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.She’s standing over Ian with her hands on his shoulders as she says it.I compliment her too—she really is so pretty.Ian doesn’t say much, he just watches me.The whole night, he watches me.He’s quieter than usual, but the restaurant is so loud that we both give up trying to have much of a conversation.It’s the same the next night; there isn’t much chance to have a conversation.I’m happy for the time on the ski lifts during the day where we can learn all about each other.“So what do you enjoy besides books?” he asks.“You can’t have your nose in a book all the time … can you? I mean, you know I’m all about your sexy librarian vibe, but…”I roll my eyes at him and say, “Well, every now and then I do something else just as nerdy.”“No, you have a way of making everything look enticing.You’re like this … Renaissance woman … an odd, but lovely rarity.”“Do these lines just pour out of you or do you have a running repertoire that you recycle? You’re far too quick for them to be—”He puts his fingers on my lips and holds them there as his forehead touches mine.“You pull the truth out of me, Sparrow.”I don’t know what to say to that, especially while his finger is tracing my upper lip that way.“Tell me something, anything, about you,” he says, moving his finger along the middle of my bottom lip.“Uh … flute.” Shoot.Why did I let that out?He leans back, surprised.“Flute? You play the flute? What else do you play?” His eyes narrow as a big grin takes over his face.“Piano.” I sigh.“Oh, this is too good.Little Bird is musical.Oh, we’re going to have fun with this,” he vows.I groan.“No.I’m not playing for you.Ever.”He gives me a playful hurt look and gets back in my face.“Oh, you will.And I can’t wait…”I’m still inwardly groaning about that when we go to Wendy’s condo.The thought that I would ever play for Ian Sterling is ridiculous.Ian and I are on a team together for Pictionary.Jade has gradually gotten the point that Ian isn’t going to be interested in her this trip.She scowls at us as we win.I’m not an artist, but he is, so we are racking up the points.Each time we score, Ian squeezes my hand and looks like he wants to come in for a kiss.He doesn’t.But I wish he would.Our last day of skiing is bittersweet.I never dreamed I’d come on this trip and actually love it.I’m disappointed at the thought of not being able to ski again for a while.If I’m honest with myself, I’m also slightly heartsick that I will be saying goodbye to Ian tomorrow and I have no idea when or if I’ll see him again.That hasn’t come up in any conversations—the When Will I See You Again? topic.And I’m not going to be the one to broach it.We run into Lars on our way back to the Lodge.We’ve seen him a few times throughout the week, and it’s been congenial every time.He even skied with all of us one afternoon.He is genuinely a nice guy.“Sparrow!” he calls.“You headin’ out tomorrow?”“Yes, I am,” I yell back.“Thanks for showing me how it’s done!” I grin at him.“Gladly.” He walks closer and does a fist bump with Ian.“Take it easy, man.Hope to see you both out here again.”I give him a big hug and we go on our way.I’m glad he doesn’t hold any hard feelings.That would have been more awkward than it already was.The long awaited “date night” arrives.I’ve been fairly relaxed around Ian all week, but being alone with him is a different story.I know how the air is charged enough when we’re around a group of people.He has this way of looking at my mouth that leaves me unhinged.I’ve had the protection of Wendy and even Jade, to keep anything from happening, but land sakes, the way he looks at me … I’m not sure I’ll maintain my virtue.And the fact is … I’m completely ready to be defiled.Of course, I dress to kill.My outfits have floored my mom.She just thought she was shocked back home when I finally wore something fitted [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]