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.”Evie shook her head.“But he was.We’ve got that paper that said so, and well, he’s always been down in the crypt.”Piper flinched and Evie put her hand over her mouth in horror at the realization of what she said, thoughtlessly spouting facts in academic mode.It was true, Lachlan had always been down in the crypt, but he’d also always been with them, strong and vibrant, giving lie to the marble bust that was carved to his exact likeness, standing sentry over his tomb.He’d joked about it before, wondering how he might have ended up there.Now they didn’t know for sure.They had some paper saying he’d been killed in a battle and had been put in the Glen crypt because for some bizarre reason he was their laird at the time.“I was thinking about him,” Evie said quietly.“That’s all.And the papers sometimes mentioned a Ferguson.”Poor Evie was so sensitive.She wanted to grieve properly, help Piper through this terrible time.Piper saw all that on her troubled face and turned away, not ready yet.“Is that all that seemed weird to you? That the Fergusons stopped coming to gatherings? Maybe they kept to themselves after …”“Yes, I suppose,” Evie said.Piper felt a headache stirring.She could easily sink into thoughts of Lachlan.She could spend hours on his beautiful blue eyes alone, the rest of her life could easily slip away, lost in a dream of Lachlan.That would be nice and peaceful, but she didn’t think it would keep her dark nightmares away, or the pressure that continuously built up inside her.Daria’s voice rang in her ears all the time, taunting her about visiting her dead lover in a time when he was still alive.‘Ye couldna take Brian from me, I see him when I choose.’If Evie only knew how badly she wanted to do that, she’d never say Lachlan’s name again.Sliding into a fantasy realm where he was still alive wouldn’t help her silence that voice, or the urge to do the unthinkable.“We need to stay on track,” she said.To Evie’s eternal credit, she bounced back quickly.“We need to know why you ended up inheriting the castle.” She looked down at her books with displeasure, then brightened.“Call Herb,” she said.“He’s the one who got me thinking about your grandma in the first place.” She dug around the mess on the table until she found Piper’s phone, sliding it over.As Piper called her lawyer Herb and half-heartedly bullied him for any information regarding why Fenella left everything to her at the last minute, Evie kept scrawling questions on a scrap of paper and shoving them in her face.Piper finally gave up and asked him to come up for a day or two.Besides the mysteries of the past, there were plenty of things going on with estate business she needed to talk to him about.“Bring everything,” Evie shouted over Piper’s goodbye.***Herb was a charming, funny man, lacking in the outer shark-like qualities that would usually be attributed to a senior partner at a prestigious estate law firm.His sweet good looks and friendly smile only covered his inner shark, though.He was a solicitor through and through.He’d had to be brought up to speed when Piper was forced to return to the eighteenth century to rescue Magnus.Piper gave him the barest details in case she never returned.She hadn’t wanted him to think she’d just abandoned the estate, and between her exacting lists, Herb’s extreme discretion, and Evie’s surprising abilities at running the place, they’d managed until she got back.Herb had taken it all rather well, only thinking she was insane for ten or fifteen minutes before he finally believed her, with Lachlan’s persuasive help.The details they gave him were sparse.He knew Lachlan was from the past, but didn’t know that she had a distant ancestor who was purest evil, and who was now trying to take over her soul [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]