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.”“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” Sebastian muttered.“I can be very understanding,” Turren said as he stared at the twitching hole begging for his attention.He picked up another berry and squeezed it over Sebastian’s entrance.Sebastian moaned, and Turren slid his fingers back in.Even if sticking his tongue on it the first time shocked Sebastian, it was criminal now not to taste it.Turren leaned forward and plunged inside the juicy hole.Sebastian jerked against him.“You lying ass, I knew it,” Sebastian moaned out.Turren sucked on the delicate flesh and thrust his tongue deeper.Sebastian’s arms collapsed, and he was only held up by Turren’s hands.After suckling until all the juice was gone, Turren released Sebastian.“Tell me your plan.”“Scry for Trenton’s location and steal the Heart of Light,” Sebastian whispered.Turren’s chest constricted.“You were going to do this and leave me in the dark?”“I thought it was for the best.”Turren closed his eyes and saw Sebastian dead from assassins by Trenton’s own hand.“You can’t….” He shook himself and unbuckled his pants.With little effort he flipped Sebastian onto his back and pulled him onto his lap.Turren crushed a handful of berries and stroked the juice onto his cock.He slammed inside Sebastian, and Sebastian cried out.Turren’s hips rose off the ground to thrust harder into him.“What if you died? What would I do? I can’t lose you, I can’t.” Sebastian’s cries became unintelligible, and Turren pressed his hand against Sebastian’s heart.“You are not a fair man.”Sebastian opened his eyes and said, “Sorry.”Turren frowned at the tears trailing out the corners of Sebastian’s eyes.“Not good enough!” he shouted and spread Sebastian’s cheeks farther apart so he could move deeper.Sebastian’s back arched and he shouted, eyes glowing as his magic made the fall leaves shiver in the trees and spring into the air.Turren stretched and kissed the handprint on Sebastian’s chest.Leaning against it, Turren found his release and bit the skin.Sebastian whimpered as his seed spilled on Turren’s throat.Turren’s cock slipped out of Sebastian, and Sebastian collapsed on his chest.Turren cradled him and lowered them both to the grass.“I won’t stop you from stealing the talisman, but you will take me with you.”Sebastian looked up at Turren and stroked his chin.“I love you, and I don’t want you to get hurt.”Turren kissed Sebastian’s hand and then kissed his forehead.“If we each know what the other is doing, then there is nothing to fear.”“You can’t be near Trenton when we steal it,” Sebastian said.Turren frowned.“We?”“Harold and Margaret.”“Four wizards are better than three.”“What if the amulet does some weird thing and activates while you’re there?”“Then I won’t touch it, but I’m still coming with you.Maybe I should be there too when you scry for him.”“No,” Sebastian said.“He’s probably keeping an eye out for your magic, and we don’t want to warn him.We also need to keep contact between us at a minimum.”“I’ll agree if you promise to contact me by mirror on Winter Solstice,” Turren said.“That isn’t suspicious, and if he is listening, he’ll just assume I’m giving out well-wishes like anyone else.It won’t make you stand out.”“I’ll hold you to your word, Prince,” Sebastian said.He pointed to the bowl.“What do they taste like?”Turren popped a berry into his mouth and held it between his teeth.He bit into it softly, and juice trickled down his lips.He raised his eyebrow and Sebastian rolled his eyes.Scooting up, Sebastian licked at the juice and stole the berry from Turren.He grinned and laughed as juice spurted down his chin.Familiar power suddenly built up, and Turren turned to see Captain Pembrost forming an attack.“Pembrost, wait!” Turren shouted.A green sphere whirled out of the captain’s hands and toward the two lovers.It zagged a little upward, straight for Sebastian.Forming a ward over both of them, Turren deflected it into the trees.“My prince, get away from him.He’s a water nymph!” Captain Pembrost shouted.Sebastian frowned in confusion, and Turren saw juice still dripping dark red on his mouth [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]