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.Cato didn't like where this was going."But there is a real enemy out there and they want to destroy everything we've worked for, to throw us back, the whole country, back into the dark days!"People stomped their feet and jeered.Men threw their fists in the air and cried out things like 'we'll never go back' or 'they must be stopped!' That's when Cato spotted Lyme among the crowd.She saw him and paled."What's he talking about?" Cassy asked, shielding her eyes from the rain.She strained to see anything over the crowd in front of her, but she was too small.Lyme began to push her way through the crowd towards them shaking her head.She was trying to tell him something.Something urgent.Her usually strong and composed look replaced by one of anxious alarm.She waved with her arms at him and mouthed something.Something like 'go.'But it was too late.Dreg was now shouting about the terrorists trying to subvert the message of the Games, people who used fear and tried to turn those being rightfully punished to their side.People like Cato Ryves and the boy on fire—he sneered and spat on the ground to great applause.Now he was screaming as the rain poured down his face and drenched the clothes he stood in.District Two needed to show its pride for the country of Panem, to give thanks to the Capitol and support it.To fight back!"Cato I don't like this, I wanna go." Cassy tugged on his arm, trying to pull him away, but the crowd was now worked up into a frenzy, feeding off each other until they were working in a mob mentality.More had showed up behind them and trapped them in the throbbing crowd."RUN!" Lyme's voice rang out over the crowd for Cato, but there was nowhere to run too.The mob had spotted Cato and swarmed him like a tidal wave.Cassy screamed in fear.Cato tried to get to her, but they were forced apart as the horde bore down on him.He pushed as hard as he could, desperate to reach his sister and get her to safety, but it was like trying to swim through dirt, no one gave an inch.A woman spat on him.Another called him a traitor.They shoved at him, the rain drenched him in thick icy sheets and something hit him over the back of the head.He felt a dull throb and the hot release of blood down his neck.He started swinging, trying to take down anyone near him when another man locked Cato's arms behind his back."Cassy! Cassy get out of here! Go!" He shouted, struggling like mad against his captor.Then a monster of a man moved in front of Cato blocking the rain from his face.It was the fearsome Brutus.He raised his arm and then brought a massive fist down on Cato's face.The last thing he heard was his sister shrieking and the cheers of the crowd.Then everything dropped away into nothingness and an explosion of white behind his eyelids.The Longest NightCh.11- The Longest NightPeeta hobbled his way to Gale's home in the Seam on his injured ankle.Each step felt like it ignited a small fire in his ankle, but he gritted his teeth and suffered through it, knowing he had to reach the Hawthorne's.Hazelle immediately recognized something was wrong when Peeta appeared on her front door; the fear self-evident on his face.She ushered him in and helped him to a chair.Worry creased her brow, but she knew he wasn't there for her."He's not back from work yet.He should be soon." Hazelle moved back to the stove and started ladling some stew."Would you like some broth? Your nerves look like they could use some settling."Peeta appreciated the gesture and was glad not to have to answer her questions.He was still far too shaken up by Darius' sudden reappearance.He needed to talk to Gale.He took the bowl gratefully, but found he lacked much of an appetite.He forced some of the hot broth down to appease Hazelle.She hovered about Peeta with a worried sense of air while also attending to her three youngest.Finally, after an excruciating amount of time where everyone sat in uncomfortable silence, waiting and wondering, Gale came home.Peeta never got to see him like this—when he came home from work.He always made sure to clean up before ever coming by Peeta's so it was quite a shock to see how much Gale had hid from him.He didn't notice Peeta right away as he came in, instead hanging up his miner's hat and taking a deep breath like he was trying to restock his lungs with fresh air, not the stale and blackened air deep in the mines.He looked haggard and worn down with black soot smeared across any exposed inch of flesh.It was a disheartening sight and even more so that Gale worked to hide his misery from him.Hazelle cleared her throat and Gale suddenly realized they had company [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]