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.All manner of mounts and carriages still be going hither and yon-streets're full.""Well, that'll put a crimp in Taeros's morning!""Oh, he weren't at Hawkwinter Hall come dawn," the boy said loftily, obviously delighted to know so much more than dashing Lord Beldar."Ne'er came home last night, the servants're saying.Yer friend Lord Helmfast, neither."Beldar's heart plunged.For once, he wasn't furious servants always seeming to know so much about noble business.Plucking a silver coin from his purse, he waved it at the wide-eyed lad."Tell me all, and this is yours."*****The temple bells were chiming their last time before highsun as Beldar swung down from his swiftest horse, lathered from its gallop out and around the city, and in again by the South Gate.He raced up the clubhouse stairs, calling for Taeros as he ran.Of all the Gemcloaks, the Hawkwinter seemed to treasure this haven most highly.And if not Taeros, well, gathering here for a late-and for some, second-morningfeast was fast becoming a daily ritual.The door, however, was closed and locked.A note addressed to Roldo Thongolir was pinned to it with a small silver knife.A Hawkwinter table knife.Beldar pulled it free, spirits lifting at recognizing the firm, neat hand of Taeros on the parchment.I hope you've already eaten, the note read, for instead of the usual bellyfilling, we'll be meeting at Master Dyre's worksite on Redcloak Lane.Seek chaos and ruin-of late, our shared banner.If you're not there by five bells past dawn, we'll proceed without you.Taeros had signed it with his usual rune.Beldar frowned at that mark.Redcloak? The site of their mock battle? What business could await there? And why was this addressed solely to Roldo, when it concerned them all?Five bells past dawn had come and gone, but not by much.If he hurried, he might be able to catch his friends, or learn whither they were bound, and follow.He gave the parchment a wry smile.Didn't every leader go about his business much the same way?*****A few workmen were hauling rubble out into carts standing in Redcloak Lane and morosely probing what was left of the stone foundations.Their work had exposed the cause of the collapse: a new tunnel connecting with the old, damp wellhouse underway Dyre had walled off.The guildmaster shoved at the ladder they'd put down into the new tunnel, making sure it was steady.Nodding, he took up a lantern and led the way down into the gloom, sure-footed as a cat.His daughters followed ably enough with their own lamps, closely followed by their trio of lordlings: the fair-haired Helmfast lad, as protective of Naoni as any wood-nymph her tree; the smart-tongued Hawkwinter; and the sour-faced one in the black cloak whose name Dyre kept forgetting.Then they were in the tunnel, turning their backs to where the collapse had blocked it and striding beyond reach of daylight-where Dyre all but forgot the others, barely noticing when one of his daughters slipped past."Not dwarf work," he mused, lantern held high to study the fitted stones of the passage where they arched overhead, with nary a crude lintel-slab in sight, "but close to it.""Korvaun…"Naoni's voice was soft and steady, yet it held a note that lifted the hairs on the back of Dyre's neck.He charged toward whatever danger threatened his daughter; may young Helmfast be fleeter of foot or be damned!Arriving first, he pulled up short alongside Naoni, and after a stunned moment, slid a steadying arm around her waist.A burly, battered body lay sprawled on the stones-a dwarf.More than that Dyre couldn't say, for the dead face had been battered beyond recognition… but there was an all too familiar rune carved bloodily into the corpse's forehead.*****Beldar found it surprisingly easy to win past the workmen.One looked up, saw his glittering red cloak, and pointed with his hammer at a ladder sticking up out of a pit.Beldar nodded thanks, took a torch from a sand-bucket bristling with them, lit it from the lantern sitting hard by, and climbed down into the darkness.After his last and exceedingly unpleasant underground experience, he was relieved to find himself in a stone-lined tunnel: well-built, dry, and smelling of not much more than damp earth.He started to walk briskly, hoping to catch up with his friends.Very soon he saw the glimmerings of several distant lanterns, and quickened his pace.Just as he was about to call out a greeting, he passed the mouth of a side-passage.A dark shape exploded out of it.Beldar grabbed for his sword, but The world whirled around him.He fought for balance, and somewhere in his flailings lost hold of his torch.It whup-whupped into the wall and exploded into sparks at about the same moment Beldar's back slammed bruisingly onto flagstones, smashing the wind out of him.He gasped for breath in the sudden darkness and then went very, very still.There was no doubt at all about the nature of the cold sharpness pressed against his throat."I've got him!" a familiar voice called from just above him."Bring a lantern!""Korvaun?" Beldar gasped in disbelief."Helmfast, is that you?"There was a long silence, during which two lights approached."Aye," Korvaun said at last, and the steel was gone from Beldar's throat as Taeros and Starragar, lanterns held high, stopped and stared down at him."How'd you know where to find us?" Starragar snapped.Beldar frowned.Did they think he couldn't read? Surely they hadn't planned to undertake some sort of adventure without him!"You left a note on the clubhouse door," he replied, not bothering to hide his exasperation.His fellow Gemcloaks exchanged dark glances.Their manner was beginning to grate on Beldar's nerves, already frayed over the last few days.He struggled to his feet unaided, and gave Korvaun Helmfast his best glare."You ambushed me.Why?"Korvaun slid his dagger into its sheath."My apologies." His voice was flat and cool."We heard footsteps and decided to lie in wait for whoever-or whatever-was following us [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]