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.”“Oh.Has he ever mentioned Josh at all?”It was a valid question, but Declan really didn’t want to answer it.How could heexplain that it had come out that Quinn’s ex-alpha had set his eyes on moving his pack toOntario where there were more lucrative opportunities in the high-tech industries withoutmaking Quinn’s presence seem suspicious? “No.He doesn’t talk about any of them.Ever.”To be fair, he never really asked Quinn about his old life.The nightmares seemed tospeak for themselves.Adam pushed his fingers through his hair before pulling Cullen closer, cuddling himclose to his side.“You’ve heard of Stockholm syndrome before, right?”Declan crossed his legs and drummed his fingers on the table.He’d been in aconstant state of stress since the first report had come from his father.“I don’t think thatapplies here.It’s not like he was kidnapped or anything, and they didn’t treat him well.Lord, you guys have seen the photos.”Adam rubbed the back of his neck, looking distinctly uncomfortable.“But he’s asubmissive and he has an overwhelming need to obey those dominant to him.What if thisis some demented plan by Seamus to gain a foothold in Ontario? What if Quinn isactually still loyal to Seamus?”Cullen looked at his boyfriend.“You can’t believe that.I mean, it’s Quinn,” Cullenexclaimed incredulously.Adam cracked his knuckles, something he always did when he was uneasy.Declanhad known these two men his whole life, had gotten into so many scrapes together heknew exactly when his friend was going to say something he didn’t like.“I’ve been doingsome research on male submissives.They are extremely faithful to their alphas andunlikely to change their loyalties.If Seamus had ordered Quinn to infiltrate the pack andbegin destroying it from the inside out, he’d probably do it.”“Are you insane?” Cullen yanked himself away from Adam and pushed to his feet,nearly knocking the chair over in his haste.“You’ve seen the photos of Quinn just afterhis rescue.You really think he would be attached to someone who stood by and simplywatched what happened to him without trying to help him?”Adam stood and tried to embrace Cullen.Cullen, for his part, was having nothing todo with it and stormed around the table to stand right next to Declan.He hunched overand planted both palms on the table, staring Declan right in the face, though still carefulnot to look him in the eye.“Tell me what you’re thinking.”“I think Adam is wrong.Quinn is a victim in this, not the villain.Anyway, he’salways been with me during the fires.” Declan growled on the last word.Unfortunately,he knew he couldn’t influence the opinions of others.“Fine,” Adam said, shuffling through the papers Declan had laid on the table.“Maybe he’s not loyal to his ex-alpha.But what about his cousin? Josh was next in line tobe alpha.Your dad sent something else in the report.He says the only reason Josh wasallowed to relocate was because Quinn admitted he was given the cell phone by Josh.”Cullen scoffed and paced around the room, ignoring Adam’s attempts to placate him.“Josh gave him a cell phone.So what? He did nothing to stop the abuse.How does thatinspire loyalty?”Adam finally succeeded in catching Cullen and holding him still.“You’re thinkinglike a dominant wolf.Quinn isn’t one, Cull; he’s a submissive.We can’t know how hethinks because he doesn’t think the same way we do.”Declan finally stood, watching Cullen struggle to extricate himself from Adam’sarms.“Both of you relax,” Declan ordered.Their struggle ceased instantly and theylooked at him expectantly.“Look, I don’t believe Quinn is to blame, but for his ownsafety, he needs to be confined to the house, especially since I think these fires aredesigned to flush him out.”Cullen shook his head.“Not a good idea, Dec.Look, he’s been getting used to thefreedom he has here.Besides, how is confining him to the house any different than whathis ex-alpha did to him?”Declan’s wolf bristled at the challenge to his order and he struggled for control.Cullen raised a very valid point.“The rest of the pack has already decided he’s toodangerous to be around.So, he’s going to be in the house until I say so.”Cullen paled and opened and closed his mouth as if he were trying to force somewords from his throat.A sweet, wonderful scent surrounded Declan and his body instantly readied for sex,cock hardening and balls filling.Oh shit.There was only one person who’d ever caused this sort of reaction in him.Howcould he have failed to hear Quinn coming back into the house? “Baby, what are youdoing here? I thought you were going to the mall.” He addressed the wall instead ofturning to face his mate.Shameful as it was, he was too scared at what he might see onQuinn’s face.“I forgot my wallet on the counter,” Quinn said in a quiet, ominous tone.Declan turned around and found exactly what he’d been dreading.Quinn had clearlyheard at least part of the conversation.Trina stood right behind him, a furious look on herface.“How much have you heard?”“Enough.Declan, you really believe I’m responsible for what’s been happening,don’t you?”“No, baby, I don’t.But…” What could he say? He didn’t want to scare Quinn, but healso didn’t want him wandering around alone.Most of the pack members had familiesand would put their children before their alpha’s mate if it came down to it.That was theway it should be, but Declan couldn’t risk his mate.Declan approached Quinn and gathered him close, flinching when Quinn stiffened inhis arms.Grief and guilt nearly smothered him.Quinn had never shown fear or any othernegative emotions in his presence before.Declan wished it could have been different.“Sexy, just to make sure everyone is safe, I need to keep you away from the pack.”Quinn sagged and Declan grunted as he tried to hold up his sudden weight.“Thepack already thinks I’m the reason for the fires, don’t they? That was why Carla was soweird about me being with Maya.”Declan didn’t have the heart to answer him truthfully.The pack adults had come totheir own conclusions days ago, which was why none of them had been around tosocialize.“Look, baby.Try to see things from my point of view.I have to think of thewhole pack, not just you.”Quinn nodded slowly and looked over his shoulder at Trina.“I’m sorry, Trina, but Idon’t feel like shopping anymore.I just want to go up to Declan’s room and veg for alittle while.”The scent of tears Quinn was barely holding in stung Declan’s nose, as did Quinn’sreference to their bedroom, but there was nothing he could do about it.Trina aimed aglare at Declan and patted Quinn’s back.“I understand, Quinn.Let’s go upstairs and I’llintroduce you to the wonders of online shopping.We’ll give that credit card a realworkout.”Quinn didn’t reply but followed Trina up the stairs, not looking back once.“Don’t worry, Dec.You’re doing the right thing,” Adam murmured [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]