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.Ahead, he could hear voices.He drew his hands and feet away from the sides of the branch conduit and let himself slip, landing in a heap in the electricians' shop, above the furnace rooms.Two men, who had been working at a bench, trying to assemble a mass of equipment into a radio, whirled, snatching weapons.Ray knew both of them—Sam Jacobowitz and George Nyman, who serviced the store's communications equipment.They both stared at him, swearing in amazement."All right, Doug!" Ray called out."We're in! Bring the gang down!"* * *Frank Cardon and Ralph Prestonby were waiting at the freight-elevator door when it opened and Russell Latterman emerged, a rifle slung over one shoulder.Cardon stepped forward and took the rifle from him."Come on over here, Russ," he said."And don't do anything reckless."They led him to one side.Latterman looked from one to the other apprehensively, licking his lips."It's all right; we're not going to hurt you, Russ," Cardon assured him."We just want a few facts.Beside rigging that business with Bayne, and almost killing Chet Pelton, and forcing Claire to blow her cover, how much did you have to do with this business?""And who put you up to it?" Prestonby wanted to know."My guess is Joyner and Graves.Am I right?""Graves," Latterman said."Joyner didn't have anything to do with it; didn't know anything about it.He's in charge of the Retail Merchandising section, and any action like this would be unethical, since Pelton's is a client of the Retail Merchandising section.All Graves told me to do was fix up a situation, using my own judgment, that would provoke a Literate strike and force either Claire or Frank here to betray Literacy.But I had no idea that it would involve a riot like this.If I had, I'd have stood on Literates' ethics and refused to have any part in it.""That's about how I thought it would be," Cardon nodded."Graves probably was informed by Literates with the Independent-Conservatives that this riot was planned; he wanted to get our people out of the store.Unfortunately for him, he wasn't present at the extemporary meeting that reversed Bayne's action in calling the strike." He handed the rifle back to Latterman."I just took this in case you might get excited, before I could explain.And you can forget about the Graves-Joyner opposition to Pelton.We had a meeting, right after noon.Lancedale gained the upper hand; Joyner and Graves are co-operating, now; the plan is to support Pelton and get on the inside of the socialized Literacy program, when it's enacted.""I still think that's a suicidal policy," Latterman said."But not as suicidal as splitting the Fraternities and trying to follow two policies simultaneously.I wonder if I could put a call through to Literates' Hall without some of these picture-readers overhearing me.""You've been out of touch, down in the cellar, Russ." Prestonby told him."Our telephone line's cut, and the radio is smashed." He told Latterman about the rocket attack on the control tower, which also housed the store's telecast station."So we're sandwiched, here; one gang has us blocked at the twelfth floor, and another gang's up on the roof, trying to get down at us from above, and we've no way to communicate with the outside.We can pick up the regular telecasts, but nobody outside seems to be paying much attention to us.""There's a lot of equipment down in the electricians' shop," Latterman said."Maybe we could rig up a sending set that could contact one of the telecast stations outside.""That's an idea," Prestonby said."Let's see what we can do about it."They went into Pelton's office.The store owner was still lying motionless on his stretcher.Claire was fiddling with a telecast receiving set; she had just tuned out a lecture on Home Beautifications and had gotten the mid-section of a serial in which three couples were somewhat confused over just who was married to whom."Nobody seems to realize what's happening to us!" she said, turning the knob again.Then she froze, as Elliot C.Mongery—this time sponsored by Parc, the Miracle Cleanser—appeared on the screen.".And it seems that the attack on Chester Pelton has picked up new complications; somebody seems determined to wipe out the whole Pelton family, because, only ten minutes ago, some twenty armed men invaded the Mineola High School, where Pelton's fifteen-year-old son, Raymond, is a student, and forced their way to the office of Literate First Class Ralph N.Prestonby, in an attempt to kidnap young Pelton.Neither Literate Prestonby, the principal, nor the Pelton boy, who was supposed to be in his office, could be found.The raiders were put to flight by the presence of mind of Literate Martha B.Collins, who pressed the button which turned in the fire alarm, filling the halls with a mob of students.The interlopers fled in panic after being set upon and almost mobbed—"Prestonby looked worried."I left Ray in my office, with Doug Yetsko," he said."I can't understand—""Maybe Yetsko got a tip that they were coming and got Ray out of the school," Cardon suggested."I hope he took him home." He caught himself just in time to avoid mentioning the platoon of Literates' guards at the Pelton home, which he was not supposed to know about."Don't worry, Claire; if anything'd happened to Ray, Mongery'd have been screaming about it to high heaven.That's what he's paid to do.""Well, I'll stake my life on it; if anybody tried to do anything to Ray while Yetsko was with him, you'd have heard about it," Prestonby said."It'd have been a bigger battle than this one."".Can't seem to find out anything about what's going on at Pelton's store," Mongery continued."Telephone and radio communication seems to be broken, and, although there is continuous firing going on inside the building, the city police, who have a cordon completely around it, say that the situation in the store is well in hand.Considering Chester Pelton's attacks on the city administration and particularly the police department, I leave to your imagination what they mean by that.We do know that a large body of unidentified plug-uglies whom Police Inspector Cassidy claims are 'special officers' are holding the conveyor line into the store at the downtown Manhattan terminal, and nobody seems to know what's going on at the other end—""They have the sections of both belts at the store entrance end wedged," Latterman said, coming up at the moment."Coccozello has a barricade thrown up across the store end of the tunnel, and they have a barricade about fifty yards down the tunnel.That's where I was fighting when you called me up.""Anything being done about gold-berging up a radio sending-set?" Prestonby asked."Yes.I just called Coccozello," Latterman said."Fortunately, the inter-department telephone is still working.He's put a couple of men to work, and thinks he may have a set in operation in about half an hour."".And if, as I much fear, Chester Pelton has been murdered, then I advise all listening to me to go to the polls tomorrow and vote the straight Anarchist ticket.If we've got to have anarchy in this country, let's have anarchy for all, and not just for Grant Hamilton and his political adherents!" Mongery was saying.* * *There was a series of heavy explosions on the floor above.Everybody grabbed weapons and hurried outside, crowding onto the escalators.The floor above was a shambles, with bodies lying about, and the descending escalator was packed with white-robed attackers, who had apparently prepared for their charge by tossing down a number of heavy fragmentation bombs [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]