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."But what's the market price for silence?"To that, the sergeant major had no direct answer.Instead, he asked, "What's the market price for freedom?"Stauer considered that for a moment, then called for his operations officer."Waggoner?""Here, boss," Ken Waggoner answered, entering the main ops tent from his little side office tent, the two connected by saplings and tarps.Stauer pointed at a set of three really large chartboards on one wall of the tent.One had a map of the world.Another showed a coastal area of Africa.Between the two was a operational matrix with one hundred and twenty half inch lines running side to side, and a score of lines about four inches apart running top to bottom."I see that the Merciful has picked up the PSP at Manila, and is supposed to receive the helicopters this evening.Is Welch going to be aboard the choppers?"Waggoner shook his head."No.Welch, his team, and the Russkis that are part of Victor's business operation are going by air through Port of Spain.Victor says he needs his people in Guyana to help sort and forward what he's going to be sending us there.And I wanted ours here soonest to begin prep for the next stage.""Any word on the Elands?""We haven't updated that part of the board yet, but Victor's charter ship will finish loading them in a few days.They'll be containerized.The Israeli mechanics posing as sailors are already aboard, along with the parts required.Those were loaded in containers, too."Stauer looked worriedly at the charts."What's bothering you, boss?" Waggoner asked."Just not a lot of slack in the plan, is all."Waggoner rocked his head from side to side a few times, then admitted, "That's true, but we do have some backup plans if there's a delay in something critical.""What's your backup if we lose a helicopter while loading or enroute?" Stauer asked."Bend over and kiss my ass goodbye.""Good plan," Stauer conceded, sagely."A better one might be to have Gordo get a line on a replacement."D-105, 173 miles east of Kota Bharu,Malaysia (South China Sea)The sea was extremely calm, little more than a glass sheet, with perhaps a few minor imperfections.Moving at about four knots, just enough to maintain steerage, the ship was one hundred and seven feet in beam, plus a few insignificant inches.The rotor of Cruz's helicopter was just under seventy feet.Subtract from that one hundred and seven feet another sixteen feet for the double stacked containers lining the gunwales of the Merciful, plus about four more for the space between the exterior containers and the hull, and it left damned little space to land a helicopter in.They'd move both helicopters and containers once they were well out at sea, but for now Cruz and Kosciusko both wanted the things hidden from casual observation.Six feet on a side sounds like a lot, Cruz fumed, until you try to land one of these things in it.Well, at least the bitching ship's long enough.that, and the wind's not bad.Cruz flew low, his landing gear only a few feet above the water, the better to keep off anyone's radar.To either side of him, in a V formation, the other two Hips, one flown by Borsakov, the other by one of his old comrades, a Cossack by the name of Sirko, likewise flew low.The wash from his main rotor, and theirs, flattened the water below them, pushing it out into little, rimmed and smooth ponds within the sea.Ahead, the Merciful had normal running lights glowing, normal except for the infrared chemlights, visible only to someone with a night vision device, lining the side of the hull.That was his near recognition signal.His helicopter, too, showed infrared to the ship's bridge, though his was a design feature, not a hastily tacked on and highly temporary modification.These waters were among the most disputed bodies of sea in the world, with the Peoples Republic of China clashing with Indonesia over the area northeast of the Natuna Islands, with the Philippines over the Malampaya and Camago gas fields and Scarborough Shoal, and with Vietnam over the waters west of the Spratly Islands, not to mention disputes, sometimes flaring into violence, between Vietnam, the PRC, Taiwan, Malaysia, and the Philippines over the islands, themselves, plus the Paracel Islands.To mention just a few.And then there were the pirates, who generally avoided the contested areas like the plague, preferring to stalk or lie in wait for ships out in the main sea lanes.The local pirates had proven capable of making entire cargo ships disappear from public view under new names and paint schemes.Yachts were easier.This yacht, about the size of The Drunken Bastard, though narrower in beam, had been simplicity itself to rename and repaint.The pirates had not, however, then sold it.It was too innocent looking, too quiet in operation, above all too fast to let go.Instead, once having disposed of the owner, his family, and their crew, the pirates had kept it, the better to advance their own operations.Tonight the pirates planned a fairly low key operation.They intended to board the container ship they'd tracked since it left Manila, seize the petty cash in the ship's safe, and leave.They really weren't interested in cargo or holding the crew for ransom; their scouts at the docks who had seen the crew reported that it was, by and large, American.Seizing an American ship in waters where the U.S.Navy frequently operated was dangerous enough; taking the crew hostage was up there with swimming in shark infested waters with chunks of meat tied to one's ankles for sheer risk factor.Why this should be the one area that the Americans were willing to be forceful over as a matter of course, the pirates didn't know, not being devotees of domestic American politics.It was, in fact, that even a less than entirely successful hostage rescue proved a plus to presidential job approval rating, and the more a plus the more pirates were killed, while the less so as some were saved for trial [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]