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.He carefully lathered up his hands and stepped into the spray, shielding Sir.Swallowing hard, he started to run his hands up and down his body, savoring every wet slippery inch of his Master’s skin.The steamy air, Sir’s quickening breath, and his own arousal all combined into an amorphous and deepening want.It was an effort to stop stroking Sir’s cock after it was clean—as it was, it was very thoroughly cleaned.Tyler also had trouble with Sir’s thighs—so strong and muscled and perfect.His own cock throbbed and he was moaning before he realized, and Sir patted his head.“I think my front is done, sub,” Sir told him, breathless.Tyler nodded and moved as Sir turned.Tyler poured more soap into his hands, started at Sir’s neck and worked his way down, paying attention to every inch.When he was done, he stepped back and pulled down the shower attachment.He carefully rinsed Sir off from top to bottom, relishing Sir’s bitten lip, his flushed skin.He was so tempted to taste that rosy skin but he couldn’t.He continued to rinse, even after the soap was gone, hypnotized by the water sliding down Sir’s skin, wanting so badly to follow it with his hands, his tongue, his lips.He was lost in a haze of steam and lust, entire body throbbing until the water abruptly turned off.Sir was staring at him with heavy lids.He was as hard as a rock and Tyler licked his lips, remembering last night.Sir had other plans.“Brace yourself against the wall,” he hoarsely commanded.Tyler nearly slipped on the slick floor in his eagerness to obey.Sir put his hands on Tyler’s hips and with no preparation, no warning, slid in.Tyler moaned at the delicious feeling of Sir’s cock in his arse, but he quickly stifled the sound.He hadn’t been commanded to move so he couldn’t rock back but he could tighten down with every thrust, wanting so badly to make this good for Sir.Sir was not being careful.He just hammered in and out, sometimes hitting his prostate, sometimes not.It was almost better for that.Sir was just using him, and Tyler had to sink his teeth into his arm to keep from making more noise.He could feel the rough tiles under his feet, the lingering steam, and the dull pain of his teeth in his arm, Sir’s hot breath against his neck.He felt full to bursting with pleasure, with satisfaction, with Sir.Sir’s thrusts became jerkier, and Tyler tightened his arse in quick cadence, milking the orgasm out of him.Sir groaned into his ear, low and rasping, and Tyler had to savagely pinch the head of his cock to calm himself down.Sir’s cock jerked, and Tyler moaned into his arm one final time.Sir slowly pulled out, Tyler involuntarily clenching one more time to keep him in.When he realized what he was doing, he made himself relax.Sir chuckled in his ear before biting it hard.“You’re lucky you’re such a good fuck, subby,” he told him, voice satiated and lazy.“Out.”Stepping out, Sir nodded toward a towel.“Dry me off.”Tyler did so, gently rubbing the towel over his skin, catching and drying every drop.He felt worshipful, awed.Getting to touch Sir like this felt so fucking intense, so heightened.It was almost as good as coming.He shifted and was reminded of the heavy weight of his cock.Almost as good as coming.“Tyler.”He looked up.Sir was completely dry but Tyler was still rubbing the towel over his smooth skin.He blushed and dropped his hands by his sides.Sir chuckled.“Into the shower with you,” he told him.“Clean yourself up and prepare yourself again.When you’re done, crawl to the dining room.”Tyler got back in, but before he turned on the water, he looked outside.Sir was gone, presumably to the kitchen.Safely alone, Tyler reached behind and explored.He stroked his fingers on the rim of his arse, Sir’s cum slick and warm.It was easy to slide a finger in himself, but he wasn’t supposed to touch.Guiltily he cleaned up, using the showerhead to thoroughly clean himself.He carefully lubed his entrance again and dried himself off.He crawled into the dining room.* * * *Subby was very well behaved during breakfast [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]