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.I thought he might want to mutualize now and not wait.“Of course I do,” he said, pulling my face up.“Everything in me wants to.And we will.Just not today.” He took my mouth gently, but it quickly moved to passionate.I felt bad.He just took a shower and smelled delicious, and here I was smelling like smoke and—He growled.Trust me, the way you smell is not what interests me right now.Okay.He pulled back and licked his lip.“Okay what?” But he knew.He was grinning.“Okay.Let’s tell my parents.” He grinned wider.“I just hope you know what you’re getting into.The weddings aren’t normal, but they are crazy.”“I just want to marry your cute behind.” He kissed my forehead.“I don’t care about the rest.”“It’ll be a good way to bury the hatchet with the family, I guess,” I mused, thinking he was in such a better mood.“Thank you for yesterday,” he said, distractedly.“I wouldn’t have made it without you.”I tilted my head.“I wouldn’t have made it without you either.”“No, I mean after.I’m sorry I was an ass.” He pursed his lips.“But you saved me.I wouldn’t have been okay without you.” He sighed.“I’m still not, I just…need to move on.”I hugged him tighter.“I want nothing more than to move on with you.Truly.”He mentally tensed.“I guess we should talk about where we’re going to live and all that?”I laughed and looked up at him, putting my chin on his chest.“Why? We’re going to live here, of course.I’m not going to leave my parents.” He tried to keep a straight face, I’ll give him that.“I’m completely kidding.”He whooshed a breath.“That was dirty.”I laughed harder.“Your.Face.Was.Priceless.”“Jacobsons and their jokes.” He shook his head.“I guess I’ll have to learn some, huh?” I squinted.“Well, I’m not going to be a Watson anymore, and I for daggum sure don’t want their name any longer.Do you think your family would mind if I took their—”“Are you kidding?” I wanted to cry again.Gah! “No they won’t mind!”“We better ask,” he said wryly.“We both know this family isn’t exactly known for their enthusiasm for me.In fact, I bet you at least one has something to say about the wedding.” He scoffed and looked down.“I somehow managed to piss off two entire families by just being born.That takes skill.”I cupped his face.“If anyone says anything, I will personally disown them.I am so over it.And where else would we live for our first place but your apartment.I like your apartment.It’s close to school.It’s the right size for us.Why wouldn’t we live there?”“It’s a big step down, Ave.”He was smiling, but he was feeling the pressure.He lost his job because of our bond and had no idea what he was going to do now.He had no idea about the house buying tradition.He was still worrying about how to buy me a ring.I sighed.So the Watsons had apparently adopted some human traditions and kept some Virtuoso ones.I’d talk to him about that later.And I was sure he’d feel guilty about that, too.If anyone in my family made him feel bad about this I would…“Hey.” I looked up.“What’s the matter?”I had been blocking him so he wouldn’t see, but had apparently gotten a little worked up.“I’m just…everything.Nothing.All of it.I can’t wait to tell my family and then…I don’t even want to see them.”He rubbed my jaw with his thumb.“They were protecting you.”“And condemning you.It pisses me off.”He smirked.“Wow.”“What?”“That will never lose its luster.”I scoffed and smiled.“My crazy side?”“Your sexy, protective side.” He kissed the corner of my mouth.“Go take a shower while I get dressed.Meet you downstairs and we’ll tell them.”I slithered into the bathroom on jelly legs as he backed away.I showered quickly because I couldn’t believe what was about to happen.I was still slicking on my lipgloss coming down the stairs when I yelled at Mom through her bathroom door and asked where Seth was.I could hear the shower running.“He’s at the side door.One of your friends from school came for you.” My blood ran a thick as mud in my veins.“He answered the door, said he knew her.They’re on the porch.”I walked quickly, ready to throw Lilith out on her behind.Why would he even be talking to her knowing what she did? Knowing that she could get to him or me at any moment? Or my family? I picked up the speed.They probably weren’t talking; they were probably fighting.But his heartbeat was fine… I opened the door and…Harper.Seth was blocking the doorway, his arms crossed.He looked at me and I could tell how torn he was.He was checking to see if I was angry with him, but why would I be? Did he make her come here? Harper looked at me and her entire face changed.She had been pleading, half-smiling, looking sorry for something.Now she just looked peeved.“You ruined everything,” she said.“You came to see me?” I asked politely.“Mom said?”“Oh, bite me.I came for Seth.I knew he was here.I knew he was going to have to coddle you all night after my father almost killed you.You’re alive so, I’m assuming he failed.” Seth and I looked at her.She didn’t know about her father yet.They hadn’t called her?“How did you know that he failed?”“I didn’t.” She looked at Seth.“I hoped.I haven’t been home.I didn’t want to hear about it.Pfft.” She looked away, shaking her head.“I’m so sick of Dad’s agendas and plotting.And he’s started to,” she looked at me quickly, “bring in new people.He wants me to bond with one of them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]