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.No other sensation matched it.If he"d worried thathaving Trevor"s mouth on him would be disgusting, he didn"t anymore.He wanted all of it andwhatever else Trevor was willing to do with him.He knew the motions and the positions becausehe"d jerked off hundreds of times to explicit movies, but nothing prepared him for the pleasurethat was his now.“Wait, wait,” he rasped.“I"m going to…uh…I can"t believe…I"m going to come, Trevor.Wait!”He raised his hips even though he intended to push Trevor back.He didn"t know if his friendwanted a mouthful of his come, and he didn"t want to offend him.But Trevor"s lips wrappedaround his dick made him lose control.He found himself fisting Trevor"s hair and pumping hiships up and down while he watched his cock glide in and out.His balls tightened, and the musclesin his core contracted.Air hissed between his teeth.“Trevor!” he shouted.His friend didn"t move, and Craven"s juice shot out.He howled his pleasure, and to his shock,Trevor drank it down while pulling for more.When Craven was done, he released Trevor and fellflat on the bed.His chest rose and fell as he panted, and Trevor sat up.The wetness on his lipsmesmerized Craven.That was him, he thought, and sucked in a breath when Trevor ran the tip ofhis tongue over his lips.“You-You liked it,” he said.Trevor grinned.“I guess I did.You liked it too from all the noise you made.”Craven lowered his lids and focused on his slightly softened dick.The memory of Trevor"smouth on him sent chills along his skin.“I want to come,” Trevor announced.Craven leaned up on an elbow about to get into positionto return the favor.Trevor placed a hand on his chest.“No, I want to do it back here.”He pointed a finger more at Craven"s hip than at his ass, but he knew what he meant.Histhroat dried, and he swallowed.He went to flip over, but again, Trevor stopped him.“This way,” he said and reached over to a packet he"d left on the side table.Craven hadn"tnoticed earlier being so nervous.Trevor ripped open the condom packet and began rolling the condom down his erection.Atfirst Craven had been impressed with how big Trevor was, but damn all of that was going up hisass? He gritted his teeth and flared his nostrils.With all his willpower, he tried to calm down, butnothing worked.He"d have to admit to the truth about his experience, or Trevor would rip himapart.Finished with the prep to his cock, Trevor leaned over to the bedside table again and pickedup a small tube.He screwed off the top and squeezed a bit of the thick gel into his hand.When heraised one of Craven"s legs to place it over his shoulder, Craven"s heart thundered in his ears.“I"ve never done this,” he blurted.Trevor"s fingers, which were now poised at his assopening, stopped cold.He couldn"t read what Trevor was thinking.His expression was as it always was—easygoingif tinged with desire.Now that he knew Craven"s secret, he found no reason not to expound soTrevor was clear.“I"ve never slept with a man.”Trevor"s eyebrows went up.“You"re gay.”“Yeah.Trevor got up from the bed and left the room.Nausea overcame Craven.He sat up on the sideof the bed, head hanging down.He"d blown it.The very thing he didn"t want to happen had, andnow he looked like a fool.He should never have come back.Trevor must have beenexperimenting with a man he thought knew the ropes.Maybe he"d even wanted Craven to teachhim.Craven had seen the look in his eyes when he"d commanded Trevor to suck his dick, but hewasn"t that man.He was no wimpy man, but he wasn"t like that.He could never have followedthrough with playing that role the entire time they had sex.Now he was screwed.He had toconsider what city he would move to, because he could never stay here.Chapter FiveCraven stood and moved to the window.He pulled down a blind and stared out into thedarkness.Not that he could see anything other than his own face.The emotion reflected back athim, and he tried schooling his features.He heard when Trevor entered the room, but he didn"tturn around.His friend came up behind him, and Craven"s desires flared to life when Trevorspooned him.“Hey,” he said.Trevor rested his lips on Craven"s shoulder and kissed it.“It"s fine,” Craven told him.“We don"t have to go any further.”“Is that what you want?” Trevor"s hands came up to his sides, and he shivered.At thecontinuous kisses along his jaw, on his shoulder, and on his upper back, he closed his eyes.“Ithought we admitted we wanted each other.If you"ve changed your mind…”Craven turned to face him.His anger flared.Trevor was giving him mixed signals, and hewasn"t a mind reader.“You"re the one that walked out.”“I know, I…” He"d never seen Trevor at a loss for words.“Is this like that other time when you couldn"t find the right thing to say?”Trevor blinked in surprise and then nodded.Craven had no idea what that meant, whether itwas positive or negative.Back then with the kiss, Trevor was hiding that he wanted to have sexwith him, but that was out in the opening now.What else was there? Frustrated, he decided tomove, but Trevor pinned him to the windowsill and pressed a muscled thigh between Craven"s.Their chests met with Trevor"s hands on his waist.Craven kept his chin dipped, eyelidslowered as he chose to focus on Trevor"s lips.Their mouths came together in a gentle kiss.He feltTrevor"s lashes brush his cheek, and at some point his cock had gone hard again.How could it notwhen Trevor"s shaft lay alongside his.Craven felt sure he could come a second time just rubbingagainst his friend.Trevor raised a hand to Craven"s hair and pushed his fingers in the silken strands.“If youwant it, I will take you.But we have to go slow.It would kill me if I hurt you.”Craven sagged completely into Trevor"s hold.When Trevor showed him such care, it got tohim.He was sure that Trevor"s attitude toward him all these years was what made him loveTrevor.How he would be intimate with him and not give away his secret he didn"t know, but hewasn"t willing to turn back.“I want it.”Trevor"s face lit up.He took a step back and held his hand out to Craven.Craven took it, andthey walked over to the bed.Craven sat down and then lay on his back.He watched Trevor roundthe bed to the table.After prepping himself and his fingers all over again, he got on the bed.Craven"s stomach knotted.“Relax,” Trevor told him.“Remember, I said we"re going to go slow.We"re both new at this.I haven"t been inside a man, and you haven"t had one.I have been here.” He touched a fingertipto Craven"s anus, and he jumped.By that, he knew Trevor had had anal sex with women.Jealousy raged inside of him, but he tamped it down.He wanted to get into this, to think only ofbeing with Trevor.With a feather touch, Trevor began circling his hole.Craven leaned back and closed his eyes.He licked his lips while he enjoyed the sensation.When Trevor pulled his arm away, Cravenrealized he"d been holding the other man in a death grip.Come on, Craven.You’re a man.Act like one.“Go ahead,” he whispered.“Push it in.”Trevor didn"t do it right away [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]