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.Like, if someone came in here and asked me to solve an equation to save my own life, I couldn’t do it.” He moved onto his side and turned his head so he could look at me.“Why would someone ask you to solve an equation to save your life?”“It’s just an expression.”“Is it?” I gave him a look.“You’re being an asshole right now.” I wasn’t really serious and he stuck his tongue out at me.“But I’m your asshole.”That made me smile.“You are.”“And you’re my wild girl,” he said, kissing the tip of my nose.MIND-BLOWING, SPINE-cracking, toe-curling, soul-filling sex.Because that was what that was.Going down on her was great, but seeing her come with my cock inside her was pretty much the best thing ever.And the fact that she finally let down her walls and I knew for sure she trusted me? Even fucking better.We were both sweaty in the aftermath, but neither of us wanted to move.Trish made it to the bathroom, but she was stumbling when she got back.To be more accurate, we were pretty much incapable of much movement for quite a while.I pulled off the condom, tied it off and flung it toward the trash can.Fortunately, it went in.“Shouldn’t we, um…” she trailed off.Words were hard right now.They were difficult to find in our brains and then say out loud.“I can wait if you want to finish saying that.” She gave me a lazy smack on the chest with the back of her hand.“Shut up.” I loved watching her.She had this happiness that radiated all over her face.It also gave me time to look at her skin.Every time I saw her naked, I felt like I found something new to look at.“Why don’t you have any tattoos?” she asked.I lifted one shoulder.“I don’t know.Just never found anything that I loved enough to want to put it permanently on my skin.” She thought about that.“Do you want me to get one?” I asked.She’d never mentioned my lack of them before.I also knew that she normally went for the type that had them.It was yet another reason I was so happy to be with her.“Only if you want to.I could get you a good deal with Magnus.Or you could pierce something.Your nipples maybe.” She flicked one of them and I shivered because it felt really good.“I don’t know.That’s shoving a needle through a pretty sensitive bit of anatomy.” She looked up from my nipple.“You could always pierce this,” she said, stroking my cock, which was finally coming back to life.Normally my recovery time wasn’t that long, but for some reason being with Trish had taken the bullets out of my gun for longer than usual.“Hell no,” I said, not even wanting to think about how fucking painful it would be.Trish was now studying me as if she was picturing it.She flicked her finger across my head.Pain and pleasure at the same time.“Well, it’s something to think about.It heightens pleasure.For both of us.” She raised one eyebrow and I laughed.“I think that much more pleasure might kill one or both of us,” I said as she lazily stroked me up and down.If she kept that up, we were going to be heading for round two.Did I mention this was the best birthday ever? Sex and a car all in one day.I was the luckiest guy on the planet.“Maybe.Maybe not.” She gave me a sly smile and then scooted down until her face was level with my cock.Well, shit.I stopped thinking as she wrapped her lips around me.I stopped thinking about just about everything but her for quite a while.WE BOTH MOANED when the alarms went off the next morning.Neither of us bothered to put clothes back on last night, so we were both naked and wrapped around each other.I loved having the smell of her skin all over my sheets.“Why do we have to get up and do things?” she said, covering her eyes with her hands.“That’s one of life’s greatest mysteries,” I said, feeling the same way.“Well, the thing is, if we don’t leave this room, people will come looking for us, and I’d rather not have anyone but me see your naked self.” She squinted at me and I loved the way her eyes were just a little puffy and her hair was just an absolute disaster.It was going to take her quite a while to untangle it.“How about a shower? It’s big enough for two.” Now I was the one doing the eyebrow wiggling.“I like this idea,” she said, levering herself to her feet and giving me a hand.I’D ALMOST COMPLETELY forgotten about the letter from the night before.That was how much information my poor brain had to deal with.“You still okay with me liking girls?” Trish asked as we stood under the spray of the shower.“Hey, I like girls.Girls are awesome.I can totally understand why you would.” She shook her head at me.“What?”“I can’t believe I can joke with you like this.I never thought it would happen.It’s just crazy.” That was the thing, it didn’t seem that crazy to me.It was just… Trish.We got out of the shower and she went first so no one caught us.Technically “four-legged showers” were verboten, so we didn’t want to get caught by an RA or someone else.“What would they do? Like, tell you not to take showers?” she asked when we got back to her room.“No idea, but I’d rather not find out.”“Good plan.”IT WAS STRANGE to not be with Max.I would turn, expecting him to be sitting right next to me but he wasn’t.Since we’d been together last night, I guess I was just more aware of him.Or at least more aware of the absence of him.I’d never before understood those couples who had to spend every waking second together, but I definitely did now.I’d seen him a few hours ago, but it felt like forever.What was he doing? What was he thinking? Was he missing me as much as I missed him? I hoped so.I also hoped he wasn’t second-guessing his reaction to the letter.Deciding that no, he definitely wasn’t okay with me being bi.He hadn’t seemed like that this morning, but you never knew.I just couldn’t let it go.I had a session with Beth that afternoon and I almost felt like I had to talk fast to get everything that had happened out.“Wow,” she said, after I’d finished.I wasn’t shy with sharing anything with her now.It was weird.Telling someone who wasn’t technically involved with my life all my secrets was easier than I thought it would be.“Pretty much,” I said and we both laughed a little.I’d stopped caring about her note taking.Most of the time I didn’t even notice it.“And how do you feel now that you’ve come out to someone other than me?” I had to think about it for a second.Figure out what my emotions were instead of just telling her that I was fine.“Good? I guess.Surprised that he was so totally okay with it.Hopeful that my other friends and my brother will have the same reaction.Worried that they won’t.Worried that he’ll change his mind.” Mostly good, but still those little doubts lingered in the back of my mind.They were always there and they always would be.No one was 100 percent positive all the time.You’d have to be insane.“So even though things went as well as they possibly could, you’re still putting a negative spin on it?” Ugh, I hated it when she did that.Pointed out that shit.“Yeah,” I said.“What? It’s my normal thing.That’s what I always do.Expect things to go south because they almost always do.” At least they had so far in my life [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]