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.After they’d made love, they’d both been shattered, almost too weary to rise and shower away the sweat and semen.They’d gently dried each other with soft towels, lingering over the experience.It had seemed ritualistic—lovers preparing themselves for the pain of separation.While Dylan hadn’t said good-bye, he’d clearly told Travis how he felt and how much the split pained him.Travis sat at the end of the bed, fingers linked, hands dangling between his knees.He felt empty.Void.On the floor next to the wardrobe was the box containing Dylan’s keepsakes.He’d deliberately left it behind, and somehow Travis knew that couldn’t be a good thing.He stood, picked up the box, and carried it upstairs.When he entered the kitchen with its big, family-sized table, he wasn’t surprised at all to find his family assembled.What did surprise him was the presence of Kell, Pim, and Jason, who paced, clearly agitated.Swallowing hard, he took the open chair next to his mother, sat down, and carefully set the box on the table.He adjusted it till it sat squarely before him.“Merry Christmas.”He didn’t say it with sarcasm.He didn’t even look around to see how the family took it.A cup of coffee was placed in front of him, along with a massive cinnamon roll.His mother always knew…His breath caught, and he pushed back a sob.He’d made his choice.He was a shifter of Arcada.When truly faced with the choice, he could not leave his home and family.Pim leaned across the table and pushed a small, simple package toward him.He took a deep breath and touched the gold-foil paper with the tips of his fingers.“He commissioned this and asked us to deliver it.” Her voice was grave.“Please open it, Travis.”It wasn’t wrapped or taped, so the box opened easily.He lifted the pendant from the tissue and let it dangle from his fingers by the chain.“He had me reproduce the original in platinum so you wouldn’t burn.”It was the pendant that symbolized Dylan’s family.Melody sat next to him, and she placed her hand over his arm.“Dylan is from a very old, royal family.The tree symbolizes their traditional role as forest guardians.The leaves and acorns around the border show the rank of the family.He’d have been a crown prince, directly in line for the throne.”He continued to stare at the pendant.It was beautiful, and all his life he’d look at it and remember.“Please accept his gift, Travis,” Pim said.He nodded and slipped the chain over his head.It slid under his shirt and settled against his heart.“Now…” Pim pushed a worn pouch toward him.He recognized it, yet he’d seen it only once.Inside lay the original silver pendant.Dylan’s pendant.Though the metal stung, he lifted it out and cradled it in the palm of his hand.“That should be burning the hell out of your skin!” Blacque took the chain between his callous fingertips and set it back on the pouch.Travis stretched his unmarked hand, showing it to his brother.“It tingles a little, but that’s all.” He frowned.“You’re right.It should have burned.”In sudden comprehension, he looked at his mother.She flushed and dropped her head.“Silver has never bothered me much, not like it does the others.” He continued to stare at his mother, his heart slamming in his chest.“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”“The traditional healer who taught you…?”“Was my grandfather.He was fae.My grandmother refused to leave her people to join him, so she raised my mother on her own.He visited often.”“Well sh—dang it, Mama!”“No wonder he and Dylan connected.” Lukas grinned at him.“Always knew there was something airy—”“Don’t go there, Lukas!” He glared daggers at his brother.“Who else knew about this?” He glowered around the table, meeting the gazes of his siblings, his father, and uncle.All appeared as surprised as he.He relaxed a little; no one was looking at him differently.No one seemed angry at his mother or contemptuous of him.So maybe it wasn’t that bad.“Well, to be fair, Oliver suspected, but we never really got into it.” Blacque was still struggling with his grin.“We also suspected, as did Jason,” said Pim.He looked over at Jason.The young fae still paced the kitchen, staring out the windows at the snowy yard.“But we didn’t know if it was a secret or if you were aware.”“I wonder if Dylan knew.” It sort of shook him that he spoke of his lover in the past tense.“I think he suspected,” Melody said.“I have a minor healing gift.Nothing like my grandfather, but it helps.He seemed to sense it.”“He never said anything.” Once again the heavy feeling of loss settled upon Travis.His shoulders slumped; his vision dimmed a bit.“Are you going to tell them? Tell him what that fae really is?”“Jason, no.We don’t know for sure.” Pim stood, and Kell pulled her back down.“I do! I know!” Jason stomped to the table and glared at every one of them.“He wasn’t a good man—not at all.”“That isn’t true.” Pim continued to defend Dylan.“We don’t know that.It’s a…a fairy tale.”“Know what?” Dane’s voice was a low growl.“Jason, tell us what you’re talking about.We’ll judge for ourselves.”The young fae crossed his arms defensively, but anger sparked from his very essence.Travis felt his heart thudding.Jason was his friend…had been for a long time.He’d known Dylan only a month.“Tell us, Jason,” he said softly.“He’s the bogeyman.He’s the story our parents tell us to make us behave.” He reached out to Travis and then let his hands fall.“They tell us if we aren’t good, the dream hunter will come get us when we sleep,” he whispered.“Your parents, maybe,” Pim said wryly.Kell shrugged as though he’d never heard the story.Pim glared at Jason and then sighed.“Like I said, he’s like a fairy tale.An urban legend.It happened so long ago, most fae don’t believe he’s real.” She reached across and pulled the pendant back.“If I hadn’t seen this, I wouldn’t consider believing.”“Believing what?” Travis was shocked by his own voice.It was nothing but a harsh whisper.All around the table the family sat listening, their expressions ranging from anger to amazement to sadness.For him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]