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.“You are as you say you are, a simple man who leads a simple life,” Hassim said, gesturing at the cottage, the well, the troughs, and the hay shed.“To reveal this simplicity to others might complicate matters beyond what you might find comfortable.So I have come ahead of my caravan to ask you if we should reveal who you are, or keep your identity private.”Wali Daad blinked and sat in thoughtful silence, absorbing his merchant friend’s words.He sat for so long that the line formed by Hassim’s caravan came into view in the distance, rising up out of the rippling stalks of grass as they followed the road from the East Kingdom.Hassim did not pressure Wali Daad for an answer, but did rise with the intent of filling the rest of the stone troughs with water for his animals and men.Sighing heavily, Wali Daad rose to follow him.“I think it best to keep my identity a secret.I may have started this because I could not shut my trapdoor on all the pennies I had collected, but this has become far greater than you or I, my friend.We have played our parts in the start of it, but the blessings of Heaven have taken over.It would be presumptuous to claim anything more.”Hassim nodded.“I thought you might feel that way.So.You shall simply be the grass cutter with the well and the sweet hay at this stop along our journey.Though I ask that you do not hesitate to greet the mistress of the chambers; I wish your opinion of her.since if Prince Kavi and Princess Ananya wed, she will need some other occupation.It may be presumptuous of me to say this, and I may be reaching beyond the stars themselves.but she and I have been getting along very well on this journey.Her name is Bhanuni, and she seems to me at least half as wise and beautiful as Her Highness.A jewel who might be out of my reach.but one for which I feel I must strive.”Wali Daad nodded at his wheelbarrow.“Then I shall fetch the sweet hay and collect my pennies for it as usual, and give the kindest of greetings to the mistress of the chambers for your sake, my friend.”IT was in the closest semblance to privacy possible that Princess Ananya was presented with the contents of the fiercely guarded casket.That semblance included five of her personal guards and her chief enchantress, the merchant Hassim as bond for his fellow travelers, the noble Lady Bhanuni, and the lady’s three guards, one of whom bore the small casket literally manacled to his arms by stout iron chains.The meeting for this personal presentation had also been arranged to take place after sunset.The guard with the casket knelt and bowed his head, lifting the metal lockbox in presentation.Lady Bhanuni offered Her Highness the key and a list of instructions on its contents.“The item within this casket is an enchanted item, Your Highness,” the noblewoman offered, bowing deeply.“It is, by its enchanted nature, the most precious possession His Highness could possibly offer to you.Aside from his very self, of course.The nature of the enchantment cannot harm you, and as a reassurance it cannot, I have volunteered to kneel under a drawn sword while you receive it.Should it harm you in any way, my head is willingly forfeit.”“And your head, of all the heads in the Eastern lands, is forfeit because.?” Princess Ananya asked, looking between the key in her hand and the lovely middle-aged woman lowering herself gracefully to her knees.Lady Bhanuni lifted her head and smiled.“Because I am the mistress of the chambers for His Highness, and I am also here to give explanations and reassurances for any questions you may have about my liege’s abilities in matters of love and marriage.The proposed merger of two kingdoms is a matter for rulers and their advisors to discern, but the merger of two people is a different matter.”“I would rather you explained a bit more about this enchantment,” the chief enchantress interjected as Princess Ananya blushed.“What does it do?”“It, erm, links His Highness to this prized possession [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]