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.Relief that was swiftly followed by anger that Robert must have been living in safety all this time while he had gone through hell.Remorse assailed him then as he remembered those prayers in the early days of his captivity, when he’d prayed that wherever his love was, he should be safe.Love? Did he still care for Robert that way? He was in love with Suzanna now, yet he still felt the pull of those feelings from long ago.He was swamped with jealousy.Jealousy for the life Robert had the freedom to experience, or the love he may have shared with another? For a moment he hated Robert and struggled against his grasp.Pulling away, he looked into the eyes of the man he’d once loved and every emotion except relief melted away.Whatever they had been to each other, time and experience had eroded away, but Malik accepted that there was a.a link deep inside him with Robert Charteris that needed to know he was safe, that he was happy.* * * *As Malik struggled to move away, Robert loosened his hold and held the gaze of the man who had become a murderous pirate.Robert saw the confusion amidst the gamut of emotions in the man’s eyes.He saw and he understood, for he was going through exactly the same upheaval.It had been hard to understand what kind of life Malik must have had, to turn into the kind of man who could captain a ship of pirates and slavers.Guilt anew ran through Robert at what Malik must have suffered to change the decent young man that he had once been into such a person.Robert also saw the moment when Malik got hold of his emotions as a faint smile graced his lips.“Malik, what is going on? Who is this man?” Suzanna demanded, having watched the drama unfold before her.* * * *Tom had been more interested in seeing David again, especially as he looked so well and quite magnificent in this native garb he was wearing.He had been about to question 173BEYOND THE VEILDavid when he had noticed his friend’s attention drawn back to the byplay between Malik and this curious new friend of David’s.He could understand David being upset at the confrontation with the man who had treated him so despicably, but after the first few moments it was not anger or hate that Tom saw in David’s expression, it was anguish.Whatever was hurting David meant that he could not even bear to look upon the scene before him.What had happened to David to cause such distress? Tom’s distaste for Malik multiplied and he determined then and there to bring the pirate to book and to help David in any way he could.As Malik did not answer Suzanna, Charles Winstanley spoke up instead, “This is Robert Charteris,” he said as he moved forward from the other side of Malik.“Mr.Winstanley!” Tom exclaimed.“It cannot be!” Suzanna said at the same time.Charles smiled as he continued, “David was rescued by Robert here and his friend Aram,” Charles indicated the tall ex-slave.“Then he persuaded them to help rescue me.We came out tonight to try and find a way to get you two free.”“We are already free.Malik was bringing Tom to see the Brothers,” Suzanna said, quickly glancing at Tom.“What?” Robert demanded, gazing at Malik who was still standing nearby, but he was looking at the ground.“There seems to be much confusion here.It is not wise to stay in this area any longer,” Aram spoke up for the first time.“Still by his side, I see, Aram,” Malik said quietly.“He is right,” Robert agreed, ignoring Malik’s remark.“Let us get out of here, go back to my house and we can get all this sorted out.”“I am not going anywhere with that bastard!” Tom retorted.“God, Tom, I have explained already,” Suzanna said, trying to placate him.“It was a ploy to fool the crew, they could not know that Malik was going to set you free and we had to get you off the ship.”“How do I know this Robert is not just some crony of his?Just because you trust him,” Tom said indicating Malik with a nod of his head.174STEVIE WOODSDavid turned back to them and said to Tom.“I do not trust the captain, Tom, but I trust Robert with my life.Please come.I am sure that Aram and Charles will keep an eye on the captain if that’s what bothers you.”* * * *Aram had made a point of walking closely behind Malik as they had made their way back to Robert’s house [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]