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.“I missed you so damn much, darlin’.”His kiss turns savage, and his hand moves up underneath my shirt.As soon as I feel his finger brush over my pebbled nipple, I give in.I want him every bit as much as he wants me.Doing this could break what’s left of my heart, but it’s worth taking the chance.“Let’s go to the bedroom.”Not giving him time to reply, I stand up and grab his hand.We’re in the bedroom a second later, and I’m pulling my shirt over my head.As soon as my breasts are bare, his lips are on them.His fingers work my jeans as his lips move from one nipple the next.After undoing my jeans, he steps away and pulls his shirt over his head.Working quickly, I toe off my shoes and push my jeans to the floor.Within seconds, we are both looking at each other’s naked body.His eyes finally meet mine, and he says, “You’re even more beautiful than I remember.”Climbing onto the bed, I motion for him to follow.A moment later, he’s on the bed with me, pulling me into his arms, and his lips meet mine.His fingers explore my body, finding their way to my soaking center.I spread my legs, giving him better access, and moan out, “Yes.”His finger works in and out of me, while he buries his face in my neck and growls out, “I forgot how you’re always so wet for me.”“Always,” I whisper, gasping for breath.This is a mistake; it has to be.Still, I haven’t felt this good in years.Nothing, not one damn thing, felt right from the time he walked out, until this moment.Knowing this feeling won’t last long unless I put the past behind us, I reach up and cup his face.“Do you still love me, Danny?”His entire body goes solid before he responds.“I’ve loved you since the first time I laid eyes on you.I’ll love you until the day I die.”With those words, he moves between my thighs and slides home.Yes, that is what this is.Danny is finally home.“I love you, too.”He slides partially out before going deep again.The entire time, his eyes are locked with mine.“I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”Tears fill my eyes as I lift my hips to meet his thrusts.“I want you here, too, but I have to know you mean it.You have to be in it for the long haul.”“Forever,” he mumbles, bringing his lips to mine, as he continues to stroke in and out.I wrap my legs around his waist, letting him have complete control of my body.Each plunge brings me closer and closer to completion.He goes deep, thrusting with all his strength.When he hits my depths, a low moan slips out.“Oh God.”My hips push up, wanting him even deeper.“Harder.”He reaches down, bringing his fingers to my clit.Rolling it with his thumb, his strokes gain even more strength.“I need to feel you come.”His words send me over the edge, and my pussy spasms around his hard length.A second later, I feel his cock jerk as he empties himself deep inside me.“I love you.”EpilogueDanny“Are you ready for this, old man?” Tara asks as she opens the door.Reaching out, I slap her ass.“I’m not that old, woman.”I follow her laughter as we walk into our daughter’s house.The sound of a baby crying reaches my ears, and a smile spreads across my face.Walking straight to Chrissy, I grab her hand and pull her into my arms.“I’m so proud of you, Sweat Pea.”She looks up at me, excitement dancing in her eyes.“I’m so happy, Daddy.I finally get to be a mom.”Chrissy and Jess have been married for nearly eleven years now.For nine of those, they have been trying to having a baby.She went through years of fertility treatments, but nothing worked.Finally, they decided to adopt.Looking at her now, I know she wouldn’t be any happier if she had just given birth herself.The sound of Tara’s gasp reaches my ear, and I turn just in time to see her taking our grandson from his father.A tiny fist reaches out of the swaddled bundle as she brings him to her chest and starts to cry.She turns to me and smiles.“Come see our little man, Grandpa.”My heart thumps in my chest as I release Chrissy and walk across the room.With each step, memories from the last thirty years run through my mind [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]