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.Things tend to get a little volatile when we’re in the same room.”Chapter Five“Where is he, Cordelia?” Jackson strode briskly through the front door of the mansion he’d grown up in, right past the housekeeper who’d practically raised him.Partially because he was pumped up and ready for a likely confrontation with his father and partially because Corky was dragging him full force.The second Jackson dropped the leash, Corky bounded off straight to the kitchen where he knew from previous rare visits he would be given scraps from the cook.“Oh, Jackson.He’s not…”Jackson rounded on the small woman.“Don’t tell me he’s not seeing visitors, Cordelia.I’m his son and he’ll see me whether he wants to or not.” He spun back around and headed for a closed set of doors.“But I, bu…”Jackson stopped and looked over his shoulder at the woman closer to him than his own mother.Maria Benedict loved him in her own way, despite the fault she perceived him as having, but she’d always been less than…motherly.“Cordelia, is it?” Trey took hold of her elbow.She smiled up at him and he grinned back.“It’s a fine time for Daddy and son to talk.Don’t worry.We’ll be out of your hair in a few minutes.”Cordelia raised a hand to her hair and Jackson snorted a short laugh.Trey had played right into the older woman’s hands.“You’re him, aren’t you?” she asked, a look of wonder in her eyes.Trey raised an eyebrow and Jackson turned more fully to face them.He could hear his father’s voice through the door but nothing would take him away from Trey facing Cordelia.“I am who?”“Jackson’s lover,” Cordelia said matter-of-factly.“You two are perfect for each other.”Trey let go of Cordelia and retreated.He cleared his throat and jerked his gaze to Jackson.Eyes wide, Jackson took a step toward them.If anyone outside his family knew of his affinity for men it was Cordelia.Hell, she’d probably known it longer than Jackson had.But how had she known about Trey? Were they broadcasting that much? If so maybe Jackson should talk to Allenton on his own, because he sure the fuck didn’t want to get into a discussion with him about Trey.He glanced at his new lover, wondering what Trey wanted him to say.He didn’t need to wonder.“I am.”The housekeeper grew giddy.She actually jumped up and down and clapped her hands.“Thank God he found you.I know he’s been waiting for the exact special man.”“Cordelia,” Jackson groaned, feeling his cheeks go red.“No, it’s all right, Judge.” Trey gave her another one of those award-winning smiles.The one that melted Jackson in his spot and hardened his cock.“Jackson and I have just started this relationship.But we’ll be sure to let you know how it goes.”“That’s great.Jackson’s such a nice boy.”Shit.She might as well pat them both on the cheeks and tell them they were good boys for playing so well together.He shook his head.“Jackson is thirty-eight years old,” Jackson grumbled.“What happened to your head?” Cordelia reached for the cut on Trey’s head, ignoring Jackson.“Car accident.Nothing to worry about, ma’am.”She clucked her tongue at him.“Be more careful next time.”Trey nodded.“I will.”Jackson chuckled.“Let me know how the deal goes.” Allenton’s voice sounded behind him.“I’ve got to go now,” he continued after realizing he had an audience.“Mr.Benedict.” Trey lowered his head slightly, giving Jackson’s father more respect then the man deserved.“Father.”“Why are you here, son? Don’t you have court today?”“I did, but some issues have come up.”“What kind of issues?” Allenton huffed.He was good at huffing.His chest puffed up as if he were the most important man alive.He jerked his chin at Trey.“Who’s he?”“A federal agent,” Jackson said dismissively.“Issues such as him finding a tracking device stuck to the bottom of my car, someone getting into my house to steal out of my safe, and pictures.Oh, and there’s the issue of Caleb Murphy trying to get into my office at the courthouse.I hear he’ll be needing some representation fairly soon.”Allenton’s eyes narrowed.“Pictures of what?”Jackson bristled.It was just like Allenton to disregard the fact that one of his underlings had done something wrong and hit on the one thing that perked his pea-sized brain.He knew exactly what his father was envisioning at the mention of pictures.He should have left them off.“It’s not important wh—”“It is if it’s of you and one of your fags.”Jackson advanced on him.“Don’t even fucking say one more word [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]