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.“I understand.” He hung up then handed Stiles the phone back.“What happened?”“Jackson’s parents…they were murdered two hours ago.”Lydia let out a soft sob, “Jackson left…two hours ago!” the air became charged with urgency as Derek took out his phone to dial Jackson.No luck.Derek’s phone rang right after but it was Lubov.A second later Derek put the phone on speaker.“They’re here…I’m with John and the vampires clearly did this.I smell…werewolf but not just any werewolf.I think the Alpha pack had a hand in this too.”The werewolves tense.“I’m going to stay with John, their scents are fresh.They might try to hurt him and I can’t let that happen.Derek…what do you want to do?”“We need to find Jackson.”“Agreed, I’ll try to smell him out but only as I am able to without leaving John unattended.Stiles are you listening?”“Yes” Stiles spoke up.“I’ll keep him safe, don’t worry.” Stiles was comforted by this, “Thank you” he sighed in relief.“Get to it Derek” Lubov said before he hung up.“Groups of two…” Derek began but the Alpha pack had other plans because a howl ripped through the air in the distance from the north.Peter and Derek tensed, “They’re calling.They have Jackson.” The werewolves all dispatched in action while Lydia looked helpless after them, she tried to run but she no longer had her wolf and she was just as weak in that sense as Stiles.They were no match to keep up.“Take Lydia with you and go to Lubov, you’ll be save there.” Derek rushed out his words; he gave Stiles a firm squeeze on his shoulders before he ran after his pack.Derek tore into his Alpha form as he ran and soon he was out of sight.Peter followed quickly on all fours like the rest of the pack since he no longer was the Alpha.That left Lydia and Stiles unattended, “Hurry!” Stiles shoved Lydia towards his jeep.Lydia looked at her cousin in disbelief, “You’re not going after them? They have Jackson!”Stiles shoved Lydia into his jeep.“Of course I am! But it won’t be any good to run, we’re too slow and we’d tire ourselves before we even get halfway.We’re taking the Jeep.”Lydia held put on her seat belt before Stiles tore through the forest after Derek and the pack.Another howl was heard, it sounded pained; almost like a whimpering call.“FASTER!” Lydia demanded.Stiles slammed down on pedal.He looked at the sky; it was cloudy and without daylight savings anymore it would get darker too soon.The Jeep drove off a ramp; Stiles held the steering wheel too hard so it broke in half; he didn’t have much time to think of it because the car was impacted with a hard body.It fell to the side with Stiles and Lydia being saved by their seat belts.A pearly face looked down through the passenger window.Lydia unbuckled herself; she fell held on to the seat to keep from falling onto Stiles who unbuckled himself too.The female vampire smiled down at them.She bared her teeth to reveal them stained with blood.“Suck on this bitch!” Lydia scram, she swung herself off the seat to kick the door in fury.It went flying into the air along with the vampire.Lydia climbed out quickly with Stiles on her heels.They stood on the turned Jeep, “My dad is going to kill me for this” Stiles groaned when he saw the large dent on the side of his baby.There was a whooshing sound as the Jeep door and the vampire came back toward Earth.They watched at the long haired brunet clawed her hands into a tall tree to slid down its length with her teeth bared in a snarl at the cousins.Lydia rolled her neck, “I’m not all fancy with the running and the agility but I’ll rip you in half!” she gestured at the vampire to bring it on.“Lydia!” Stiles pulled her to the side, they jumped off the jeep but the brunet was in front of them to block their path.Stiles pushed Lydia aside who was grateful that Stiles would take this one because the pain from kicking the door with her still human feet rushed onto her.They would heal soon, or at least she really hoped they did.She turned in time to see Stiles’s jaw clenched hard as he held the vampire by the neck then twisted it one go.Stiles pulled the arms off with an almost metal meets bedrock sound.They threw the body parts a good distance apart [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]