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.“I’ll let Liam know you’re here,” Peter said.“He has class all day but sometimes comes home for lunch.And he’s really loud.”“Thanks,” she said.They crossed the street and passed by the building Jamie had gone into.Melia doubled over, crying out in pain.“Melia?” he asked, heart rate spiking.What should he do?“I’m okay.Keep walking,” she said through gritted teeth.Her grip on him tightened as they trudged on.Several yards past the building, she relaxed as if nothing happened.What the hell?They had one more block to go before getting to Peter’s car.She plopped into the passenger seat, head falling forward into her hands.Peter drove as quickly as he could to his apartment and helped her inside.He hadn’t cleaned the apartment in over a week.Dirty dishes filled the sink, and the trash should have been taken out days ago.Empty beer cans and two pizza boxes cluttered the little living room floor.He was too concerned about Melia to be embarrassed.At least his room was clean.Well, mostly clean.Melia kicked off her shoes and collapsed into Peter’s mattress.“I’m freezing,” she said and reached for the blankets, which were messily piled at the foot of the bed.Peter pulled them up, realizing that was the first time she ever said anything about being cold.It didn’t matter.She was sick, and all that mattered was making her better.“I have an extra blanket if you need it.”“I think I’m okay now,” she said.Peter sat down next to her.Melia feebly reached out and took his hand.“I love you, you know that right?”“Of course I do.” Why did that sound so ominous? “And I love you.” He kissed her forehead.“Want anything to drink?”“Yeah,” she grumbled.“Water.”Peter grabbed a bottle from the fridge and twisted it open.Melia pushed herself up on her elbows and took it, drinking half in just seconds.“Scoot over,” Peter said and took off his shoes.Melia recapped the water and feebly smiled as she moved toward the wall.Peter spooned his body around her, running his fingers up and down her arm.“Don’t miss class,” Melia whispered.“I don’t mind.” Peter kissed the back of her head.He wasn’t looking forward to business ethics anyway.“I’ll feel bad if you do, and I’ll be fine if I get some sleep.”“Don’t feel bad, Melia.You know I’d rather stay here with you than go to class anyway.”She rolled over in his arms.“I know.And I also know you have a quiz and will lose ten percent if you miss it.”Peter nodded.“Yeah, I do.I’ll go and try to skip out early.” Begrudgingly, he got out of bed and tucked Melia back under the blankets.“If you need anything, text me.I’ll keep my phone out.”She nodded, eyes already closed.WHEN MELIA WOKE THREE HOURS later, she was nestled in Peter’s bed.Confused about how she got there, she attempted to sit up.The claws of the spell no longer sank into her soul, but the aftermath still took its toll.Her head hurt; the sunlight was so bright it was painful.Her energy was gone, drained completely from resisting the call.Melia could attest to the spell’s power.She definitely wouldn’t have stayed on land if she didn’t have to.It was agony.Every bone, every muscle, every cell in her body longed for the ocean.Her head pounded, and her stomach churned.She wanted to run, flee, and never look back.But she couldn’t.Instead, she held tightly to Peter’s hand as he walked her to his apartment.She fell back on the pillow and smiled, remembering how concerned he was.She grabbed her phone to text him that she was awake and feeling much better.She sent the text and lay back down.Jamie was brilliant.Her blood on the charm invoked something strong—very strong.Melia knew Jamie had the power inside of her.Maybe now Jamie would believe it herself.NOT EVEN AN HOUR AFTER being home, Melia felt back to normal, well almost.She was still tired.That much distance from the amulet broke the bonds of the spell, and she no longer felt anything.Peter walked her upstairs and tucked her in bed.The way he doted over her was charming.It would be weird to suddenly be better, right? She must have looked like she had one foot in death’s door by the way Peter fussed over her.Dropping the sick act would be suspicious [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]