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.We need a way in and right now she’s our only way.We won’t risk her unnecessarily and we’ll watch everything that happens carefully,” Hades spoke uncharacteristically soft and low.Almost as if he feared she’d bolt or faint.Julie might have, but not this one.Nettie was a fighter as Julie had told him, but she was also feminine and lovely.She reminded him of Sierra, a balance of all the best womanly traits with a few kick ass masculine ones.Afrod knew they were in for trouble.He suspected he was in for the most trouble of all.His heart skipped a beat as he gazed at her unable to pull his eyes away.Aw, hell!“Julie isn’t going in there.She has a baby to think of and I won’t allow the risk,” she glared at Hades as he started to speak.“I wasn’t finished yet.” Surprisingly Hades shut up and waited for what she had to say.“I wouldn’t leave your god in there either.He’s at their mercy and it’s just not right.Julie has become friendly with him and she says he’s a good man.” Hades started to interrupt again but she shot him a killing look.I was sure he was only going to say Apis wasn’t a man but a god.That wasn’t really important at this point.Hades shut up again and waited.“I’m going in instead.Julie can’t be risked and I look a lot like her.She barely speaks to any of them and only two guards out side and one inside are there.I’m trained in this kind of thing and I can do it.” Now she was finished and she looked at Hades expectantly.He appeared to be in deep thought as he looked from Julie to Nettie.“It could work,” he mused out loud.It was true there was a strong resemblance but they seemed so different to me.It might be the air of confident authority that she exuded or her slightly more mature looks.She looked sexier, instead of the innocent fresh faced look Julie had.Afrod had a shock as sexual desire shot through him and he felt his cock come to attention.Oh, shit! He shifted in his seat to get more comfortable and tried desperately to think of anything but sex and Nettie.If what Julie said was correct, Nettie would bust his balls if he tried to hit on her.Damn and double damn, he had missed something important.Everyone was looking at him.“Yes,” he said uncertainly.“Afrod, you will go with Nettie.She will smuggle you in past the guards and you will come back to help take them out when Eros and one of the others drives the delivery van to the gate to distract them.Once they are taken out, we will come in en masse.Pluto will take out the alarms and cameras before Nettie hits the gate.That will leave just the guard downstairs which either Nettie will take out or we will once we enter.Everyone understand?” Hades asked but his eyes were on Afrod who nodded quickly.Hell, yeah, he understood.He was just a little worried about being alone with Nettie.He wasn’t sure he might not touch her because he was tempted to and he didn’t know what she’d do.He was sure it wouldn’t be what he wanted her to do.He examined her cautiously not wanting her to be aware of his scrutiny.He was hyper aware of every move she made and every expression on her face.She didn’t appear to notice him which made him feel both relieved and oddly disappointed.The female certainly affected him and he found it incredibly confusing.They had nearly an hour before they had to leave so everyone dug into the food.He noticed for little females, both Julie and Nettie had good appetites.It was probably because they were constantly in motion hardly able to sit still.He still felt protective toward Julie but he wondered if it was more of a brotherly feeling now that he had met the big sister.Everyone started to clean up the residue from lunch, it was all paper and cardboard with no food left at all except bones.Once that was accomplished, they all began to check and load their gear.Guns, knives, and baton style stunners all were packed into the proper pocket on pants made to carry a lot.Restraints of more than one kind were also brought along because their intent was to capture not kill.Hades hollered, “Everyone ready?” They all nodded or answered affirmatively.Only Pluto would be left behind to keep everyone updated and help handle any emergencies.“Is the kid able to manage what he’s assigned?” Nettie whispered in his ear causing goose bumps to break out all over his body.When had she moved so close? He breathed in her sweet scent and his body reacted even though he tried to keep control.“The kid’s a genius with communications and good on computer hacking.He’s the number two in his generation.”“He’s a god? I thought all of you were older.”“So did we, until we found the kids recently at an unknown facility.”“At least you saved them.Now let’s go save this Apis or my sis will kick all our butts.”The way she phrased that made me wonder if the attachment between Apis and Julie was all friendship and fun.Maybe he was the one that would be claiming her and maybe Afrod would be claiming another.The thought excited him as much as it terrified him.Nettie was so strong and sure, she had even stood up to Hades something Afrod couldn’t even imagine doing.He followed Nettie out the door to Julie’s little bug.It was perfect for Julie, but Afrod looked at the small backseat and knew he was about to become a contortionist.This was where the on again off again yoga lessons that the mates gave, would come in handy or not.He hadn’t really had enough lessons to be a big help and if he made it through this without losing a major body part due to lack of circulation he swore he would take the lessons more seriously when he got back home.“Well, big guy, how ya gonna fit in that tight spot?” Nettie asked with a smile.She wasn’t giving comfort, no, she was enjoying his discomfort.“Anyway I can,” he said as he started twisting around and sliding into the back.His knees were bent to his chest and chin was down.He felt like a Jack in the Box ready to spring free at the slightest opportunity.Nettie threw a blanket over him and set a box on top of it.He was thankful she wasted no time starting the car and taking off.It was also lucky that they didn’t have far to drive and as she slowed down to enter the gate, his body tensed, worried they would catch them.It was a groundless fear as she stepped on the gas so they must have waved her through.She pulled as close to the building as possible, just like they’d planned.It was in the shadows and he slowly started to sit up and stretch.“Get down,” she directed so he pulled himself back down to the floor.“Hey, there Sweetheart.You remember the boss that you met last night?”“I remember him but I didn’t catch his name?” Nettie said sounding clueless.“Broheimer, he probably didn’t bother to tell you.Anyways, he’s coming back tonight and you impressed him.He wants to offer you a job.So don’t go anywhere, okay?”“Sure, maybe I’ll get a raise,” she said sounding excited [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]