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.Jacobson said.Then I felt something.That little push I felt yesterday when Caleb was in my head.But this time, my mind didn’t welcome it.It didn’t hurt but it was annoying and fuzzy.I felt my brow furrow and something zapped in somehow.There were images moving in rapid form and fashion, images of kicks and punches and techniques.My eyelids fluttered and I heard my breath come in and out quickly.Then it all of a sudden just stopped.Everyone was staring at me expectantly.Caleb had one arm around me and the other holding my hand.I looked up to his face.He looked a little peeved actually but waited for me to catch my breath.“You could’ve warned her,” Caleb growled to someone and then looked back at me.Finally he spoke softly, though I knew they all could hear.“What did you see?”“I saw.um, karate?”“Very good, Maggie.” Mr.Jacobson scooted to the edge of his chair and smiled at me.“I was teaching you basic karate actually.”“I’m sorry?” I squeaked.“That’s my gift or ability or power; whatever you want to call it.I can learn at an exponential rate.Then, I can help my family by teaching them anything I’ve learned that they need to know to protect them or help them do a task by sending those images to their mind.I learn just as quickly as you just did and I then teach you that quickly as well.You for example, just learned basic beginner’s karate in less that ten seconds.I figured if I was going to teach you something, it may as well be something useful to you,” he said and smirked.“You mean, I know karate? Like.real karate?” I made a wide motion with my hands to accentuate.“I don’t feel like I do.I don’t remember anything.”“That’s because you haven’t used it yet.Right now it’s just an…imprint burned in your mind of my memory of how to do it.The first time you need it, it’ll fire your brain receptors and teach you along the way, but you’ll remember instantly how to do whatever your instincts thinks you need to at the time.”“Ok.” I took a deep breath, taking it in.Trying not to frown or show discomfort at what he was telling me.“So, is that what everyone does? Is that everyone’s ability?”“No.Everyone is different.”“When will Caleb get his ability? And what will it be?”“It usually doesn’t take long after the imprint.But as far as a what, we have no idea.He’ll show us when he’s fully ascended.And so will you.”I looked up at him gaping.“Me? You mean I’m gonna have some ability too?”“Absolutely.”I thought of something and fiddled with the hem of my shirt.“This is what you meant by ‘easier for me’, that my parents aren’t involved because not only do I have to stay in physical contact with Caleb or I go crazy but because my family would be suspicious of my abilities pretty soon.”“Yes.”I was shocked to say the least.I pulled my hand free from Caleb, not meaning to upset him but I just needed myself for a minute.I needed to feel whatever it was that he was shielding and taking from me with his touch.Then it all rolled over me.Now, I was scared; to death.I didn’t want to be a freak in their clan that everyone wanted to observe because I was so special.I didn’t want to be different or strange to my own world either.I didn’t know what I wanted.My breathing began to be loud and erratic, my hands were shaking.I closed my eyes and steepled my hands in front of my face.I heard someone tell Caleb to help me, he said he was helping.He was letting me work through it.I was grateful that he seemed to know exactly what I needed but it didn’t calm me down any.I felt the tingling push of his mind in mine, checking to make sure I was ok.I knew he was listening to me but I couldn’t stop the string of thoughts that followed.Does this mean I’ll never have any privacy in my head? Caleb told me I’d learn to control it.Do I love him? Is that what this is? Would I have wanted him if we hadn’t imprinted? Yes, I knew I had but would it have evolved into more? What would have happened if I hadn’t been at that light? What’s going to happen to me now?Are we dating now? Do we just jump right into kissing and whatever else dating people do because we know we’re soul mates? I had no idea how to proceed with him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]