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.”Jovan sighed as he got in the driver’s seat of the Hummer, and decided he’d ratherbe cold than wet, as he was going to be here in Phoenix.He just couldn’t win.Blake slid in the backseat, and Liberty jumped into the front seat.Rayner andFaith sped off in the other Hummer.“When shall I learn to drive, Jovan?” she asked.Oh, hell.“I don’t know, Liberty.We’ll see.”“I’ll teach you,” Blake said from the backseat.“I’m a great instructor, Liberty.”Liberty turned in her seat, excited about the lessons that he promised.As he listened to them talk, Jovan felt a need to hurt something, or in this case,someone.He rubbed his face and realized that his possessive SR44 male side was wakingup and saying hello.He didn’t want to be possessive over Liberty, but he couldn’t help it.Thinking about Blake helping her with anything made him want to rip the spine from thehuman.Through his mouth.This was so not good.A half hour later, Blake whistled as they pulled up to the mansion Liberty andJovan had stayed at the first night they met.“Nice pad,” he said.“Why aren’t we at the missile silo, Jovan?” Liberty asked.“Because there was some asshole FBI guy trolling around there and we’re afraidthe place is compromised.”Liberty giggled and looked at Blake.“I do believe he is speaking of you.”Blake mumbled something and got out of the car while Rayner pulled in behindJovan.Jovan got out, grabbed his duffel bag, and waited for Rayner while Faith andLiberty headed inside.“Nice digs,” Rayner said.“Yeah, it is.”“Let’s get settled and get a plan, okay?”“I’m with you.”As Jovan moved to go into the house, Blake grabbed his arm, holding him back.“I’m getting the distinct feeling that I should stay away from Liberty,” Blake said in alow tone.The guy was smart.“Really?”“Yes.”“How is that?”“The way you’re looking at me when I offered to teach her to drive.The way youstep between her and any man you don’t know or fully trust.I don’t even think yourealize you do that.”Jovan thought of his actions, and yes, he had been guilty.The pilot had said helloand smiled at her, and Jovan had wanted to make a necklace of his teeth.“I think your perception is right on, Blake.”Might as well warn the guy.The male didn’t flinch.“That’s fine, Jovan, but just make sure you can provideher what she needs.”“And what is that?” Damn, he wanted to chain this guy behind the Hummer anddrag him for a few miles, even if he did like him.Blake smiled slightly.“If you can’t figure that out, you’re a sorry sack of crap.And not that I should need to tell you this, but I’m not interested in bedding her.I justlike her and I’m being friendly.That’s it.”Jovan watched Blake walk into the house without looking back, and Jovan gavesome thought to his statement.What did Liberty need?She needed protection.She was simply too good and pure for this shit swamp of aworld.If she wanted one, she needed a male who wasn’t dealing with his own mindcatastrophe, as he was.Even though she had helped him with his gift, he wasn’t as strongas she was with it, and it would take time for him get full control over it.It was decided that Rayner and Faith would take the upstairs master suite, whilethe rest of them would sleep in the bedrooms downstairs.Jovan was thankful that hewould finally have some space from Liberty now that he wasn’t around Talin and Cohenand their endless, unrepentant grief.There would be no reason for Liberty to stay withhim; he could mind his own marbles now.He walked down the hall and decided that he would also be in the bedroombetween Liberty and Blake.Blake said he didn’t have any plans to make a move onLiberty, but better safe than sorry, and all that.Jovan was a light sleeper and would mostlikely hear the creaking floorboards of anyone walking past his door.Noting that he had inserted himself into a protective role yet again, he grumbled.What the hell had happened to him being the lone ranger, on his own, minding his ownbusiness? That’s right, a little hurricane named Liberty had spun into his life and turned itupside down.He reminded himself that she had also helped him harness his gift so that hedidn’t have to be alone anymore.Which meant he could be with her, if he chose to.He stopped at the middle bedroom, not liking where his thoughts were going andpointed to the door on the left.“Liberty, you take that room.” Then he pointed to his right.“You take that one, Blake.”Blake narrowed his eyes at him, but said nothing.“This room is lovely,” Liberty called out.Jovan stepped into his room and shut his door.A red, pink, and green-floweredbedspread greeted him, along with moss green walls [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]