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.When she came back down, she came to a skidding halt before him and smirked.“There, see, didn’t take long at all!”His gaze moved over her and the fact she had everything sort of thrown over her shoulder.“Uh, just a thought,” he said.His lips were twitching, but he was holding off the smile.“A bag might be helpful for carrying everything.So we don’t lose something important, like your suit.”Cassidy looked down and shrugged.“I thought that’s why the horses had those bags on the sides of their saddles? We both know that I’m not riding alone and your horse has a…” She paused for a moment and then snapped her fingers.“Saddle bag.That’s it.Your horse has one so why not use it?”“Because I will have other things in there.Like our lunch, some tools I need to take out with us.We can roll up the blanket and tie it on, but I don’t want the wet towels and our suits in the leather bags for too long.It’s best to have them in something else and outside the leather.”“Oh, good point.Okay, where can I find a bag that will fit all of this?” She grinned and added, “Oh, and I did get a strip of condoms too.” She knew that neither of them would last long without being together again.No matter what was going on around them, for the most part, they would always need each other.“Check the pantry,” he told her.He was grinning now, shaking his head at her.“I really hope none of the other hands are out at the swimming hole.Otherwise, we’ll have to save the condoms until we get home.Leave the blanket out, sweetheart.I was serious.We’ll tie it onto the back of the saddle.There should be a fabric bag in there.See if you can find one that has a weird waterproof coating on it.That would be best.”“Gotcha.I will be right back.” She adjusted her hold on the blanket and passed it to him.“There, you have the blanket now.I will be back in two shakes,” she said with a wink, and disappeared into the house again.By the time she reappeared, he had Bailey readied and they were both waiting on her.Travis smiled while the horse shot her a disinterested look.“Ready to go?” he asked her.Holding out a hand to her, he took the bag and hooked it onto one of the saddlebags.“You betcha.” She took his hand in hers and didn’t make a sound this time when he effortlessly lifted her up and onto the back of the horse.She shifted to allow him more room to get on and then leaned back with a satisfied sigh of contentment when he wrapped his arm around her waist and held her close.He gathered up the reins and they were off.Bailey settled into a light jog that had them covering ground pretty quickly.She didn’t know exactly where they were going, but the horse, and Travis, seemed to know.With her eyes closed, Cassidy simply enjoyed the ride.She heard the calls of, “Howdy,” and, “Hello,” as they plodded along, but she ignored them.She was happy right where she was, held by the most amazing man in the world.A man she had fallen in love with.Eventually, she felt him slowing Bailey down and then stopping the stallion.She heard Joshua’s voice calling out a greeting a moment before Travis slid from the saddle.“Hey, Cass,” Josh said as he walked up to them.Travis had just helped her down from the horse and was already digging into one of the saddle bags.“Did you come out to assist, or are you playing supervisor?”“Oh no, I’m totally playing supervisor,” Cassidy said without even missing a beat.“Because I don’t do hard work.” She gave him a quirky grin.“Besides, who in their right mind would work when it’s so much more pleasurable to watch you boys working?” The Carver men were drop dead gorgeous, all of them.Yum.But no one made her heart skip a beat like Travis did.Josh laughed at that and shook his head.“You and Ali are of like minds on that.She prefers to laze in the shade while I do all the heavy lifting.Well, pick a spot for you and Bailey then.I’m stealing your man for a bit of very heavy lifting.”“You didn’t say anything about lifting,” Travis said.“I know, but you wouldn’t have come to help if I had.”With a groan, Travis muttered some unkind things about his brother under his breath.Handing the reins to Cassidy, he pointed to a spot under a tree.“Hook the reins around a rock [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]