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.”“I believe you and yes, I will.”Tim looked at his brother expectantly.When Daniel showed no sign of beginning, Tim nudged him.“Anytime soon would be fine.”“Mom was attacked yesterday while trying to prevent some members of the pack from going on a deadly hunt for hybrid pups.She was barely alive when she got here.We thought she’d die, she’d been injured so badly.It’s a miracle she pulled through.Her spine seemed to have been broken at several places, but the breaks seem to have healed.However, she still can’t move her legs.”Part TwoNineEnd of summer 2011TIM entered his parents’ house.A weight lifted off his shoulders as soon as he closed the front door behind him.Despite everything that had happened all those years ago, this was still his home, and even at thirty-one, this was the place where he could let down his guard.Leaning his back against the closed door, he shut his eyes.Mingled with this pleasant feeling was a deep lingering sadness that always tightened his chest to the point where breathing became difficult.It didn’t last for more than a minute now.In the beginning, the suffocating sensation had been a downright scary experience and Tim almost panicked.Now, he merely waited it out.“Tim?”“You know exactly it’s me,” Tim replied.Pushing himself off the front door, he walked through the living room and into the large kitchen.He smiled at Robin, his favorite sibling and also his youngest by nineteen years, who was busy setting the table for the whole Evans clan.Coming up behind his little brother, he pulled him into an embrace and nuzzled their cheeks together.“Just wanted to make sure you don’t bolt,” Robin said easily.He quickly pressed a kiss on Tim’s cheek before shoving his elbow hard into Tim’s ribs.Tim grunted and let go of him.“All right, backing off already.”“You know I don’t mind you getting all touchy-feely, but if I don’t get that table set in time there will be hell to pay.”“You mean Debra is going to shriek and lament for the next two hours.”“That’s what I said, isn’t it?” Robin smiled knowingly, his dimples growing impossibly deep.Tim turned toward the stove, bent down, and lifted a lid from a pot.Immediately the delicious scent of roast wafted through the air, causing Tim’s stomach to grumble loudly.“Do you think it’s safe to taste some of the sauce?” Tim asked while rummaging in the drawer for a spoon.“Maybe,” Robin answered.He glanced at the closed door at the other side of the kitchen, indicating that their mother was behind it.What had been a storage room and a garage had been remodeled into their parents’ bedroom eighteen years ago.Tim filled his spoon with sauce, blew on it, and then tasted.A satisfied groan resounded in his chest.He glanced back over his shoulder at Robin’s wide-eyed stare.After filling the spoon anew, he held it out for Robin.“Mom’s going to kill us,” Robin mumbled, even as his feet carried him toward Tim.Robin’s eyes fluttered shut and a moan escaped him, causing Tim to grin.They jumped apart guiltily at their mother’s voice.“How is it possible I always find you two boys tasting the sauce no matter how often I tell you not to do so?”“It’s his fault!” Robin said while pointing an accusing finger at Tim.He received a death glare from Tim.“I can’t remember having forced you into tasting it.”“It’s your alpha personality.You don’t actually need to give commands aloud for other people to do what you want,” Robin said earnestly.For a brief moment, Tim stared at Robin with the spoon poised in the air, disbelieving.Tim knew that the burden of having to take over the pack as alpha wolf was something Robin dreaded.Robin wasn’t a natural alpha—far from it.It had always stunned Tim that Ralf, their father, insisted on Robin stepping into his shoes.It should have been Tim, but Tim had been deemed unsuitable for the leadership of their pack by the elders.Daniel would have been a much better choice too, but Daniel had outright refused to become more than beta of their pack.Tim often wondered how Daniel had managed to convince Ralf.Eventually, he had decided his big brother could talk anyone into anything.The corner of Robin’s mouth twitched before he broke out into laughter.“Ha! Got you! It’s so easy to push your feel-guilty button! You should really do something about it, brother dearest.”“You!” Tim growled.Throwing the spoon into the sink, he stalked toward Robin, moving smoothly as if he was a predator advancing on his prey.For show, Tim made sure to display the sheer force and strength in his body.It worked like a charm—Robin backed away a few steps, a nervous giggle escaping his lips.“Mom! Mom! Help me!”Tim bridged the distance, and even though Robin dodged around the table, Tim captured him easily.Flinging Robin over his left shoulder, Tim secured Robin’s kicking legs with one hand.He laid his free hand on the tautly stretched bottom resting over his shoulder.“Mom? What do you think? Should I or not?” Tim lifted his hand off Robin’s butt, which resulted into more kicking and struggling, as well as more giggles.“Mom! Tell him to let me down! I’m gonna be sick from hanging upside down for so long!”“For so long?” Tim echoed incredulously.“You’ve been up there for less than a minute.”“That’s exactly one minute too long!” Robin shouted while trying to push himself up.A light tap to the back of his legs made him squeak and collapse back into his former dangling position over Tim’s shoulder.Their mother, Paula, laughed heartily at the antics of her sons, not in the least bit worried about their mock argument.“Well, angel, I think a bit of nausea serves you right for being cheeky to your brother [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]