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.“Fuck, Teo.”Mateo bobbed on him, taking Tommy deep, working his throat.He wanted Tommy out of control, and he got his wish.Tommy thrust hard, fucking his throat, fucking himself deeper.Shit.Mateo loved it.The hard, heavy feel of Tommy, his smoothness as he throbbed against Mateo’s throat.Saliva dripped down Mateo’s chin and trickled down Tommy’s shaft, disappearing down the crevice of his ass.Releasing Tommy with a wet sound, Mateo chased the trail of saliva, licking down Tommy’s shaft and his balls before delving into the dark area behind his balls.He used his tongue and finger, licking and tracing that line from balls to ass.Tommy grew louder, legs restless against the sheets.Mateo didn’t break his focus to check if Tommy had followed his orders.He had faith in his lover and that tight hole on his mind.He lubed a finger with spit and Tommy’s own slickness and probed the tiny hole.“Oh yeah.” Tommy’s words shuddered out on a sigh.“Yes.”Mateo grinned and tapped the hole, watched it contract for him.“Fucking pretty here, T.” He licked Tommy, stiffened his tongue and flicked over that winkled ring.“Shit.” Tommy’s hips rolled, rocked.“Inside.Go inside.”He begged and Mateo gave it up.He slicked his fingers with the tube of lube he’d placed on the bed earlier, then pressed them inside.Tommy’s body resisted him for half a second, then opened like a goddamn flower, clutching him tight.“Fuck.” Mateo’s heart literally skipped a beat.Damn.He’d forgotten how tight and lush Tommy was.“I remember this, T.”“Yeah.” Tommy’s breaths came in loud pants.“Fuck me, Teo.I want you.”“Not yet.” Mateo fed him three fingers and spread him wide.Tommy’s passage clung to him, contracting around him in painful ripples.Mateo gritted his teeth and plunged in and out, working Tommy loose enough to take him.He applied more lube, slicked himself and the already lubed condom, and rose up on his knees.Tommy’s legs lifted almost of their own accord, wrapping around him.Mateo took himself in hand and gazed down at Tommy.“You ready, T?”“Fuck yeah.” Tommy lifted his lower half, his lower belly slick with pre-cum.“Can’t hold for much longer,” he gasped.Mateo pressed against his hole, then retreated and teased Tommy’s crack, rubbing up and down the dark valley.Something tore.Mateo lifted his gaze and grunted a laugh.Tommy had ripped the sheets, his knuckles pale.“Let go.” And as Tommy released his hold on the sheets, Mateo pressed inside, slowly.Tommy tensed.He threw his head back with a groan and the veins in his neck bulged.“God.” He pulled on his shaft, stroking himself.Mateo sank deeper still, losing his mind with each inch Tommy swallowed him.Once he bottomed out, he dragged air into his lungs and bent, biting Tommy’s nipples, then licking his neck.“Fuck me.” Tommy’s arms came up around him, fingers clawing at him, nails leaving marks, no doubt.Mateo complied with the order, rearing back and slamming home.“Oh God.” Tommy bounced on the mattress, gaze clinging to Mateo’s.Mateo leaned forward and took his mouth, tongue stabbing inside, and he fucked Tommy, fingers curled in his hair, held him still.Tommy gave as he good as he got, hips lifting, riding Mateo’s every thrust.“Love you.” Mateo buried his face in Tommy’s neck, tasting the sweat on his lover’s skin.“Love you.”Tommy contracted around him and stars flew behind his eyelids.Orgasm hovered right there, at the base of his spine, in his balls slapping up against the backs of Tommy’s thighs, but he wanted the younger man to come first.“Yeah.” Between them, Tommy fisted his cock.“You too,” Tommy panted.“Love you too.Too fucking much.”Mateo grinned at that.“It’s all good.” He kissed Tommy, took his mouth in a tender exploration.“Want you to come for me,” he muttered.“Do it.” He pulled out, then slammed in.Tommy cried out.“Do it.” Mateo slammed in again, abusing that tender spot inside.Tommy’s body shook.His cries grew louder and the strokes on his cock grew harder, faster.“Teo, fuck!” Tommy arched, a cry gurgled in his throat and sticky heat sprayed between them.“Shit.Shit.” Mateo took his mouth, swallowing his cries, and slammed into him with brutal strokes.The climax raced up his body, started at his toes and exploded in his balls.“Oh fuck!” He shot inside the condom, clawing at Tommy’s shoulders when the other man clenched round him.“Fuck.”Mateo collapsed onto Tommy’s chest.Tommy kissed his forehead and hugged him tight.“You good?”“Fuck, good is not the word.”The End [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]