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.I wondered if she cared.If she did, she didn’t give me any indication of it.“Command accepted,” was the only response.Immediately, Socorro moved away at speed.She accelerated away from the line of Nano ships.As the ship departed, I watched the Nano ships around me.None of them took action, other than to track the ship with their laser turrets.No one fired, as Socorro had not violated their triggering rules.I admired the discipline of the Nano ships, it was their strength—but it was also a weakness to be completely predictable.I watched the forward wall of my ship.The ship had unfolded itself by now to its normal, low-pressure configuration.On the wall, every ship in the Nano fleet was represented by a yellowish metallic bead.Socorro was a greenish bead, and it was moving fast.When I’d originally built her, I’d designed the ship with more engine power than was the norm for these vessels.She was a scout, and she excelled at her appointed task.As she was currently configured, she had three engines and only one laser turret, where most Nano ships of this general design had two turrets and two major engines.Socorro was a runner, not a fighter.I smiled as I watched her fly.Her design was perfect for today’s mission.When she was several hundred thousand miles away, she began to arc upward, out of the plane of the ecliptic.This was part of her instructions.She was no longer flying away from Eden-11, but instead staying at a consistent orbital distance from the planet.Flying in a great arc, she zoomed up and around the world to the opposite side.I watched the Nano ships around me carefully as Socorro executed this maneuver.This was a critical stage.I hadn’t been sure if they would try to escort the ship, or to move to intercede themselves between Socorro and the planet.Apparently, they recognized that the Macros and the main body of the Earth fleet was the bigger threat.They stayed in orbit on the sunward side of the planet, facing any incoming attack from that angle.The next part of the plan was tricky.Socorro rolled over and increased her speed dramatically.She dove toward the upper atmosphere of the gas giant.I watched the other ships around me tensely.I only had a few seconds to wait.The entire force began to shift and swirl like a flock of birds, uncertain which direction it should go.Then, coming to a unanimous decision, the fleet flew up toward the northern pole.They were obviously going to try to intercept.It was far too late, and they were far too slow.Socorro was accelerating at a shocking rate.All Nano ships were fast and maneuverable, but I was proud to see my design was superior to the original in this instance.She dove to the atmosphere, scudded along the surface of it, then began firing.Her single gun blazed, stabbing down into the atmosphere.I knew she couldn’t do any harm.The soupy gases would stop any beam from traveling more than a few miles into the interior.The Blues seemed to inhabit a zone thousands of miles deeper.But it didn’t matter.The Nano ships had seen the action, and were sure to register it as an attack.This was the part that left me sweating and uncertain.Up until this point, Alamo hadn’t even mentioned the ongoing hostilities to me.The ship was flying with the rest of them, zooming for the far side of the gas giant to defend the planet.Alamo would never get there in time, of course, but futility had never stopped a Nano ship from trying.I chuckled and sent my final transmission to Socorro.It was risky, as the Nano ships might be smart enough to realize they had a traitor amongst their command personnel.But I didn’t think they would.Their AI only went so far.Socorro broke off the attack, and slid out of the atmosphere.She glided around the planet’s southern pole, leading the rest of the Nano ships on a merry chase.She didn’t outrun them entirely.In fact, I’d programmed her to gently slow down throughout the journey.I wanted the Nano ships to calculate they were gaining on their quarry.Otherwise, they might lose interest and head back to their station over Eden-12.But they didn’t.They flew on directly toward the inner planets.I grinned ear to ear as I saw my plan unfold as I’d wished.There was only one problem now—they were following Socorro toward Eden-11, the Centaur homeworld.They’d marked my Earth fleet down as an enemy, since we were in control of the ship that had attacked.I silently rode with the rest of them through space.After a few hours, a message came in from Rear Admiral Sarin.“Colonel Riggs,” she said with an excited ring to her voice.“There seems to be a large number of Nano ships behind you, heading toward my position.Can we assume these ships are friendly? Did you negotiate an alliance with the Blues?”I grimaced.She had a big disappointment coming.I sighed and decided to answer her.She needed to know the truth.As my transmission would take an hour or two to flash across the void between worlds, so I made a full speech of it, explaining what had happened and what I had done.After I was finished, I played it back, made a few edits, then sent it.I’d dozed off in my seat a few hours later when Alamo told me the response had come back in from the fine-looking admiral.I winced as I told the ship, “Play it.”“Riggs!” she shouted at me.“What the hell? You started another bloody war? I can’t believe you.I’m not going to be a part of this.Earth is pulling out.I’m flying for the ring.Rear Admiral Sarin out.”This message grabbed my full attention.I was still more than a day from Eden-11.If she wanted, she could get her cruiser out of the way.I cursed and opened a channel.I needed every ship I had in on this one.“Negative, Rear Admiral, I repeat, Negative.First of all, we are both ‘Earth’ forces.We are Star Force [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]