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.“I agree.You need looking after.” He leaned forward as if he were going to kiss her and Serefina ducked to the left and pushed by Ice.“Thanks for the help,” she said and walked out the door.“Son of a bitch,” Ice stated.“What?” both Ace and Bull asked.“Marco was right.He said that when we met that special someone, we would know it.It’s Serefina.”Chapter 8Denis looked at the map he created on the computer.He had them all.The ones touched by the flames.The survivors.Two had moved not far from here, but the one who really caught his interest was nowhere to be found.It was as if she disappeared off the map entirely.He used his special abilities and the help of his master to identify them, research everything he could find out about the five of them.But this last one.The one with the powerful name stirred not only his interest but that of his master’s.Denis glanced at the notes by his computer.He had to finish up the master plans behind the condo fire and then they could maybe nab this woman, and take her with them.Or better yet, make her his last endeavor before retirement.He traced her name, Bing searched the meaning behind it.The burning one.The highest ranking flying angel of God that guarded the gates of heaven.You are mine.The fire within me will prevail against your power.You shall be mine.I prepare for your destruction.Serefina, Serefina, Serefina.* * * *Serefina awoke incredibly sore.Even the bath she took last night hadn’t seemed to help.She slowly got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom.When she looked at her shoulder in the mirror, she cringed.There was a huge bruise covering her entire shoulder and upper arm.She brushed her teeth, washed her face, and then brushed out her hair.As she pulled it back and to the side, she thought about yesterday, and of course about Ace, Ice, and Bull.It was so crazy.She had panicked.Completely freaked out that all three, very large, muscular men surrounded her in the small office.They were touching her gently and caring for her, but she had to ignore that.There were so many negatives about this.For one, she felt guilty.It had taken her forever to fall asleep last night and not just because she was aroused.She would think about Matt, and the fact that they had dated for months before they made love.She had wanted it to be meaningful, and he respected that.She was in love with Matt.She thought about marriage, kids, the whole thing with Matt, and suddenly he was gone.What confused her most was that she had even contemplated taking her own life.She felt so lost, so alone, and the pain was incredibly deep.It was like she lost her heart and soul.She wouldn’t wish that type of pain or loss on even an enemy.Serefina thought about their size next.Bull, Ice, and Ace were huge.That was the only way to describe them.They were tall, over six feet, and gorgeous.Ace was definitely older.That was another issue.She was twenty-three and he had to be in his thirties.Same for Ice and Bull.They were definitely in their thirties.So why would they be interested in a woman as young as her? Why would they want to share a woman?That was assuming they wanted to share her.She felt her cheeks warm, her nipples harden, and her pussy awaken just from the thought.Holy shit.This isn’t happening.I’ve never even considered such a relationship.Why would I now?It was crazy but the idea of liking all three men felt natural.It didn’t seem so strange or ludicrous.Maybe because she knew such relationships existed, and especially around here.Hell, even back in North Carolina there were such relationships.But still it didn’t seem right.She shouldn’t forget about Matt so easily.It was wrong.She was a terrible person.The tears hit her eyes as she looked at her reflection in the mirror.“I don’t deserve three men.I shouldn’t even be alive.Why did you take Matt and not me?” she asked for the umpteenth time since the fire.Tears rolled down her cheeks, and her heart ached.Serefina walked out of the bathroom and climbed back into bed.She heard her phone buzzing but she didn’t care.She felt confused and tired.She lay on her bed in her shorts and tank top until she had no more tears left to cry.When she heard the knock at the door, she wanted to ignore it.But then she heard her mom’s voice.“Come in!” she yelled, knowing her mom knew where the spare key was under the flowerpot by the door.A few seconds later she entered.“Hey, baby.How are you feeling?” she asked, walking into the room carrying two travel mugs of coffee and a covered plate.“Tired.” She sat up from the bed.“How is the shoulder?” Her mom passed her one of the mugs of coffee.“Hurts like a son of a gun,” Serefina replied and then took a sip from the mug while holding it with two hands.The phone on her bedside table vibrated again.“Who keeps calling me?” Serefina asked.Her mom walked closer, gently moved her daughter’s hair over, and looked at the bruise.She gasped and Serefina moved her hair back.“I know.It looks ugly.I’ll be wearing blouses for weeks to cover that.”“No, Serefina.I mean, yes, the bruising from the fall is bad but what about that scarring by the back of your neck and head?”Serefina looked at her.“Mom, when you, Dad, and the boys came out to see me after the fire and you were so worried and wanted me to come home, I kind of lied about the injury.It wasn’t just a bad cut.I was burned during the fire.I fell, on the landing, but flames shot up from below and singed my skin.”“Serefina, why wouldn’t you tell us? I mean you hadn’t even explained what exactly happened and how you got out.” Her mom sat on the bed beside her.She stared at her as tears filled her eyes.“Matt saved me.”“Oh God, baby.Can you tell me about that night?”Serefina shook her head.“Maybe it might help you if you talk about it.”“I don’t want to talk about it.Living through it was enough, Mom.I’m just confused right now.Or maybe feeling sorry for myself.”“Feeling sorry for yourself? Why would you feel that?”“I don’t know.I’m embarrassed by what happened yesterday at Sullivan’s.I think I’m going to call Florence and tell her to find someone else [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]