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.J.Hawking, “Student Occupation, Highway Sit-Down, and Hunger Strike at University of Miami Janitors’ Strike,” Labor Notes; available online at: http://labornotes.org/node/223 [accessed April 7, 2009].See also: “Award Winning Actor and Activist Ed Asner; SEIU President Andy Stern to Meet with Striking Janitors as National Focus on Shalala Intensifies,” PR Newswire, April 21, 2006; available online at: http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/04-21-2006/0004344595&EDATE= [accessed April 7, 2009].75 “When Voting Isn’t Private,” Center for Union Facts (2007), 35.76 “The hunger strikers’ families need your help!” Picketline, April 18, 2006; available online at: http://picketline.blogspot.com/2006/04/hunger-strikers-families-need-your.html [accessed April 7, 2009].77 Paul Donahue letter to the editor of the Miami Herald, April 27, 2006; available online at: http://www.wsihq.com/PR20060427.asp [accessed April 7, 2009].78 “In largest single-day filing ever in California healthcare, caregivers flock to new union and show SEIU the door,” National Union of Health-care workers, February 2, 2009; available online at: http://www.nuhw.org/media/2009/2/2/in-largest-single-day-filing-ever-in-california-healthcare-c.html [accessed April 7, 2009].79 Juan Gonzalez, “Service Employees International Union president goes to the extreme,” New York Daily News, March 25, 2009; available online at: http://www.nydailynews.com/money/2009/03/25/2009-03-25_service_employees_international_union_pr.html [accessed April 9, 2009].80 “SEIU Union Must Abandon ‘Card Check’ Union Organizing Drives in Pacific Northwest After Finding of Rampant Abuse of Employees’ R,” National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation Inc., April 24, 2007; available online at: http://www.nrtw.org/en/press/2007/04/seiuunion-must-abandon-card-check-union-organizing-drives-pacific-northwest-after-fin [accessed April 7, 2009].81 “Karen Mayhew—Taking the Lead Against ‘Card Check’ Coercion,” National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation Inc.; available online at: http://www.nrtw.org/profiles/mayhew/index.htm [accessed April 7, 2009].82 Conn Caroll, “Morning Bell: Workers Deserve Better Than a Big Labor Lackey,” The Foundry, January 9, 2009; available online at: http://blog.heritage.org/2009/01/09/morning-bell-workers-deserve-better-than-a-big-labor-lackey/ [accessed April 7, 2009].83 Todd Beeton, “SEIU Convention: Anna Burger on the Employee Free Choice Act,” MyDD, June 3, 2008; available online at: http://www.mydd.com/story/2008/6/3/123839/5749 [accessed April 7, 2009].84 Michelle Malkin, “Michelle Obama’s Anti-Obesity Campaign is Just Empty Calories,” Front Page Magazine, February 4, 2010; available online at: http://www.opposingviews.com/i/michelle-obama-s-anti-obesity-campaign-is-just-empty-calories [accessed May 17, 2010].85 Michelle Malkin, “SEIU exploiting swine flu risk in Chicago schools,” michellemalkin.com, September 8, 2009; available online at: http://michellemalkin.com/2009/09/08/seiu-exploiting-swine-flu-risk-in-chicago-schools/ [accessed May 17, 2010].86 Michelle Malkin, “SEIU Fat Cats Are Behind First Lady’s Anti-Obesity Campaign,” CNSNews.com, February 3, 2010; available online at: http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/60889 [accessed May 17, 2010].87 Mike Link, “Service Workers Unions Call for Stronger ‘Nutrition Safety Net’ for America’s Children,” Campaign for Quality Services, December 11, 2008; available online at: http://campaignforqualityservices.org/2008/12/service-workers-unions-call-for-stronger-nutrition-safety-net-for-americas-children.html [accessed May 17, 2010].CHAPTER 81 Bertha Lewis, “We Are Willing To Go To Any Means Necessary,” Huffington Post, February 20, 2009; available online at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bertha-lewis/we-are-willing-to-go-to-a_b_168742.html [accessed April 22, 2009].2 Derek Valcourt, “ACORN Trains Citizens To Protest Home Foreclosures,” WJZ.com, February 19, 2009; available online at: http://wjz.com/local/acorn.foreclosure.2.939119.html [accessed April 22, 2009].3 Sam Graham-Felsen, “ACORN Political Action Committee Endorses Obama,” mybarackobama.com, February 21, 2008; available online at: http://my.barackobama.com/page/community/post/samgrahamfelsen/gGC7zm [accessed April 22, 2009].4 “Obama caught saying ACORN and friends will shape his presidential agenda,” YouTube.com, October 11, 2008; available online at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vJcVgJhNaU&e [accessed April 22, 2009].5 Michelle Malkin, “Document drop: The truth about ACORN’s foreclosure poster child,” michellemalkin [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]