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.And I would be lying if I said you were just a fuck,” Kreed said, regarding him curiously.“So I get why we need to hold off.It messes with your head,” Aaron added, staying away from the honesty subject.“I told you that.”“I know you did.When this case is over, do you think we will see each other again?” Aaron asked.If Kreed didn’t want anything more with him, he needed to know, rein in all this runaway sentiment racing through him.He wanted to be with Kreed, but the stupid voice in the back of his head kept telling him he needed to stop before he got in too deep and ended up in prison.Why did he always want what he couldn’t have?“It’s definitely something I’d like to explore.Depending on what they’ll need from me once this wraps up, I have vacation time I can use to take you somewhere,” Kreed answered.That was new too—someone wanting to take him somewhere as opposed to him being the one to take his guys places.How cool was that? His heart warmed.“I’d like that,” he finally said.God, he would like that so much.He would just have to figure out how in the hell he could keep his other activities off Kreed’s radar.Kreed’s palm came up and tenderly cupped his face.“You’re unexpected,” Kreed said, and Aaron stayed silent.If Kreed only knew the truth.And how long would it take for this newfound attraction to turn against him if Kreed ever found out?“Where do you call home?” Kreed asked.For the first time in a long time, he didn’t want to lie.He lifted his head and searched Kreed’s face, knowing he was taking too long to answer but he couldn’t help it.He wanted to be honest.“It’s not a hard question,” Kreed said teasingly, but the laughter wasn’t reaching the deputy’s eyes.He knew Kreed was picking up that things weren’t exactly right with Aaron.There were holes in his story and he knew it.Kreed saw things that no one else did.He hated having to hide himself from Kreed.Aaron had made a habit out of making himself inconsequential, but Kreed wasn’t letting him slip through the cracks like he tried so hard to do.“I have a place in Florida,” he finally said and quickly tried to change the subject.He wasn’t lying; he did have a place in Florida.“Where do you live?”“I have an apartment in Louisiana that holds my stuff, but I travel all the time,” Kreed said quietly.“You don’t really live in Florida, do you?”That hit way too close to home.“I do.It’s just family’s a touchy subject.” He tried to deflect and started to turn over so Kreed could spoon against him.If he gave Kreed his back, maybe Kreed would drop the subject.This conversation had gotten too personal and Kreed was too perceptive.“You’ll learn soon enough that you can be honest with me.I know what I do for a living, but I also get it’s not cut and dry out there in the real world.I could help with whatever you’re running from,” Kreed offered, keeping him from turning away as he pushed up on his elbow, changing his position.Kreed placed his fingers under Aaron’s chin and forced his gaze up.Aaron shifted on his back and stared up at the deputy marshal as his stomach roiled at Kreed’s comment.Did he know or was he just trying to piece together what he didn’t know? Sin leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his forehead.The tenderness was such an incredibly sweet gesture.One that was endearing and heartfelt, and he was absolutely certain Kreed meant those words with his whole heart.But would Kreed still feel the same if he ever found out the truth?Now wasn’t the time to open all this up.Aaron lifted to kiss him lightly on the lips, which was sort of new for him.He didn’t make it a habit of kissing all that much.He’d probably kissed Kreed more than he’d kissed anyone in his entire life, and he was quickly becoming addicted to the man’s sinful lips.Aaron remained silent.Kreed gathered him in his arms, drawing Aaron against a warm hard chest.Aaron felt Kreed lightly kiss the top of his head as he wrapped a big arm around his waist and draped a leg across his.Kreed tugged on the covers again, covering him completely.He snuggled closer.His body fit so perfectly against Kreed’s.“Goodnight.”“Goodnight,” Kreed responded.They both laid there at least an hour before Aaron finally heard Kreed’s breathing even out.He started to pull away, let Kreed sleep in peace, but Kreed’s big arm tightened and held him in place.“Stay.I sleep better with you here.” Kreed held on to Aaron like an anchor in the storm.It was comforting, and Aaron finally closed his eyes and let himself drift off.Chapter 23The warm body plastered completely against the front of Kreed stirred him awake, his morning hard-on trapped beneath a heavy thigh draped temptingly across his groin.If he didn’t have to pee so bad, he’d be tempted to rub one off quickly, and with the way Aaron pressed enticingly against him, it wouldn’t take a second [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]