," Emerald ventured."Stab me, child! It's not made up to the master's exacting standards.He's afanatic about bed linen.It must be spotless, fresh, ironed smooth as silk, andscented with lavender.""I see," Emerald said slowly.The implication was that the master would beusing the bed."Ye'll get used to the earl's ways in time.Nothing short of perfection satisfieshim.""The earl?" Emerald puzzled."He's the Earl of Kildare, did ye not know it, ma'am?"Emerald shook her head, confused once more."I'll get Mary Malone to make you up a tray [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]