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.”Alex ignored the poor humour.He understood the reason.Lube andcondoms were all he’d laid on the bed, but the items sent a very definite signal.They both knew what was about to happen.Alex set the pace withmore kisses and caresses.He let Nick grow used to his touch and his presence, their bodies brushing against one another, skin making soft whispers in the otherwise quiet room.Finally, the moment came when their lovemaking hadto progress.A certain part of Nick’s anatomy had already progressed nicely.As Alex pulled back, ready to take his mouth and tongue to other places,to perform an investigation that would leave his friend gasping, Nick tensed, hands clawing Alex’s arms and sides.“How… How do we…” He didn’t have to finish.“Leave this to me,” Alex whispered, trailing his fingers over Nick’s brow, down his face, to his chin, brushing, sweeping over his skin gently to soothe him.Even as he gentled Nick, Alex’s innate mischievousness got the better of him so that he spoke with a grin.“But I want you facing me.”120Calm and Chaos: Acting OutThe slight widening, brightly flashing realisation of what he meant shining out from Nick’s eyes was reward enough.Alex gave Nick no time to object.He moved, paving his way with his lips and tongue, painting a haphazardtrail, little marks of saliva like tribal tattoos over Nick’s torso.To his surprise, although he’d intended to keep this slow, Nick picked up the pace, squirming under him, begging for more.Whether Nick was aware, Alex didn’t know.Nick’s mind wasn’t exactly the most intelligent part of him right now; in all likelihood, little blood remained in the man’s brain.He nibbled at certain parts of Nick’s flesh to gauge his reaction and grinned in triumph when he discovered Nick was particularly sensitive at the hips.He bestowed a lingering kiss on Nick’s cock, ignoring his own desire to devote more time and attention to it.He didn’t want Nick going off too soon, and this was still such a new experience for Nick.His friend’s writhing and the little gasps and moans that escaped him said as much.His hands grazed the bed covers, desperate snags of the fabric displaying a need that tested Alex’s own level of control.Only when Alex lifted Nick’s legs did the tension return.Alex could almost feel Nick’s burning gaze, but he avoided looking up.Instead, he set to the task of kissing Nick’s thighs, sweeping in, lightly tonguing the heavy weight that hung between Nick’s legs.Slowly, distracting him, Alex managed to ease Nick’s knees back to his chest.He looked down, and there was the point of entry he’d been looking for,just as tight, tender, and pink as he’d imagined.Tonight would be a first for him, too, for he had it in mind to do something he’d never done before.He’d had it done to him, and he knew how it felt.It would drive Nick wild.Fucking H Christ!Stars spiralling in his head, Nick jerked and might have bounded off thebed in sheer pleasure if Alex hadn’t had hold of him.When he worked outwhat that wiggling, tickling sensation was and opened his mouth to object, Alex had already pulled back.Nick heard a vague snap, and by the time he remembered the lube bottle, Alex had already used the lubricant to ease the way for the passage of his fingers.He’d already used his tongue to open Nick up a little and was now using his fingers.Two by the feel.Alex wasn’t fooling or waiting around.The sensation didn’t…hurt exactly.The intrusion wasstrange and somewhat uncomfortable.If two fingers felt like that, then no way could something larger force its way inside.121Sharon Maria BidwellNick lifted his head to say he couldn’t take the stretch, the discomfortwas too much, and then Alex touched something that made Nick fall backinto the pillows.He whimpered.Good God, he’d truly whimpered! Tryingfor eloquence, he moaned instead.Gasping, huffing for breath, he finally managed, “Fuck!”Alex replied with a resounding chuckle.Nick shook his head even as Alex’s fingers scissored open inside him.Now that was decidedly uncomfortable.“No.I…can’t.It…”“I know,” Alex told him.“This gets easier.”“When?”“When you’ve been screwed a couple of times.”“A couple of…” Nick stared at the ceiling.He would have to put up withthe discomfort for a couple of times?“Even the first time won’t be without pleasure,” Alex assured him.Thenhe set out to prove he was right.There came another moment just as Alex nudged into him when Nickprotested.Ignoring the complaint, Alex rocked his hips, applying pressure, gentle nudges that Nick’s mind and body would find harder to withstand.Even so, Nick’s hands caught at him, trying to push him aside, and Alex grabbed those appendages, pushing them out of the way.“Nick.Nick.” When he finally had Nick’s attention, he asked, “Do you really want me to stop?”He watched, searching for any signs of regret or true fear, but that wasn’t what he saw.His friend considered the question well enough, but Alex also saw acceptance and resignation wash in.Nick shook his head.Whether themove was intentional or not, his legs opened, the way their bodies linked became more accommodating.“This will work,” Alex assured him.He didn’t blame Nick for his reticence.He was tight and having a hard time, despite Alex trying to ease his way in [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]