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.”“Good.Maybe we can get him to eat something before the healer gets here.” Moira got up and made herself some hot chocolate.“Gods, this stuff is bad for my hips.” She sipped some, groaning in pleasure.“But what a way to get fat.”Duncan shook his head and smiled indulgently.“Drink up, sweetheart.Jaden and I will love you even when you put elephants to shame.”Akane laughed at the look on Moira’s face.If the leprechaun’s expression was anything to go by Duncan would be sitting funny for more reasons than one.Akane’s hand jerked, spilling lukewarm chocolate all over her.She blinked, trying to figure out why she was so unsettled.The visions dancing around her mate had taken on a sharp edge.“Shane?”Moira hopped up and grabbed her coat.“I swear, that man gets into more trouble lately.” She threw Duncan his coat without even looking.“Shane’s in trouble.” Akane was out the door in the blink of an eye, barely feeling the cold on her human skin.She shifted partway, allowing her wings free, her warmer dragon body immune to the chill.She raced toward Shane’s studio, her heart pounding.Something was desperately wrong with her mate.Akane eased the studio door open.She could scent no intruders in their den.Shane was alone.A hideous screeching sound emanated from behind the closed doors of the workroom.Shane must be working on another vision.“Stop it!”Shane’s agonized scream had her breaking down the door to the workroom.The sight that met her eyes had her gasping in horror.Half finished sculptures littered the room.Razor sharp metal and glass shavings were strewn around the room like discarded toys.Shane, naked and bleeding from numerous cuts, was tugging his darkened copper hair, his eyes wild.Around him his lights danced faster than Akane had ever seen before, dark, hideous visions that were slowly pushing the fae into madness.“Shane.” Akane stepped forward, ignoring the sharp debris.She crooned to her mate, letting her dragon song out, hoping to pull him back from the brink long enough to tell her what had happened.“Akane?”The plea in his voice nearly drove her to her knees.“I’m here.”He winced, tugging his hair once more.“Help me.I can’t.”“Can’t what, love?” She crept closer, intent on touching him, using her own body to calm him if need be.“I can’t stop seeing.”She winced.The visions were torturing him and they were not pretty.“I know, love.Touch me.” She held out her hand.“Touch me and I’ll free you.”He stared at her outstretched hand.“No.” The strength of his voice shocked her.“I won’t give you this.”Damn.He’d figured it out.She’d meant to try and steal his burden, take the visions tormenting him onto herself.Their bond was strong enough that she could do it, too.“Give them to me, Shane.” She could handle them much better than he could.He shook his head.“This is part of it.” His eyes turned wild, his gaze darting all over the studio.“Blues and greens and whites.I need them.” He began tossing things onto the floor once more, his visions blinding him to her presence.Behind her twin gasps sounded as Duncan and Moira arrived.She waved her hand behind her.“Stay back.”A brief surge of relief crossed Shane’s face when he caught sight of Duncan, but within seconds he was muttering once more.Then, with a shriek, he swept his arm across the worktable and turned, running for the vault.“Shit.If he locks himself in there we’ll never get him out.” Moira took off after her brother, her Seeming falling from her.She now bore the same dark copper hair Shane did, but her green eyes had darkened.Swirls of light brown decorated the leprechaun’s skin.“Shane! Get your ass back here!”Duncan stepped carefully over the mess, his gaze glued to where his wife had disappeared.“He’s lost in his own mind.I’m going to try and calm the storm, keep him focused on one vision.When Cassie gets here, bring her to Shane’s vault.”Akane opened her mouth to argue but the ex-lord of the Malmayne clan was already gone, following Moira into the vault after her crazed brother.She saw the calm of the Sidhe glamour ripple across Shane’s visions, forcing him to focus on one thing at a time.Akane growled.She’d burned the poison from him the night before, hadn’t she? So what the fuck was going on?Shane panted, sweat pouring from his skin in a stinking river.“You’ll weaken before she gets here.”Duncan, eyes unfocused, his Seeming long since dropped, nodded.“I know.Can you put some pants on, please?”Shane snorted and took the pants his sister held out to him.He blinked as another dark vision was violently shoved aside.“When the time comes you’ll need to strap me down.”“What’s going on, Shane?” Moira, her hands on her hips, tapped her foot [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]