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.That was the straw that broke the cameltoe’s back.I got out, and before I could even stand up, one of the girls was on the roof of my car, and the fat one had somehow managed to airlift herself to my side of the car and had a lock of my hair in her hands.Hair-pulling is a very painful experience, especially when your head is already pounding from an alarmingly volatile sugar misfire.Shakira was pulling me out of the car by my hair when I decided the only way to release myself would be with a left upper-cut.Disappointingly, the fist I had formed landed directly in the center of my own forehead.The girl on top of the car was screaming, “Yeah, bitch,” as the head Mexican took her one free hand and punched me in the stomach.Somewhere between that and the skinny girl spitting on me, it occurred to me that I was in a street fight and it was not going well.My mind raced to remember all the new moves I had learned, but they were useless.I had spent most of my training with Brad fighting a punching bag that always stayed in the same position.I could fight a person who was standing still, but had no idea how to fight someone who was on the move.I had to do something and I had to do it fast.I smacked the sloppy fat girl in the face, hard, and then punched her in the vagina, which resulted in her losing her grip on my hair.I ran as fast as I could, but only made it a few feet before one of my flip-flops dislodged and went flying into the air.I tripped and fell down, and just as I managed to get up and start running again, one of the girls kicked me in the ass, propelling me forward onto the pavement.Instinctively, I held both of my boobs together in order to cushion the fall.I scurried to my feet once more, and ran down the street in the opposite direction, all the while hearing the girls screaming, “Stupid cunt!”Three blocks away, I found a bush and dove into it.After catching my breath while trying not to make too much noise, a couple of things crossed my mind: (a) This was not at all how I had planned on spending my afternoon; (b) My boxing classes had not paid off; and (c) I had a burning sensation over my left eye.I don’t specifically remember getting struck in the eye, but everything happened so fast, there was a good chance that I had taken a punch.It occurred to me that my brand-new Volvo was also sitting in the alleyway with the driver-side door open and the keys in the ignition.Obviously that would be gone.Either the girls would have stolen it, or someone else walking by would have stolen it.I didn’t live in a bad neighborhood, but I knew that you didn’t have a day like I was having and not get your car stolen.I was in a defeated state of mind and was feeling confused, not only about the direction my life had taken, but also about other things, like Lisa Rinna’s career, and penguin birth.Once I realized my Rollerblades were in my closet, and that I could use them to ride to the Santa Monica PD to file a police report, I had a moment of elation—until I remembered that my kneepads and helmet were in the trunk of my car.I had never actually worn a helmet before, but not having it handy gave me the perfect excuse not to be caught Rollerblading in public.Then I remembered Lydia.“Fuck!” I ran back to my car as though in a drill I had seen in the movie Sgt.Bilko, where the soldiers bounced in and out of camouflage in order to avoid being seen by the assailants.Surprisingly, my car was still idling with the door wide open and the key still in it.No Mexicans to be seen or heard for miles.I hopped in, and carefully headed for the airport.My cell phone rang.It was Lydia.“Yello?” I answered.“Are you coming or what?”“Yes, Lydia, I’m coming.” I huffed.“I was jumped.”“Huh?”“I said, I was jumped!”“Chelsea, what are you talking about?”“Jumped.You know…like, taken down by three girls at the same time.I was in a brawl!”When I heard nothing on the other end, I said, “Lydia, do you copy?”“Chelsea, what the fuck are you talking about? Jumped? This isn’t a Michael Jackson video.”“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes, and you’ll see,” I said as I hung up.Now I was pissed.As if I would make something like this up.The fact that I was still on my way to pick her ass up after being caught in a Holyfield/Tyson–like altercation made me feel like a really dedicated airport picker-upper, and the fact that she was not getting the significance of it infuriated me!I couldn’t wait for her to see my shiner and know that I had been involved in a full-throttle scuffle.“Homo you don’t,” I said as a gay man crossed the street in front of my car.“Homo you didn’t!” I screamed again as he crossed slowly, all the while staring at me with a confused and disgusted look on his face.I was ready for another fight, and was pissed I had missed my golden opportunity to lay someone flat.I arrived at LAX, and while I was pulling up to Continental Airlines, an officer told me to keep moving.“I don’t think so, buddy,” I said, putting my car in park and stepping out [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]