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.“At least Reckless finally settled down and ended up racing again,” Emily said lamely.“By the way, I thoroughly enjoyed your travel bag.Thanks very much.”“I’m glad it helped.” Mrs.Hamilton gave a gracious nod.“I’m sure you made an excellent impression.”Emily forced a nod, waving as Mrs.Hamilton headed toward her car.But it was obvious any impression she’d made hadn’t been a good one.Dan’s eyes had been full of such contempt, she’d wanted to crawl beneath a rock.It wouldn’t have hurt nearly so much if it had been the director who had yelled.Dan’s words played over in her head.‘You’ll never work for me again.’ Which probably meant sleeping with her was out of the question.A hysterical choke escaped.Because being with Dan was what she wanted.It didn’t matter if she shoveled manure or jumped in front of a runaway horse, she just wanted to stay close.Instead, she’d somehow managed to sabotage her career and earn his contempt.She jammed her hands in her pockets, fighting her misery, uncertain what to do or even where to go.The bus wasn’t leaving until this evening, but she didn’t want to linger around the set.Dan’s scorn was too withering.The director had invited her to work as background tomorrow, but it was clear Dan wouldn’t let that happen.And so what.She raised her chin a notch.After all, she’d finally earned enough money for Jenna’s weekend.Sure, she’d slept in a stall, shoveled shit and tried to flag down a bolting racehorse, but she’d done it.She’d earned her pay.And she was going to help her sister.Jenna’s happiness when she learned about the tickets would more than justify this aching misery.CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVENEmily pulled out her phone and edged along the rail, away from two workers unloading a panel van.She eagerly pressed Jenna’s number.This was the first sister weekend she’d ever paid for, and organized.Jenna would be shocked.A horse vacation would be the perfect tonic.She and Jenna were both lonely.Burke traveled extensively, and the annual Stillwater Fair and Steeplechase wasn’t the highlight of his busy calendar.However, Jenna loved the jump races.There’d be other fun events too, like the three-legged sack race that Wally always sponsored.But this time, she and Jenna wouldn’t have to get up early and drive to the fair.No, this time they’d be sleeping at the Inn, a first for the Murphy girls.She paced a circle, almost able to forget the disgusted look on Dan’s face.“Hello, Emily.” Jenna finally answered the phone but she sounded breathless, as if she’d been running.“I tried to call but your phone is never on.It goes directly to voice mail.”“My battery’s low.The charger is back at the apartment.They used me for more background today.I actually stood in front of a runaway horse.” Despite Emily’s disastrous ending with Dan, she experienced a thrill of pride.“Do you like the work?”“I love being here,” Emily said.“And I like seeing the horses do such amazing things.But acting probably isn’t the easiest career.I’ll certainly never look at a movie the same way.” She hesitated.“The director isn’t very patient.He always yells.”“Yelling never bothered you before,” Jenna said.Emily scuffed her boot in the dirt.It wasn’t Anthony but Dan’s displeasure that left her stomach in knots.“How did your exams go?” she asked, changing the subject.“It must feel good to be finished.”“Yes.The last one was yesterday.” Jenna gave a long exhale, sounding more relaxed than she had in months.“You’ll make a great vet,” Emily said.“Those tips you gave sure helped the horse here.” She paused, relishing her heady anticipation and the fact she was calling with a gift, not a request.“I was thinking we should do something special to celebrate.And it’s not shopping either.”“Just a sec,” Jenna said.A man’s familiar voice rumbled in the background.“Burke says hi,” Jenna said, coming back on the line.“He knows a producer in LA if you need a contact.”“Oh, that’s nice.” Emily swallowed.She appreciated Burke’s help, but he didn’t think she could accomplish anything on her own.Or maybe he just preferred that Jenna’s sister live far away in California.“I thought he was working in New York for the next month?” Emily asked.“I did too.” Jenna gave a bubbling laugh.“But he tricked me.He came home last night, along with a big surprise.”“What was it?” For some reason, Emily’s palms began to sweat.“We’re going to the Grand National in England.” Jenna’s voice bubbled with excitement.“Somehow he arranged for seats right beneath the Royal Box.I can’t believe it.The most famous steeplechase in the world.Something I’ve always dreamed about but never thought I’d ever see in person.”Emily sagged against the rail, unable to speak.Her little gift seemed so mundane now.She’d been naïve thinking she could plan something amazing, especially when the richest man in West Virginia loved Jenna to pieces.But maybe they could still enjoy the local fair.The suite was plenty big enough for three.And it would be nice to see Burke.“That’s fabulous,” Emily said, after a moment.“You always loved that movie National Velvet.When do you leave?”“Tomorrow,” Jenna said.“And then Burke arranged to cruise up the Thames and also visit Newmarket [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]