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.He nodded.“Can I borrow it sometimes? Chicks really dig babies.Makes them think I’m all sensitive and shit.”Harper laughed.“No way in hell.”Simon gave her a pouty face.“I’ll wear you down.”Deacon looked at Gray.“What do you think, Vapor?”Gray crossed his arms over his chest.“It’s going to be an interesting tour.”Deacon gently gripped Harper’s shoulders.“Never liked boring anyway.”Gray gave a rare smile.“But I’m happy for you guys.This is good news.”Jazz hopped off the couch and went to the side drawer.She waved a book at them.“I’ve been doing some reading.”Nick flipped open his Zippo and slammed out the back door, a puff of smoke in his wake.Harper gripped Deacon’s hand on her shoulder, leaning into him.“Not quite as bad as I thought.”Deacon wrapped an arm around her waist.“Impressive mama bear growl there at Nick,” he said low into her ear.“That was hella hot.”She laughed.“You’re a sick man.”“What? I like when you get all territorial about our kid.It’s pretty awesome.”“Nick brings it out in me.”Deacon snorted.“He brings it out in most people.”“So it says here that your boobs get sensitive.Like, you can have an orgasm just from sucking on the nipples sensitive.” Simon looked up from the baby book Jazz had apparently handed him.“Is that true?”“That’s the first question you ask me?”Simon shrugged.“Sounds like a perk to me.”Gray gave a soft snuff of a laugh before standing up.“I’ll be back later.”Jazz looked up from the book, elbowing Simon out of the way.“Where are you going?”“Out.” Gray grabbed his coat from the closet.“Don’t wait up.”“What was that about?” Deacon asked as the door closed.Jazz brought the book to her chest, arms wrapping tight.“He never stays home anymore.”Harper frowned.Definite undercurrents there.“You okay?”“Sure.” Jazz sighed, opening the book.“I am now.”Harper linked her arm through Jazz’s and peeked over her shoulder.“So, tell me what you’ve learned.” She listened with half an ear as she watched Deacon go out the back door.She hoped he could talk Nick down.A lot of changes were going to happen.She didn’t want to cause another rift within the band.This baby was happy news no matter how Nick reacted.Jazz’s cheerful chatter helped support that.A few minutes later, Deacon returned with a tiny shake of his head.Nope, Nick wasn’t ready to talk evidently.Deacon sat next to her, both he and Jazz spouting off information about babies and pregnancy like they were in a trivia contest.When Simon sat on the other side of Jazz, a purring George in his lap, Harper finally relaxed a little.This family she’d married into wasn’t exactly what she’d envisioned for herself.But like the baby that was now a part of her, so were they.And she wouldn’t change a thing.Please read on for a sneak peek of TWISTED—Coming Fall 2014Let Your Voice Be HeardHIT OR QUIT: After you finish ROCK, RATTLE & ROLL please consider leaving an honest review here or on Goodreads.COME PLAY WITH US: We have a blast on our Facebook group, Word Wenches.It’s all about the teasers, giveaways, music, hot guys.oh and books.Join us!BE SOCIAL: Taryn & Cari are all over social media.Follow TARYN on Facebook & Twitter.Follow CARI on Facebook & Twitter.GET INFORMED: Sign up for our Lost in Oblivion NEWSLETTER for contests, advanced notice on new releases & other fun.TWISTEDChapter OneThen“Gray, your new sister is here.”Gray rolled over on his stomach and dragged the pillow over his head.He was still hungover from the party last night and wasn’t in the mood to play nice.Not while there were cymbals crashing in his skull.“Can I talk to her later?”“No.You can talk to her now.”Gray groaned.“Brent’s home for the weekend.Let him play welcome wagon.I’ll take the night shift.”“Brent already went back to campus.”Gray groaned.Figured.His older brother swung in for a night then swung back out again before the fawning stopped.Leaving everything to Gray as usual.“Besides, I think you’re more suited in this case.” The mattress sank as his mom sat down at his side.“This one’s not had an easy time of it.I think a friend would do her good.”Instantly guilt twisted in Gray’s already knotted stomach.Damn Mad Dog.He was never drinking that crap again, no matter how often Jimmy tried to tell him getting loaded would help their band.Bullshit.All it had done was give him a fucking headache and put him in a pisser of a mood.He rolled over and tossed his arm over his eyes.“How bad?” he asked tiredly.“Pretty bad.Her mom kept her sister but turned Jasmine over to the state.Said she’d gone wild and she couldn’t handle her anymore.Since then, she’s bounced from place to place.”“So she’s trouble.” He didn’t have time for that.He could stir up enough of his own.“I think she’s just lonely.You have to meet her.”The foster kids his mom and dad took in had usually come from rough environments.Some of the children were friendlier than others, which was understandable.But it had been six months since the last one, and he’d begun to think that maybe the Duffys had taken in their last kid.He and Brent would be off to college sooner rather than later and maybe they were looking forward to their empty nest.But now they’d taken in Jasmine.“Jasmine, huh? Like the flower?”“Yes.Jasmine Edwards.You two actually have a lot in common.”He snorted.“Oh yeah? Like what?”“You’ll see.” She stood up.“I’m going to give you two some time alone.I’ll be in the den, okay?”Gray grunted and waited until she’d left to haul his ass out of bed.He checked his appearance in the half bath off his bedroom.Lovely.Bloodshot eyes, check.Way too long hair that looked like someone had gone at it with shears, check.Dragon breath from puking in the bushes before he’d crashed that morning, triple check.He brushed his teeth a couple of times, pushed a hand through his hair and sniffed his Dokken T-shirt before taking another run at his pits with his deodorant.Good enough.He headed downstairs, taking the steps two at a time.It wasn’t like he was meeting anyone he needed to impress.Five minutes with this chick and he could consider his duty done.Then maybe he could get some practice in on Krystal Sword’s new material.He’d been writing this new song—Halfway into the living room, he came to a halt.Everything stopped.His feet, his breath, his heart.Curled up in one corner of the couch sat a tiny brunette, a guitar stretched across her lap.It dwarfed her, making her seem even smaller.Her fingers moved like a blur, coaxing out the most beautiful music from the antiquated acoustic [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]